This illustrates what the aircraft would look like as it penetrated the tower wall, note that the wing tips, once separated from the body of the aircraft would not have the KE to penetrate the wall, nor would it be at all probable that the wing tip should penetrate, because it would be free to rotate and thus the least likely scenario would be for the wing tip to penetrate. However the official story states that on 9/11/2001 for a total of 4 instances of this action, the wing tips consistently penetrated the WTC wall(s). go figure.
so you support the official story because? Just the fact of seeing the gashes in the sides of the WTC towers doesn't in any way explain how said gashes got there.
Lack of physical evidence that any aircraft crashed into either tower, the facts of the crash & alleged penetration of the building by (?) laws of physics + logic and reason ( Probability ) All of the science points to an alternate explanation that does not include hijacked airliners. Why should the wing tips have penetrated given the conditions that I have outlined in my original post? and not only once, but four times the same sort of extraordinary act was done, how do you account for that?
Given that standard procedure in any aircraft crash is to collect up the aircraft bits and inventory what they have and check for serial numbered parts to verify the maintenance history of the aircraft in question, exactly what was done on 9/11/2001? What value is it to have somebody point to a piece of aluminum and say "that is an aircraft bit, and its from FLT11 because it could be from no other" when in fact the proper way to know what parts are what, is to take everything back to a hanger where the parts are laid out in order so as to see how much of the aircraft can be accounted for. In the case of the airliners alleged to have been hijacked and crashed on 9/11/2001 no organized accounting has been done, or if any has been done, it has not been made public, why the secrecy if such an accounting has been done? In a crash scene where a hijackers passport was recovered but the flight recorders of FLT11 & FLT175 were not, whats up with that? This whole thing is a cover-up, a huge white-wash job.
There are no 'serial numberd parts',other than Boeing part numbers,which were plentiful. If you want the maintenace history,all you need to do is look at the maintenance logs as required by the FAA. Try again.
So if as you state, none of the parts in an airliner have unique serial numbers this then makes it OK for there to be a total lack of any accounting for the parts? That is what means was used to determine if any given bit of aluminum was a part of FLT11 or FLT175 or was just happened to be a scrap of metal that was at the site? I'm serious, what physical evidence of there having been any of the alleged hijacked airliners is there? where is it?
Did you look at the picture,? the wing tips would have arrived at the wall later than the rest of the wing because of the design of said wing. and after the penetration event ( that BTW would include the wing encountering two 4" thick steel reinforced concrete decks edge on ) had progressed to the point just before the wing tips were to contact the wall, the rest of the wing would have been eroded away, therefore no support at all for the wing tip, the smaller mass would have smaller KE and thus insufficient energy to penetrate the wall, and even more than that, the probability of the wing tip penetrating the wall is very small because there are so many other out-comes not only possible but more probable than to have the wing tip penetrate and disappear inside the building.
They found bits of it all over the WTC site and surrounding blocks,If it was like flight 93,the 'bits' were turned over to the airlines Besides,what other planes could they be,It's not like they had a whole raft of hijacked jets other than the 4
Given the outrageous lack of documentation in this area, the alleged airliner parts could be a half ton to a ton of material, that may or may not properly match up with what should have been airliner wreckage, however without any proper accounting for it, how does anyone know for certain that the "wreckage" was actually a load of scrap bits that had been planted as evidence to convince people that an airliner had been used as a weapon? I'm very serious here, and to address the "turned over to the airlines" claim, I'm very skeptical of that because in the case of any criminal investigation, all sorts of privately owned property is kept by the authorities as evidence in their on-going investigation, so it doesn't make sense to simply ship everything back to the airlines. My question stands, where is the accounting for the aircraft bits? if there ever was an airliner crashed at the WTC, or PENTAGON or Shanksville, where is the accounting for the airliner? Is it to be assumed that anything that even resembles an aircraft part was simply packed up and shipped back to the airline without some sort of inventory of what they had? The potential for fraud here is enormous, and the evidence does NOT support any such claim of there having been hijacked airliners used as weapons. WHY is it that the video evidence of "FLT175" clearly shows something that if taken at the word of the mainstream media, constitutes a violation of the laws of physics and NO the argument " OH but it was going S0000 FAST " is not valid.
How do you know what the tips came in contact with? They were traveling at the same speed as the plane. Therefor they had the same KE as any aluminum skin with various structural entities behind them. Have you considered the softest part of the wing tips would have folded backwards yet still had sufficient forward momentum to enter the building through the hole created by the wings to which it was attached? Have you considered they may have sheared off and dropped to the street like crumpled beer cans and then covered by tons of rubble and fire after the collapse? You seem to be musing these problems with a flat one dimensional thought process.
like Holocaust Deniers, 9-11 Deniers are notorious for refusing to accept any amount of evidence, regardless of how convincing, that planes crashed into WTC 1 & 2 and the buildings came down due to impact damage, fire damage, weakened steel, and gravity.
KE is a function of Velocity and Mass, therefore at the time the wing tips became disconnected from the rest of the aircraft, the ONLY mass to consider would be that of the wing tip independent of anything else. It was alleged that the wing tips made their own bit of the gash making the gash in the side of the WTC full length of the wingspan of the aircraft, also you say that the wing tips could have broken off and fallen to the street, but then that does not account for the full length gash in the side of the tower. Also, upon excavation of Ground Zero, wouldn't concentration of aluminum bits be noticed and cataloged as aircraft parts and therefore add to the accounting for the aircraft? however since no real accounting for the aircraft exists, why bother, right?
Please be so kind as to provide a link to DOCUMENTATION of the aircraft bits such as to prove that FLT11, FLT175, FLT77 & FLT93 indeed crashed in the locations alleged by the mainstream media.
so you haven't seen any of the photos of the plane wreckage found around Ground Zero? sounds like you haven't been doing very much research into 9-11.
I shall do no such thing. If you haven't seen the photos by now, I have zero interest in enabling your denial. Its 2014 bro, your side lost a long time ago.
So in other words, you got nothing, if there was proof of there having been airliners crashed at the various sites, it would be at somebodies finger-tips and they would be ready to post it on any forum that requested it, however the fact is that there is insufficient evidence to prove airliners crashed at the various sites at all.
Again, there isn't any evidence, because if there had been evidence, you would have been quick to post a link and say there, I told you so, but the evidence doesn't exist. 9/11/2001 was a huge fraud.
Oh there's evidence,You just seem to be too stubborn or deluded to see it,And a Ron said,If you haven't seen the pictures in 12 years of spouting your truther nonsense,I'm not going to enable you.
The last time I asked for proof, I was given a link to pix of a dumpster with a mass of rubble, and this was allegedly an accounting for "FLT93" REALLY? this is an accounting? how does anyone know if the bottom layer of the dumpster isn't filled-in with scrap that isn't aircraft bits, rocks, dirt ( etc... ) from the crash site and therefore the estimate of having recovered 90% of the airliner is totally bogus. I'm talking about an inventory of aircraft bits, like is done for any other airliner crash. The opposition can not produce any documented accounting for the aircraft bits, because the airliners are a FRAUD.