Protecting the sanctity of marriage

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by Wolverine, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. Segep

    Segep New Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    Women just want to impurify our precious bodily fluids.
  2. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Well now you are contradicting yourself. First you said marriage isn't up to the daughter it is up to the father (since she is his property), then after they are married the wife must bow down to the husband (since she is his property now). This is God's law.

    You can't say women control the situation but are in servitude the entire time.
  3. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    LOLOLOL.. As I said.. SICK.

  4. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Women are "man eaters", who want to CONSUME the essence and spirit of men. It feeds women, gives them life. It is a spiritual retribution and karma, for the life milk we are fed from our mothers as infants. In so giving infants and children the milk of life, grown men give back this milk to women for consumption as the SPIRIT OF LIFE itself. But we must not waste our spirit, as this is SIN. We must not give into the temptation of SATAN and her earthly followers. Satan is a crafty devil, he is devious.

    Grown men, we must repress our sexual urges. This is the lesson of almost every CHRISTIAN sect since CHRIST was spawned on earth. As teenagers, as young boys, we learn the true lessons. We learn, as ADAM did, the KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. We know this by our lusts and desires. We know this by how we are misled to SIN, to give into a drug culture, a jewish and zionistic culture....pornography everywhere, sex on television, sexualizaiton of our children, peopdhilia all sex sex. This is the LURE, the TRAP. It is a lure set about by SATAN, don't fall into it!

    Learn the lessons from a REPENTENT SINNER!!! HEAD MY WARNINGS. Do NOT tread the dark path as I was MISLED by liars, my whole life. I can only WARN other men not to tread down the dark path, although none will listen, and most will cast my words out as false warnings. I DO CARE FOR YOU! And this is why I will become hated by all. You will hate me, because I care for YOU.

    We must begin to work together as a NATION of brothers and sisters. This is the only way we can survive the dark days ahead, and the time of our tribulations, are set.......dark waters are ahead. We are headed down a whirlpool which has no depth, no end, a singularity point, a black hole.

    But there is always HOPE, no matter how black and dark the caverns of HELL.
  5. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Sweet Jesus.. you are really sick.

  6. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Not actually, yes........women never actually control anything. BUT, some men, pray to the altar of women. There is a difference between serving "NATURE", as our pagan ancestors did, and serving "GOD". None can serve two masters. Do you aspire toward a more masculine ideal, or a feminine ideal? Do you desire to become MAN....or woman??? What's the difference?

    What is GOD if not our HOLY FATHER, CREATOR of all men???
  7. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Well now you are contradicting yourself. First you said marriage isn't up to the daughter it is up to the father (since she is his property), then after they are married the wife must bow down to the husband (since she is his property now). This is God's law.

    You can't say women control the situation but are in servitude the entire time.
  8. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Actually it is you who are "sick", spiritually. What do I preach and reaffirm here??? I am against SIN, resolutely and constantly. Nobody can doubt this. I only repeat the same, simple message, endlessly. Why am I "sick"? It is because YOU are actually the one who is sick, and caught with the flue, the virus of decadence and endless sex drugs. Do you understand?

    If you were not "sick", then you would accept what I'm saying as true, and back me. You would help me. But as you can see, I have NO ALLIES here, no help, nobody who agrees with me openly. Why is this?

    Because I preach something TRUE, sex for procreation purposes, ABSTAIN yourselves. Serve HIGHER VALUES and VIRTUE. This will cause all to HATE me, including you.....hypocrite.
  9. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    I responded to this read post #131.
  10. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Listen, guys, men, women, children, everybody......I know what you are ALL thinking. You're all thinking the exact same thing, every last one of you. Here's what you're thinking........"Where did this CRAZY psycho come from, out of what rock or CENTURY did he come from????" You need to understand a few things.

    Why was I SENT here, what is my PURPOSE? Okay. I was sent for a divine purpose, to PROTECT the sanctity of marriage. To most of you simple minded people, Marriage is "not serious". It's just a joke. And you treat it like treat family and marriage, as if it were something to be mocked. This is why you Zio-Libs hate marriage, hate Christianity, hate tradition and conservatism. But, you don't realize your true master, SATAN, who you serve ignorantly. Why do you serve Satan? It's because you all have YOUNG SOULS, young spirits. Your spiritual essence, is like that of a child. You don't see the big picture, history, morality, anything. You're ignorant to GOD and all the lives and traditions which have preceded you for AGES. Thousands of years of work, GOD has put into YOU, put into your NATION, your SOCIETY. And you just wnat to (*)(*)(*)(*) that all away??? You want to just throw away EVERYTHING that GOD has blessed you with, and given to you???

    You want to MOCK marriage, divorce freely, abort children freely, have your "GAY" slaves "MARRY" in "CHRISTIAN" Churches? Maybe God has a sense of humor, maybe not, who knows HIM???? Do YOU? No.....of course not, you Zio-Libs HATE God. WHO FULLY KNOWS ALL THE REASONS EXCEPT HIM??? I admit ignorance, okay. Some of the answers elude me. I'm fallible, man, prone to error, prone to you understand? I am a SINNER, imperfect, AS YOU ARE.

    But here's the difference......there comes a "breaking point". There comes a point where the laughter, the decadence, the hedonism, the MOCKERY of Christian principles....are all NO LONGER FUNNY. And nobody is laughing at the jewish, zionist jokesters and comedians. There comes a point where nobody is laughing at the comedians, and everybody just looks around blank's NOT funny. Do you understand??? And the decay of a nation REVERSES. And the entire ship changes directions. Do you understand what I'm saying?

    There is a breaking point, where, MARRIAGE deserves our RESPECT, and these sexual deviants, PERVERTS, ZIO LIBERAL FEMINISTS, have said too much, and gone too far. And we're just about there. Or, we're already there. OR, even worse, the levy has already broken, and the flood has begun....DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN???
  11. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Paganism is the founding ideology behind most religions. Moses learned about the ten commandments (24 actually) through his studies as an child of the pharaoh. Hell is based on Pagan beliefs. Christmas and Easter were pagan holidays long before they were adopted by Christianity.

    You mean God or Mother Nature, who could in reality be one in the same?

    That was decided for me, I really had no say in the matter, but I like being a male of the species, so whomever/whatever made the determination for me I concur.

    Well the female provides the egg, and the male provides the seed. It's a joint effort, one is nothing without the other, when it comes to reproduction and maintaining the existence of the species.

    Well there are more questions than answers when it comes to that. I don't claim to know everything, neither should you.
  12. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    I appreciate that, but I didn't post it twice only once.
  13. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    While I enjoyed the schizophrenic rant, you failed to address the points in you parody.
  14. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Well it sounds like you are about to predict a date for the end of times.

    I would interject that if society is indeed decaying, to a level worse than ever before, it is because the hypocrisy of organized religion, where it’s members have proven themselves to be incompetent at sharing/delivering that simple message. Instead of leading by example they have rippled the pond with discontent. If people are turning away from salvation it is because the messengers have become ineffective, and/or unbelievable, due to their own actions. You seem to be full of hatred and arrogance, most people would fear being so bitter, and judge mental, so they try to steer clear of the path you have taken.

    You claim to be a sinner, and assuming you are, you make mistakes. Is it a safe assumption that you have on occasions lied, cheated, and/or stolen from others? Have you taken more than one wife in your lifetime while the first is still with us? Do you succumb to the pleasures of the flesh, or over indulge yourself with vices of the planet, by not treating your body as the temple it is meant to be, smoke, drink, or eat too much of the wrong things?
  15. micfranklin

    micfranklin Banned

    Jun 13, 2009
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    Good thing America is run by the Constitution and not a theocracy like Saudi Arabia would be.
  16. micfranklin

    micfranklin Banned

    Jun 13, 2009
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    A figment of the imagination, for those people who truly don't believe in God or any religion in general. You don't have the right to impose your religions beliefs on other people.
  17. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    God is a masculine entity. Nature is a feminine entity. Those who pray to "Nature" are woman-worshipers, as the Judaic system purports. This is why the leaders of the Feminist movements are Ashkenazi jewish women. They worship "NATURE", not GOD. They are man-haters and GOD-haters. Atheists and most agnostics are also "NATURE" worshipers.

    I haven't "claimed to know everything". Just the opposite, in fact, I am SO IGNORANT of God. I wish I knew more about Him. I wish I could seek Him out more freely, know more of His knowledge and infinite wisdom.....I am merely man, mortal, ignorant, limited in my imagination. Imagine if our imaginations were unlimited, able to see into all things.....that would be a miracle.
  18. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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  19. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    There are many FALSE Christians running around, I agree. But that doesn't change anything I've said. AT LEAST the false Christians ACCEPT Christ though. That is a better beginning, then complete ignorance and rejection against God. Some are so narcissistic and vain, that they believe "atheism" and other satanic beliefs. They believe that they are "beyond morality", while copying Christian norms. They're hypocrites, and blind. Their rejection of all morality is dangerous, because it's complete ignorance.

    Atheists believe there is no power greater than man. This is so deluded and wrong and false, I don't know where to begin. Atheists are short sighted, they see Earth, and believe there is nothing greater or HIGHER. They do not believe in the celestial heavens. They are unaware that the universe is so big, and their egos, so small. GOD IS GREATER than them. They just don't understand.

    I have hurt others, and myself, both on accident, and on purpose. I have been through the thick and thin of life. I see, NOW, after age brings wisdom, how I was wrong, and where I ought to seek my forgiveness, repent for my SINS, and attempt to change myself, to move toward PERFECTION. As Christians, we must PERFECT ourselves, aspire to higher ideals, values, virtues than others. We lead by example.

    There are many false christians and false atheists. There are many snares, traps, liars, and satanists about.....but this has always been the obstacle course of TRUE CHRISTIANS. Our calling is a higher, superior calling. It is something far removed from women and children, Jews or Muslims, atheists.....whomever. All of them....have no value, no VIRTUE. They are not inspirational people....we Christians ARE.
  20. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    How, in the HELL, did you get that I promote "theocracy"????? Maybe you should actually read what I write, FOR ONCE. I'm a heretic, look up the word in your dictionary. I'm AGAINST theocratic corruption and church lies. I approve of our CONSTITUTION and follow it.

    Your ignorance is showing. You don't see how it's possible to obey both GOD'S LAWS and man's laws. Men's laws are actually easier to follow. God's Law is much, much more difficult to follow. Man's law is for the weak and stupid. The U.S. Constitution is "don't step on my toes, I won't step on yours" WHAT DOES THIS SAY ABOUT VIRTUES AND LIVING BY HIGHER VALUES????? NOTHING!!!

    The U.S. Constitution does not tell you what each citizen SHOULD do or OUGHT to do or HOW TO LIVE RIGHTLY AND JUSTLY......for these HIGHER, SUPERIOR need to consult your HIGHER POWER.
  21. Wolverine

    Wolverine New Member Past Donor

    Mar 22, 2006
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    There is no love in fear.
    - Pu(*)(*)(*)(*)

    I do not believe you have a sense of morality, however that is just me.
  22. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Just so no one forgets it the entire Bible was a creation of men that were highly superstitious and prone to believing in myths. There has never been any evidence of any "god" existing and yet different societies have believed in hundreds of different gods throughout history. There is no more evidence of "Jesus" being "god" than there is of "Thor" or "Zeus" being "god" as all of the god myths were created by man. Every religion created always stated it was the "real religion of god" and all others were fakes.

    How about everyone accept the simple fact that ALL Religions are based upon fake gods invented by very superstitious men.
  23. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    I'd say about everyone accepts that most religions are... but which is the one that isn't has been a point of contention for some time.​
  24. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    I think you are simplifying the nature/God thingy to suit your own prejudices. But if that’s what trips your trolley.

    The bold; sure would eliminate all the misconceptions anyway.
  25. Heretic

    Heretic Active Member

    Jul 11, 2011
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    Just because your father is a figment of YOUR imagination, and abandoned you at an early age.....doesn't mean that everybody else did not have a FATHER in their life. Many people have fathers who actually CARE for us....and don't abandon us. Some of us are not bastards. The reason why you see "GOD" is telling about your own relationship with YOUR father. YOUR father is invisible in YOUR life. That's why you, and many like you, hate GOD. It's because there are many bastard children running about these days.......not knowing who their TRUE fathers are.

    Again, not all of us are raised with fathers who abandoned us and didn't love us. SOME OF US, in our country, actually were raised by fathers. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine that SOME marriages last forever, and some men are actually family men, and lead by example?????

    I's hard to believe. SOME OF US don't come from broken homes where our parents hate us and abandoned us. SOME of us were born with loving, caring parents, who STAYED around.....I know......I know it's so hard for you people to believe. I KNOW!

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