Repubs=rabies,Libs=hypogonadism. Where is Dr.Ron Paul Airforce/M.D.

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Seankap, Dec 31, 2011.

  1. Seankap

    Seankap New Member

    Dec 31, 2011
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    Ron Paul no chance to beat Obama? Integrity alone from Paul will beat Obama.
    Extreme repubs: Like they have rabies or mad-cow disease when war is expressed at a debate, you guys are like chiwawas so scared of the smallest little noise that a little Iran man or Iraq man or a Korean man or jez I dont have all day to mention all of them. Extreme rupubs should go set foot on ground in war-zones and be away from family, worry of every day this may be your time, deal with the odd exposures of desert bug exposures and many others in a land filled with disease d/t the havoc and hygiene/sanitation conditions. But extremists in majority are cowards and wouldnt enlist into military. The average not-all military soldiers that enlists tends to be more aggressive in comparison to regualr citizens, but this is a good-and mature ego response, its called sublimation where one takes a unacceptable impulse and turns it into a acceptable impulse/behavior. But, when the soldier has to endure all the havoc that none of us could ever imagine, it would be a great culture to truly respect these soldiers and not have the appointed govt without a declaration of the citizens to put these soldiers into long-useless war/having them fire in crouds of innocent kids/worry of their own lives every day/and for what? So these little ignorant politicans can get theirs! Tell the politician to go set foot on ground even at the age of 65, if he can talk it then go walk it. What candidate do most soldiers like ? That I would consider, given that soldiers on average are more aggressive and want to get into it for the correct/accurate/and declared legal reasons.

    Extreme Libs: like they have ankylosing spondylitis that they got from an environmental exposure to chlamydea then acquiring a bamboo spine associated with hypogonadism. Feel empathetic to an american that has every opportunity is this great country to go work 2-3 minimum wage jobs/go to community college on grants getting a trade as many are in community college/and start a business all at the same time without complaining that OHHHH my gosh its so hard in this country---thats bc the majority of the welfare-parasites are watching TV 20-50hrs/wk lets say 30, playing video games online or local lets say 20hrs/wk, spending time on porn lets say 5hrs/wk, smoking weed slowing all perception of time down lets say 5hrs/wk, facebook lets say 5hrs/wk, and more time just sitting around hangin with family/friends all doing nothing too.....
    Ok 60hrs/wk in the garbage, one has 158hrs/wk to make it happen, if these parasites spent those hrs at minimum wage they would be doing fine and would hopefully become more motivated producing a stronger culture to america.
    Libs: also supporting all the undereducated fat cats with their minimal work hrs/wk getting these fat pensions and are making more in salary than the top paid degrees e.g. engineering. The pensions are unreal, I know I used to work as a firefighter/medic, these pensions are sick, I wonder every day that im an idiot for leaving the profession. I mean leave after 22yrs service and dept will give you 25yrs, so I work as many overtime shifts as possible the last 5yrs and get 75% of my final salary for the rest of my life and when I die the wife gets it, this all at the expense fo tax-coin and while the private market is doing worse than govt salary, this is by fair unfair as well. But the labor unions will go lib side for their own selfish reasons.

    Are you a Newt fan? did you think Newt was smart because the size of his head, bc he was a military draft dodger, bc he acted like a teenager when in the house, or is it bc he meets that stat-quo?
    Is it Romney? The man flip flops like a fish stat-quo cant even hold him down.
    Ron Paul; airforce vet, went to school for the most difficult academic program would could achieve which take 15-20 yrs gets out provides service at times for free along with all the loans to repay, then goes into govt to speak out and try to make another difference in peoples lives.
    Did your Newt/Romney spend time in war zones seeing the devastation of what truly happens. Innocent people on both sides getting killed and havoc taking place. Currently there are 18 soldiers per day committing suicide here in states as researched by military reports magazines. A buddy of mine is a JAG lawyer in army branch, tells me most money spent in military is spent on providing health care medical/trauma/psychological to our soldiers when they come back. Im in the hospitals I see these men/women coming back and hear their stories and see their health conditions, permanent damage to many systems from chemical exposures/parasites/viruses dormant/bacterias/fungals/ and many permanent conditions like random calcium deposits in many organs, fibrosis, chronic inflammation, and many neurological/myelin disorders.

    Ron Paul is selfLess is all his ACTIONS over his LIFE, he is the toughest on stage not by his mouth but by his swimming against the waves again no talk but all action, he has no baggage and dont give me the bird screaming about race (like you people even care), he was working as a OBGYN/surgical unit at the time which requires many hours per wk of his full mind to deal with peoples health conditions without screwing them up, in his medical profession he wouldn’t take medicare and would treat many individuals for free or work out some type of small payment, he doesn’t accept his govt pension bc he said it would be against his Hippocratic oath and it would be immoral to taxpayers (just go wiki him or look up his public record). We need a leader that is selfless/integrity/tough by action and not by his charismatic political mouth. Isreal prime minister===Ron Paul, yes for a reason Isreal likes Ron Paul because he wont be like the over protective mother spoiling her kids, he will stand by when asked, even a C-section baby comes out with no surfactant on its lungs because the neonate didn’t have to endure stress, stress is a good thing at times. Going to war all over the place, kills many innocent people/soldiers/kids/health conditions/plus we dont have MONEY.
    Ron Paul doesn’t accept his pension etc because
    Electability? Ron Paul will save coin more than anyone in the order according to the US budget; saving on healthcare-obamacare and on all the military medical, saving on the over spending on military and all their contractors making coin, save on all the over spending on pensions, saving on all the welfare programs including govt. employee healthcare falls into welfare, saving d/t flat-tax esp with all the private business owners writing off >50% of their income, saving money on putting this border crisis to a stop, etc etc saving on socialized govt issues etc etc… The only politician that will actually stop this border crisis that’s bringing in many terrorists , socialized immigrants that are very used to socialized life styles which will produce many poor/the rich will just leave the country/and the middle class will decrease/ these socialized cultures wont spend $4 on a coffee at start bucks keeping them in business but no they will only spend $1 at some café around the corner/ the socialized half-buttocks immigrant is a huge problem in our strong American culture. The amount of melanocytes in ones skin isn’t important in economics/culture but these socialized individuals coming into this country at to high of a pace will damage the strong American culture that has takin yrs to evolve.
    Obama cant attack Ron Paul, how would he, he has been honest in all his years of service, he isn’t the typical lawyer/politician/business man holding no ethics to become successful this is typical of those professions. Is Obama going to attack Ron Pauls foreign policy, now that would be funny esp. givin that all the soldiers back Ron Paul and people are sick of war and want jobs. Jobs, will require MONEY, strength will require MONEY. Ron Paul will take I would predict about 25% of the liberals… Newt wont be able to get any liberals. Romney may get some liberals but it would be negligible compared to Ron Paul. Many hardworking liberal blacks and latins are liking Ron Paul , more so than any other republican. Ron Paul would eat Obama up on stage, all Obama has is his charisma and BS smile presenting like the lawyer/car salesmen that he is. Obama has no base/no rock/no integrity to speak of/no honesty/ in comparison to Ron Paul… Once integrity gets challenged on the stage , the one with the integrity will win…..My 2 cents…

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