Rent control: Good or bad?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by jessicabollin, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. jessicabollin

    jessicabollin Newly Registered

    Mar 19, 2014
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    I do not see rent control as good and I do not think government should set prices for property owners because:

    -Rent control hurts people that have recently moved to a new town.
    -Property owners will not construct property for normal individuals as the prices that they can set for property will be regulated.
    - Due to rent control property owners construct apartments that are too expensive for government to limit the price on these apartments.
    - Rent control is an unnatural way of lowering housing costs. The only way for housing costs to be natural is for the government to not get involved.
    - Tenants with low incomes are unable to pay landlords and as a result they are kicked out which adds to the number of homeless and increases poverty.
    - Rent control is not good for landlords and individuals with low incomes
    -Rent control makes housing affordable for people who cannot pay high prices
    - Controlling prices of housing ensures that landlords from being dishonest and charging absurdly high prices thus causing less available housing
    In overall I think rent control brings more negatives than positives.

    What do you think of rent control?

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