On Feb 24th 2022 Pres Putin of Russia invaded Ukraine and started the war On June 16th 2016 the documentary 'Ukraine on Fire' about the war in Ukraine came out How did the documentary film come out before the event?
Oliver Stone's 'Ukraine on Fire' is a doc about the conflict in 2014 where the West funded a political revolt against the Russian-friendly Ukrainian govt and Russia responded by invading (or defending, depending on the persective) their interests in the region before the Western-friendly new govt could cut them off. Its a very good doc. I highly recomend it. It very relavant to the current war there, but it isn't about the current war there.
That adds a lot of useful detail, but I think it still runs contrary to the narrative fed to the public by Joe Biden that Ukraine was peaceful and that the peace was broken by Pres. Putin moving in military units. Joe Biden: "The Russian military has begun a brutal assault on the people of Ukraine without provocation, without justification, without necessity. This is a premeditated attack" As the documentary 'Ukraine on Fire' points out, the fighting began in Feb 2014 with actions taken by the U.S. The 'without provocation, without justification, without necessity' statement is not true.
I would suggest the correct chronology is: Feb 2014 Victoria Nuland and CIA overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine, concealing it behind a peaceful crowd and fireworks and US funded snipers. Subsequently the US picked government made the Russian language unlawful for many purposes, and the UAF fired artillery shells into the civilian areas in Donetsk and Luhansk. In mid 2021 Biden and Congress sent large quantities of artillery shells to the UAF, and salaries for the large army. 16 Feb 2022 the large shipment of artillery shells reached the front lines and were used to attack civilian areas of Donetsk. 23 Feb 2022 Pres. Putin warned he would send in military forces to protect the civilians 24 Feb 2022 Pres. Putin did send in forces both to protect civilians and a force down toward Kyiv. 24 Feb 2022 Biden claimed Putin had moved in forces for no reason. There are of course a ton of other details, but to claim Putin had no reason to move in forces was absurd, and to assert that his action on Feb 24 2022 started the violence violates causality
To make the non-existent invasion of Europe sound plausible, the Biden Administration has stationed huge military forces in Poland, Romania and the Baltic states as though to stop the Russian Federation, which has for a year and a half shown no interest in moving further West, other than along the Russian-speaking areas on the coast. But there is a cost to our anti Putin gesture: our forces are in the wrong place to 'project power' in the Middle East.
Sure, if I murdered someone for sleeping with my wife, I technically had a reason to do it. How that means I am justified in committing the illegal act according to the people around here beats the hell out of me. Btw it’s been clearly evident for a while now that Russias plan has never been a one and done with Ukraine but simply the starting point on a larger scale against its neighbors. so now I’m not only justified in murdering someone for sleeping with my wife, I get a free pass to murder however many people I feel like and the clowns of the world will blame my wife cause she started it. Fin A.
Oh yeah that makes perfect sense. Apparently the EU is so sure that Russia will invade after ukraine that every border state of Russia as well as most of the other EU countries as well as the Brits have sent most of their munitions and a lot of their arms to ukraine, leaving themselves practically defenseless. The propagandists tell you that Russia is heading for the English Channel yet they give up their weapons. Think about it. It's BS.
Because Biden ordered Nato troops to dress as Russians and invade the Ukraine and when the Russians sent troops in to help the Ukrainians Nato quickly withdrew and blamed the Russians. The Ukraine couldn't tell the difference and mistakenly attacked the Russians who are only now defending themselves?
t Really? Like what? Besides which those nations are members of NATO which gives the U.S. the right to deploy its forces there.
Yangforward Oliver Stone is prescient? He spent his year in Vietnam just like I did. Being in such military aggression scenes teaches one much about government behavior. The Putin Interviews | Vladimir Putin vs. Oliver Stone | SHOWTIME Documentary - YouTube I hope you can watch this. Putin is a smart and principled man.