REPORT: Liberal Twitter Competitor Infested with Pedophiles, Child P*rn

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by XXJefferson#51, Jan 2, 2023.

  1. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    We are - from your link

    The AFP is our version of the FBI

    What I am attempting to show is that there are more real actual issues out there than some twonks on a Twitter wannabe that no one has heard of

    Meanwhile there is always Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Boebert’s husband and Trump himself

    More here
  2. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Pre-Musk Twitter was filled with child porn and post-Musk Twitter is still struggling with keeping it off.

    MTG Rips Ex-Twitter Execs New Cloaca As AOC Melts Down With Hysterical Lies
    "You permanently banned my Twitter account but you allowed child porn all over Twitter..."

    'Greene was permanently suspended in January 2022 after tweeting CDC VAERS data about Covid-19 vaccine deaths.'

    Yes, tweeting CDC information, that didn't align with the establishment narrative, was considered grounds for banning.

    'Meanwhile, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) told outright lies about the Twitter account "Libs of TikTok," stating that Boston Children's Hospital never advertised hysterectomies for children.'

    Truth that violates the narrative = banned.
    Lies that serve the narrative = promoted by algorithm!

    'Twitter, under the leadership of our witnesses today, was a private company the government used to accomplish what it constitutionally cannot: limit the free exercise of speech. @GOPoversight will examine this coordination between the government & Big Tech. @MariaBartiromo'.
  3. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    I guess context is not your thing.

    State laws regulating age limits for marriage are generally similar, although California is one of just a few states lacking a minimum age for marriage. However, minors (under the age of 18) must obtain both parental consent and a court order before they may legally tie the knot. Although couples seldom get married before they reach the age of majority, it is made available primarily to allow pregnant minors to marry.

    You see, California is a state that believes that minimizing the number of bastards is good for society.

    In addition to obtaining parental consent in order to get married, anyone who is under 18 must also see a pre-marriage counselor, appear before a judge, produce copies of your birth certificate, and even have a parent accompany you when you apply for your marriage license. Requirements for parental consent (and the presence of a parent when obtaining a license) may be waived if the parent has abandoned the family, is out of the country, or no longer living.

    Even in states where there are statutory limits on how old individuals must be to get married (with parental consent), exceptions are made in certain situations -- including pregnancy or the presence of a child. Therefore, California is not too much different than other states when you consider how these laws are enforced.

    The California Department of Public Health provides additional information about California marriage licenses.

    The brief table below outlines the basics of California's marriage age requirement. See Marriage Requirements Basics: Consent, Age, and Capacity for more information, and check FindLaw's extensive Marriage Law section for more articles and resources covering a wide variety of topics.


    A common test of capacity is the ability of individuals to understand the nature of marriage and what their responsibilities are to their partners once they enter into the union, such as financial obligations.

    Let's be clear, a Judge will probe these considerations, in depth, liberal or conservative, out of concern for the child.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2023
  4. ToughTalk

    ToughTalk Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2018
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    Why am I not surprised

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