If people are born gay and have no choice, what is there to be proud of? Nothing was done to be proud of. That concept makes no sense. Pride is something you feel when you’ve accomplished something. Saying you are proud to be gay is like saying you’re proud to be black, or white. You’ve done nothing to accomplish it because nothing has been accomplished.
That argument is faulty. They are not saying that they "accomplished" anything by being non-heterosexual. The "pride" they speak of is related to the fact that they openly admit they are non-heterosexual and don't hide that in secrecy and shame because of society's condemnation.
When is heterosexual pride month? Oh that's right.... We don't feel the need to go jamming our sexuality in everyone else's faces and saying look at me look at me!!!! So you are gay or queer.... Well good for you... Nobody really gives a damn. Big freaking deal just get on with your stupid life! I don't have to open openly admit I'm a heterosexual because nobody gives a damn except the person I'm in a relationship with. But you ought to see the things I do for love!
The argument is not faulty. There is nothing to proud of. Who cares if your gay. It’s not like you’re splitting atoms.
I was going to 'bump' my own thread I created in August 2019 which discusses this misunderstanding in depth, and what I see as the purposes of gay pride parades. Here is your answer. http://www.politicalforum.com/index...w-it-is-manifested-in-the-pride-march.560119/. If you have any questions after you read the OP, I will be happy to explain.
I have identified as gay for 43 years. You know, I am just not as patient with that kind of question, as I was 30 years ago, mostly because I suspect you have a pretty good clue yourself, having been around long enough to come up with a name like 'Captain Obvious'. If its not a not a genuine or serious discussion, I am not likely to want to entertain it. I deem that question beneath my time. This may not be productive after all.
It’s a very simple question. I chose to ask it sincerely from you as an obviously gay person. I’m not trying to strike a nerve, because I honestly want to know. What are gay rights exactly and how are they different than straight rights?
I will choose to believe in your sincerity and ask you to think on these two questions for a day or two more. I am sure you have seen references to the black civil rights movement, and the women's rights, etc and because you are a critical thinker sort, I have every confidence that you can figure these answers out with that context in mind. I just know you can do this!!
What they used to seek was public tolerance, general respect as an individual and self acceptance. Self acceptance is healthy and should be what everyone seeks. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-acceptance Pride, forced approval, and celebration, is a disgusting thing our culture is engaging in. Pride is not the same thing as acceptance. It's damaging and unhealthy of our society to find pride in things other than morals, values accomplishments, compassion, and other traits that lead people to choose goodness and exceptionalism in their lives, views, and the way they live.
I think you're misunderstanding the meaning. So there are two definitions of pride in this context one is feeling joy in your accomplishments in the other one is consciousness of one's own dignity. Gay pride is about the latter. Are you think they've chose the term gay pride because it rolls off the tongue better than the I'm not going to be ashamed of myself anymore parade.
So is it wrong to be proud to be American if I was born in this country and citizenship was automatic at birth?
That's not what happens at gay pride. Attendance isn't compulsory you don't have to go. And heterosexuality is jammed in our faces constantly. Every single movie as a heterosexual couple in it even children's programs have heterosexual couples in them. I see heterosexuals all the time sitting together looking at each other. There is a pride parade it's called Mardi gras. And that's all about jamming heterosexuality and everyone's face. The reason why there's not a heterosexual pride month is because we don't care. I don't whine constantly about all of this it doesn't matter. if it's not a big deal and you don't give a damn why in the hell are you crying about a parade. Just get on with your stupid life. Why do you have to be concerned about what people do that doesn't involve you? I've heard so much more whining and crying and snowflake melting from conservatives this year than I ever have before you care so much. you're lucky that nobody cares I wish that's what people would do with gay people. But everyone seems to care so damn much. You said a parade that doesn't happen in your living room that you're not forced to attend it's shoving it in your face. I wish I could go all pride month without heterosexuals reminding me about it being private because they're crying about it constantly. I desperately wish you people didn't care so much I don't know why you do.
There's more than one definition of a pride. https://www.google.com/search?q=def...droid-bullitt&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 So if you look at the second definition you'll see a list of words beneath it that are similar or synonyms The one I think that most fits the definition in this context is self worth. I don't expect you to understand this if you're not gay. Mini gay people have a hard time feeling self-worth and that's what the pride parade is for that's the show them how. If you don't want to understand it and you only want to accept the one definition of the word pride then just don't worry about it. It's not something you have to deal with so it existing doesn't hurt you in any way.
What are women's rights? What are black rights? What are Christian rights? It essentially boils down to the same answer (which is kind of the point).
It would be nice if people let them. But when trying to get on with their life, and taking a date out to dinner or a movie, propose to their love in public, kiss on the bus or train, all those things that heterosexual couples do when getting on with their lives, they are harassed and ridiculed and even beaten. If there were not people out there trying to make being gay something to be ashamed about, then there would not be a need to show pride. If you get rid of the former, then the latter will also go away.
Those are the common rights that have been denied to gays simply for being gay, much like the rights denied to blacks or to women before. Marriage is but one example.
They are more likely really saying that they're "not ashamed" because they are gay. Homosexuality has been around forever, and it was despised and castigated in most societies... but now that the planet is clearly overpopulated with humans, being homosexual has much less stigma attached to it. There is an 'undercurrent' of acceptance about homosexuality now that didn't exist in much of the world before the world became overpopulated.
I don't really understand why it's such a big deal to people. For instance terminology like born again yes stupid you can't go curl up inside of your mother and reconnect your umbilical cord and have her push you back out so there's no such thing as born again but if people want to use that term I don't care.
No they don't have a choice. They are attracted to both sexes, no choice. Otherwise they have the same choice as we all do; choosing when to act upon those attractions.
When you mash all the bullshit out of the issue, does it really matter who sticks what in who...? Let people get their 'jollies' with whoever doing whatever they like so long as it is all consensual. Think! Here we are, practically on the brink of a war with other nuclear powers that could get totally out of hand in a matter of days, our economy is ripening into a big toilet full of ****, courtesy of manipulation by our wonderous central bank, the Fed, since 2007, and, we've got a demented, senile half-wit as president who was never better than 'mediocre' on even his best day. So, again, what difference does it make who sticks what in who...?
Well, IMHO, and for reasons that would take a long time to go into, yes, I do think the world is overpopulated by humans. It doesn't mean I'm right and you're wrong, because this question has been the subject of hot debate for decades. I'm an old guy, Captain, and I can easily remember what many things in many places were like, say, fifty years ago. In 1972, when I was still in college, the population of the U. S. was 210 million... the population of the world was 3.8 billion. Today, based on latest counts, U. S. population is 332.4 million, and that of the world is 7.87 billion. You see the sharp increase... plus, as living standards increase for nearly everyone, more and more increasingly scarce resources of a thousand kinds are needed to adequately meet the heightened expectations and aspirations of all of us. Aside: I look back on the various systems and 'stuff' we had in our lives fifty years ago and it seems primitive compared to today. We all have lots more 'stuff', and only one world to get it from.... So, back on topic, in the overall scheme of things, it matters less and less who sticks what into who, doncha' think...?