Ready for Hillary?

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Smartmouthwoman, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    If her number is up and there is a chance they can actually make a good run, they will not be the GOP choice. I believe there will be one more democrat before the powers to be make another command decision and send in a pinch hitter, that grabs the heart of the staunch sheeple on the right, like Reagan did or the second coming of Bush that turned out to be a wash.

    I imagine whoever it is will lose by only a few points just like Obama did, ON paper anyway.
  2. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    That's exactly the type of sniveling dishonesty that inevitably betrays the wacko birds.

    Clinton's actual words to Senator Johnson were:

    Clinton: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator. Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this, but the fact is that people were trying in real time to get to the best information. The IC has a process, I understand, going with the other committees to explain how these talking points came out. But you know, to be clear, it is, from my perspective, less important today looking backwards as to why these militants decided they did it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we’ll figure out what was going on in the meantime.

    Johnson: OK. Thank you, Madame Secretary.
  3. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Forget the CIA operation in Behghazi. The pifflewits will probably be blaming Hillary Clinton for the lax security that allowed terrorists to slaughter 241 US military personnel in Lebanon.
  4. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    You mean right before she said we'll figure out what happened and prevent it from ever happening again??

    Have we figured out what happened yet?
  5. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Let me guess...same "powers that be" that killed Kennedy and hid the alien bodies from the Roswell Crash?
  6. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Why Goebbels proved, no lie can be big enough. They try to blame Bill for 9/11...with Dubya in office for 9 months. Why not blame Hillary for Reagan's debacle in Lebanon in 1983???

    And they WORSHIP him.
  7. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    Yeah she will definitely be the nominee.

    If she is anything like Bill, I would rather have her than Bush or Mitt. Well, second term Bill I suppose...

    Will be interesting to see who she goes against.
  8. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    So you think they save the "good witnesses" for after the election?
  9. JoeSixpack

    JoeSixpack New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    If they are the same people who run the elections and count the votes, then I guess so.

    Who do you believe killed Kennedy and/or hid the alien bodies from the Roswell crash? Surely those folks are not committing election fraud in this day and age? :roflol:
  10. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    We know know this much (which would take Issa's "investigation" in a direction that would not serve his agenda):

    The Benghazi “consulate” was not a consulate at all, but basically a secret CIA operation. Only seven of the 30 Americans evacuated from Benghazi had any connection to the State Department; the rest were affiliated with the CIA.

    (The official reports, such as the one from the Accountability Review Board and the Senate Homeland Security Committee report, skirted around that uncomfortable fact: “In December 2011, the Under Secretary for Management approved a one-year continuation of the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, which was never a consulate and never formally notified to the Libyan government.”)

    So, from the State Department perspective, this was an attack on a CIA operation, quite likely by the same folks that the CIA was battling, and the ambassador tragically was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, for obvious reasons, the administration could not publicly admit that Benghazi was a secret CIA effort, with an insignificant State component as a "front."

    Of course, we also learned that the controversial talking points were originally developed by the CIA at the request of a member of the House Intelligence Committee.

    It's easy to see why Issa would have been told, "Don't go there," as the truth of the situation emerged, and was taking him in a direction neither he, nor the CIA wished to go.
  11. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    So who are you ? The leader of a Muslim Brotherhood group ? Or the leader of an al Qaeda group affiliated with the killers of the 4 Americans in Benghazi ? Their family members must vomiting, reading what you have to say.

    Yeah the facts came out on Bengazi all right. The facts that needed security requested by the consulate was denied by Hillary. Help for the consulate was told to stand down. FEST assistance specifically designed for this type of thing was not called into action, despite the fact that the attack went on for 8 long hours. Yes, they came out, and Hillary admitted that she botched this whole tragic catastrophe, and you think she should run for president of the US ? Are you nuts ? And all of that is even without mentioning her atrocious record with the Muslim brotherhood, which she is very friendly with (are you OK with THAT too ?), if not an active member of the Muslim Brotherhood herself, and if she isn't, she might as well be, with her record.

    And there is plenty more information yet to be revealed, that the administration is covering up, and both of these anti-American issues.
  12. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    In other words, a TON OF EVIDENCE. God, it gets tiring in here arguing with ignorant fools who don't take the time to research anything and then come stumbling in here as ignorant as a rock and mouthing off like they know something. Dude, what is wrong with you ? Huma Abedin's deep Muslim Brotherhood's connection is WELL-KNOWN FACT, and those facts are all in the LINKS (which you didn't bother to click and read ?)

    So I guess I have to do ALL YOUR WORK and spell it all out here for you, just because you're too stinking LAZY to do it yourself, right ? And what's with "better evidence for the supposed past radical Islamist involvement". What's the matter ? These links don't work for you ? You doubt she was MSA, IMMA, and JMMA, and hooked up with the people I said she was ? Caution: doubting well-known facts makes you look stupid. OK ? Got that ? :roll:

    Being that the Muslim Brotherhood is the #1 subversive, Islamist organization in America, composed of dozens of front groups, and whose goal is the destruction of America (and all of Western civilization), it would seem strange that members of the Brotherhood could be found in the Obama administration, but that's exactly where they are. And at the highest levels too.

    Here's the rogue's gallery:

    1. Huma Abedin - Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, “has three family members–her late father, her mother and her brother–connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations. In addition, before becoming Hillary Clinton’s deputy, she was herself directly associated with a Brotherhood organization, the Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs, an organization founded and funded by Abdullah Omar Naseef, a major Muslim Brotherhood figure also involved in the financing of al Qaeda.
    Since Abedin has held this position, an awful lot of pro-Muslim Brotherhood things have been happening at the State Dept. A Fulbright scholarship was awarded to Siham al-Qaradawi, the daughter of Sheikh Qaradawi, an Islamist scholar, and spiritual leader of thr Muslim Brotherhood, who's banned from the USA, UK, and France. While the sheikh’s daughter is said to be an exceptional chemist, the world is full of exceptional chemists. How is it that Qaradawi’s daughter gets the State Department prize?
    And since Secretary Clinton’s tenure began, with Huma Abedin serving as a top adviser, the United States has
    aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood in myriad ways. To name just a few (the list is by no means exhaustive):
    1. Our government reversed the policy against formal contacts with the Brotherhood;
    2. funded Hamas;
    3. continued funding Egypt even after the Brotherhood won the elections;
    4. dropped an investigation of Brotherhood organizations in the U.S.
    5. that were previously identified as co-conspirators in the case of the Holy Land Foundation financing Hamas; 6. hosted Brotherhood delegations in the United States;
    7. issued a visa to a member of the Islamic Group (a designated terrorist organization) and hosted him in Washington because he is part of the Brotherhood’s parliamentary coalition in Egypt;
    8. announced that Israel should go back to its indefensible 1967 borders;
    9. excluded Israel, the world’s leading target of terrorism, from a counterterrorism forum in which the State Department sought to “partner” with Islamist governments that do not regard attacks on Israel as terrorism;
    9. pressured Egypt’s pro-American military government to surrender power to the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood parliament and president just elected by Egypt’s predominantly anti-American population.
    10. And then of course, Benghazi.
    Makes us wonder >>> Hypothetically, if Huma Abedin did have a bias in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, and if she were actually acting on that bias to try to tilt American policy in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, what exactly would the State Department be doing differently?

    In case anyone is unacquainted with Huma Abedin's Muslim Brotherhood (and al Qaeda) connections, this is for you >>> bad guys (MB-connected) in red

    She was an executive board member of George Washington University's (GWU) Muslim Students Association (MSA-the founding Muslim Brotherhood front group in America), heading the organization's “Social Committee.” A couple of the names that passed through that GWU-MSA were Anwar al-Awlaki, tha al Qaeda advisor who mentored Major Nidal Hasan, who killed 13 US troops in Fort Hood, TX, and who himself was assassinated by US drones. Another was Mohamed Omeish, who headed the International Islamic Relief Organization, which has been tied to the funding of al Qaeda.

    From 1996-2008, Abedin was employed by the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) as the assistant editor of its in-house publication, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA). It is vital to note that IMMA's "Muslim Minority Affairs" agenda was, and remains to this day, a calculated foreign policy of the Saudi Ministry of Religious Affairs, designed, as journalist Andrew C. McCarthy (also the prosecuter of the1993 World Trade Center bombers/jihadists) explains, "to grow an unassimilated, aggressive population of Islamic supremacists who will gradually but dramatically alter the character of the West." The first seven of those years overlapped with the al Qaeda-affiliated Abdullah Omar Naseef's active presence at IMMA. Abedin's last six years at the Institute (2002-200 were spent as a JMMA editorial board member; for one of those years, 2003, Naseef and Abedin served together on that board. When Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State in 2009, Abedin became her deputy chief of staff. At approximately that same point in time, Abedin's name was removed from the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs' masthead.

    Her family members' connections to the Muslim Brotherhood are just as factual. Her brother and sister still remain as editors of the JMMA. Her mother, Dr. Saleha Abedin , is an influential member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s division for women, the Muslim Sisterhood. She is also a zealous advocate of sharia law’s oppression of women, and a board member of the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief. The IICDR has been long banned in Israel for supporting Hamas. It is also part of the Union for Good, which is a formally designated international terrorist organization under federal law. The Union for Good is led by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the chief sharia jurist of the Muslim Brotherhood. He is the world’s most influential Islamic cleric, and has issued fatwas endorsing suicide bombings against Israel and terrorist attacks against American forces in Iraq.

    And by putting my own OP as a source, I was relying upon the assumption that you would be intelligent enough to review that WHOLE source, including it's sources (which I have AGAIN posted in this post). Maybe I was a bit hasty in granting you that confidence. In 3 years in PF, I have listed my own OP as a source (filled with other sources) probably over 200 times. You are the ONLY ONE who ever came up with the lamebrain response of "Your source is yourself?" HA HA HA. Got to think a little harder there, don. :roll:
  13. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Wow, you have access to all this information that the American people don't have, do you have a special imaginary friend that gives you all this, or are you just a dupe of the right wing noise machine.
    You may have missed this, but congress held hearings, and Clinton herself testified under oath, and all the rational people are satisfied that there's nothing there, it's only a lunatic fringe that harbors these views that you so proudly display.
    But tell me, when you take your meds, do these feelings about Hillary go away for a while?
  14. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    ha ha. Are you delusional ? Nothing I've said is anything different from what is publicly known, including Hillary's open confession that she was responsible for all the things I mentioned. So are you really coming in here and trying to say that needed security requested by the consulate was NOT denied by Hillary ? Or that help for the consulate was NOT told to stand down ? Or that FEST assistance specifically designed for this type of thing, WAS called into action ? You've got to be kidding. right ? Either that or you're deeply embedded in an MSNBC mind-warping. These "views",as you call them are not views, they are the FACTS. Wow, could MSNBC really have gotten this bad lately ?

    How about the Susan Rice appearances on 5 separate TV shows to lie, and say an anti-Muslim movie caused the attacks ? You want to debate that too ? You think that is somebody's "view" ? LOL. And how about all the congressional testimonies from the security people. You think they're lying ? How about Eric Nordstrom ? The former regional chief security officer for the State Department, who told the committee his pleas for more security were ignored. Want to claim he's lying or has some king of wrong "view".

    And how about Ambassador Stevens‘ deputy, Gregory Hicks, who testified that he spoke with Hillary on the night of the attack, when these orders were given. He said he was initially told by the State Department not to meet with congressional investigators. Want to dispute Hicks too ?

    And why wasn't Hillary fired for all this incompetence and dereliction of duty, which she openly admits (click the video and watch her say it herself). 20 years ago, Bill Clinton's Sect. of Defense, Les Aspin, got the boot after his denial of aid, for US troops in Mogadishu, Somalia, that resulted in 18 Americans soldiers dead, 80 wounded and two American helicopters shot down. That aid had been requested a month earlier by then-Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff Colin L. Powell. He requested soldiers, tanks and armor-plated vehicles.

    One doesn't need to take "meds" to see the similarity between Mogadishu and Bengahzi, except that Aspin left the govt. in disgrace, and some airhead Americans actually think this irresponsible idiot (Hillary) should run for president of the US. Bad state of affairs this country is in. :roll:
  15. goober

    goober New Member

    Sep 22, 2008
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    Then why is Clinton the most respected politician in America and the front runner for 2016?
    Why is it that the vast majority of Americans interpret the facts differently than the small delusional minority to which you belong?
  16. Dispondent

    Dispondent Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 5, 2009
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    Meh, Hillary is too old and simply too unattractive to have a serious shot... It's a rockstar world, by liberal design, so it ain't going to happen... Live with your monster, you created it...
  17. liberalminority

    liberalminority Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    Hilary Clinton is the Margeret Thatcher of the liberals
  18. protectionist

    protectionist Banned

    May 3, 2011
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    The vast majority of Americans don't know the facts. They don't watch the hearings. They don't pay much attention to politics, and they just know that Hillary was Bill's wifey, and a Senator and Sect of State (maybe they know that). Once the word gets around about Benghazi and Hillary Jr,. and their Muslim Brotherhood, she'll be doing computer work from home under an alias. Now is one thing. If she runs, the Republican candidate will have a field day with her record.

    Yeah, that too. :giggle: Old hag for President! Nah. Doesn't work.
  19. Dispondent

    Dispondent Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 5, 2009
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    Actually Clinton started it all, with the modern rockstar thing, then American Idol and all that demanded our presidents be young and appealing, which Hillary simply is not.. Seriously, a souped up Kermit the Frog could beat her, she's simply too old and too unattractive now. She was pretty hot 20 years ago, I won't lie, she was, but NOT NOW... We aren't England, we won't put a hag in office for no reason, and after the Obama fiasco, why would anyone vote D?
  20. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Hil will be 69 by election day 2016. Harry Reid & Nancy Pelisi will be 76.

    Democrats... the party of relics.
  21. LivingNDixie

    LivingNDixie New Member

    Feb 15, 2013
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    You folks are too busy debating silly things, someone made a reference to who might run, well NPR and their book blog have a major hint... Kristen Gillibrand. Granted she said she supports Hillary, but if Hill doesn't run it gives Hill a chance to endorse someone. Getting a endorsement from Hillary would be important. And like the blog states a book/memoir is the MO for future candidates.
  22. Pregnar Kraps

    Pregnar Kraps New Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    That's pretty snarky, 'Smartie.'

    I like it!

  23. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    LOL, snarky is good!

    Hil's a little old for a sex scandal, but maybe she could hook up with another Weiner online. Everybody's young and beautiful on the 'net!
  24. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    I wonder if SARAH PALIN fans will say that in 20 years???
  25. Idealistic Smecher

    Idealistic Smecher Banned

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Hillary could collapse just like Giuliani who was supposed to be the big frontrunner.

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