PsyWar in the United States

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by Horhey, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. Horhey

    Horhey Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    The documentary also exposes specific cases of psychological operations used against the American public "of the kind the military conducts to influence a population in denied or enemy territory" (a senior S/LPD official proudly describing the psyops by the Office of Public Diplomacy during the CIA-Contra war, "NSC OVERSAW CAMPAIGN TO SWAY CONTRA AID VOTE, The Miami Herald, July 19, 1987).

    When the state loses the ability to control the population by force they have to control what people think. So basically the elites use the multibillion $$$ public relations industry to prevent a "Crisis of Democracy". The Trilateral Commission report concluded that the United States needs "a greater degree of moderation in democracy . The effective operation of a democratic political system usually requires some measure of apathy and noninvolvement on the part of some individuals and groups." And you cant discourage involvement without a sophisticated propaganda system, which dates back to the turn of the century beginning with Edward Bernays, known as the 'father of public relations.'

    Im going to be looking at these issues more closely. This is very serious.
  2. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    They change people's thinking, but also their minds (psychologically), this is the most dangerous part of the psywar that started in 2000.

    Their strongest psywar operation is never mentioned, all the artificial stuff on television and more and more around us (taking away the natural world, the green), and using the same psywar (everything the same) as was used in German, the red, white/grey and black (or a combination with black and a colour, black is never left out), it works like repeating a commercial on and on for weeks, the mind of the consumer is programmed, and the consumer buys more of that article (unconsiously) But what we see today is a continues psychological war, people's minds are continuesly exposed to all this red, white and black and artifical stuff (it's not modern, and not fashion, it stays), most people have accepted this new world they have created around us, this is how the masses slowly but surely all started to become the same (psychologically, thus unconsiously), they all have accepted this new world (a world they can't see, think it's modern, while empire is thousands of years old, it's not new at all (while it's all brand new) And all this came gradually over the pas decade. The younger people is the group that didn't knew the (old) world before 2000, so they accept this new unnatural surrounding even faster. This how they again can create the same youth as under Hitler one day (lots like this this 'modernity', this fashion), because one doesn't notice that it is happening, while the psychological process is going on continuesly. The so called 'new world order' is very old empire. The colours red and black were also seen in the Roman empire (centurions), they repeat it once again, and again the masses have no idea what is happening to them (psychologically)

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