Well, he saw that it was inevitable that black folks were going to become a significant political force, no matter what he did. He was smart enough to know that he could either continue to resist it, as he had his entire political career, or he could support it and try to turn it to democrats favor. Really, it was the only rational decision. If you can't compose a reply devoid of childish adhom and "A5" ridicule, please don't bother.
Why should this crass opportunist, racist, and craven political animal that you describe, give a rats ass what happens in politics after blacks gain full access, when he was already in the office he craved, and was likely to retire in before he got any real benefits of this grand scheme to buy votes for the party in the late 60's, with an agenda he supported as a freshman congressman in Roosevelt's day? If you can't compose rational thoughts and communicate them then please don't bother.
LBJ was smart. He knew how to get votes. He also had empathy for people who were less fortunate than he was. The programs he started helped ALL poor people, of every race and ethnicity. I wonder why some people think the "freeshit" was only to help Blacks?
I imagine they would. It would, however, be in the best interest of black folks for them to split their vote between the two major parties. The way it is now, democrat politicians take them for granted, and republican politicians view them as a lost demographic. Neither have any motivation to give much more than lip service to black folks for their vote; because they already know how black folks will vote: solidly democrat. If blacks were more independent as a demographic, then the republican and democrat political class would battle over them in more substantive ways than just lip service. Their vote would be worth fighting over.
No argument there. LBJ was unquestionably a brilliant political mind. He was a racist; a REAL one. He had no empathy for black folks. All you have to do is read the words he used with his friends in private to understand that. It helped them in much the same way as giving a bag of heroin to a junkie helps him. It keeps him alive, gets him through another day, but does nothing but worsen the underlying condition. In the case of LBJ, it was because he said: "I'll have those ******s voting democrat for the next 200 years!" Today, more "freeshit" is being used for the same reason; to enslave anyone who will ignore history to single party government dependence, and doom them to the same victimhood that the black demographic finds itself in.
Because he famously vowed to "...have those ******s voting democrat for the next 200 years". Legacy. One doesn't plant a majestic oak for oneself, he plants it for the benefit of generations to follow. Since you have declined to debate respectfully, this shall be my last reply to you on this topic. Don't misconstrue this as a concession of point.
LBJ didn't say anything about Blacks that other Presidents before him didn't say. Do you think he made up the word ******? Do you think he was the only racist President? Go read up on Woodrow Wilson; now that was a real racist. One important thing LBJ did that won't be changed anytime soon: he started the 1965 Immigration Law. That law has fundamentally changed the USA. I believe the consequences of that law, immigration of more non-Whites to the USA, is what helped get Trump elected.
How is creating never ending dependence within the AA community the "right side of history"? How can you possibly be so blind to the actual history that you cannot understand this?
The majority of African-Americans are not dependent on the government. The majority work for a living. The fact that you even say this is proof of your racist ideology.
Facts are hard to dispute. ~40%. http://www.statisticbrain.com/welfare-statistics/ Total number of Americans on welfare 110,489,000 Total number of Americans on food stamps 41,700,000 Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 10,200,000 Percent of the US population on welfare 35.4 % Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131,900,000,000 Welfare Demographics Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 % Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 % Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 % Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 % Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 % There are approximately 45 million blacks in America 110,489,000x39.8%= 43,974,622 black welfare recipients.
There was never a magic bullet and oswald acted alone. Whether there is a deep state or not is irrelevant the conclusions of the Warren Commission report were accurate and supported by evidence