The authors of the linked post are Dr. Willie Soon, Dr. Ronan Connolly & Dr. Michael Connolly. And you're just deflecting to avoid the substance.
There is a standing medical joke “ what is the definition of a double blind study”? Ans “Two orthopaedic surgeons trying to read an ECG” lols!
Lols NO! At best it is “confirmation bias”. I have tried to educate them on why systematic reviews are preferred for this very reason.
Who are all listed on “sourcewatch”. In fact it is well documented that Willie Soon got one million payout
Actually I am of the option that one physicist is more likely to be wrong than the thousands of authors/contributors to the IPCC
I have little doubt that is true. Almost daily I am reading things that are being passed by what are claimed to be "reputable" news agencies and simply shake my head in disgust. This is one of the latest that had me just want to bash my head against a wall. And yes, that complete load of crap was actually passed along by CBS news, and originated from the journal Nature. And anybody should be able to immediately see that is among the most horrible "science" ever written. Let's just start with that time, and the claim is "about as long as mammals have existed here at all". That is so very very wrong it boggles the mind. 250 million years ago, that was the Permian Period, the last in the Paleozoic and the one before the start of the Mesozoic and the start of the Triassic. At that time period, the very first proto-reptiles evolved from the synapsids. Prior to that the most advanced life on the planet was the arthropods. The very first mammal that we know of only evolved 160 mya during the Jurassic. And primates did not even evolve until around 70 mya, hominids only evolved around 20 mya, and the homo line beginning with homo habilis only evolved around 2 mya. So to begin with, I have no doubt that by that time the entire homo lineage will likely be long extinct. And maybe even mammals will be extinct long before then, replaced by something else two or three times over. And the idiocy that a new supercontinent would cause our extinction is stupidity. I guess they have no idea that mammals themselves evolved on the supercontinent known as Pangea. And the science in that gets even worse: Once again, Pangea Ultima will not be the first time the continents merged to form a supercontinent. It will not even be the second, as before Pangea we had Gondwana. And before that Pannotia, and Rodinia before that. But going back beyond that is rather pointless as life then was only microbes and bacteria. Nature should be ashamed to have published such garbage, as should CBS for repeating it. It is like they are trying to push some fantasy reality where Darwin does not exist, there is no more evolution, and everything from today into the forever from now future should be exactly as it is now with no changes of any kind. I swear that many are wanting people to be stupid and not engage their brains at all. To just accept anything they say and not even try to think about it at all.
Interesting. They also have degrees in reading other "findings" and agreeing with them. Sort of like "likes" on PF.
LOL! I haven't once implied that Bill Nye is a scientist. I would suggest you aren't a climatologist.
Judging climatology by what shows up in the popular press may not be the best way to learn what is found by science. In fact, some are still reading Fox! You're worried about 250,000,000 years from now, but not 50 years from now. How red IS your herring?
The point is not the science (linked here for your convenience) but the implication this is something we should worry about now. Climate extremes likely to drive land mammal extinction ... Nature Journal › nature geoscience › articles by A Farnsworth · 2023 — In ~250 Myr, all continents will converge to form Earth's next supercontinent, Pangea Ultima. A natural consequence of the creation and decay of ...
Don't give credence to what people say then get mad when their expertise is questioned son. You said Bill Nye could speak on climate change but a PhD physicist could not. He might be wrong, but he's certainly okay to talk about it.
No, he doesn't. Sure, he babbled some random thermo terms, but they had nothing to do with his core stupidity, which was failure to understand the concept of an average. In his loony world, it's not possible to average two numbers unless they directly affect each other some how, which is an epic failure at statistics. If you can't back up your statement that "climate change violates thermodynamic principles", just admit it. You're not fooling anyone by evading, or by trying to shift the burden of proof. You're the one who made the extraordinary claim, so you're the one obligated to back it up with extraordinary evidence.
So was there any point to this thread? I mean, other than projecting the denier contempt of the scientific method on to ethical scientists. It's trivial to prove that deniers are the ones who reject the scientific method. Deniers, what is The Theory of Denialism, and what hard data could disprove it? If you can't answer that, you're pedding pseudoscience. Needless to say, the rational people have no trouble saying what AGW theory is and what could disprove it, because it's real science. (And before anyone tries shifting the burden of proof, I asked first.)
You know haow acell phone works? What's the difference between a GEN I, GEN II, GEN ii and Gen IV display? You say there haven't been many changes in how the world works. Can you give me a reference to George Washington's thoughts on GPS? How about Tom Jefferson's thoughts on radar? Or Ben Franklin's opinion of printed circuits? How about Tom Paine's thoughts on ElectroMagnetic (Pulse EMP)?
When I refer to the way the world works I refer to things like the laws of nature. Details of technology don't change the way the world works. They change the things we do and how we do them. Rain and tides and human nature continue on as usual. As an example, I don't use a cell phone. We don't get reliable service out here in the country so the cell phone doesn't affect what I do or how I do it. It doesn't affect nature or the way the world works either. It is a detail. But I accept the tongue lashing in good humor.
He can talk but you, as a rational thinking being also have the right to weigh that opinion. In this case one person is speaking against hundreds if not thousands of fellow physicists (unsure if numbers but given the sheer volume of cited papers and authors of each IPCC report (approx 300 citations per chapter) the odds are more likely to be thousands
Has it?
Yes. Scientist Falsely Accused…more on Willie Soon 3 years ago Reposted from Gelbspan Files Do an internet search for nothing simpler than the name “Willie Soon,” or the variant of “Wei-hock Soon,” and uncountable numbers of results pop up repeating… In defense of a scientist in the humble quest for truth 9 years ago Guest Blogger As a follow up to the statement made yesterday by Dr. Willie Soon, this essay is appropriate. Christopher Monckton of Brenchley answers the campaign of assaults on the reputation of…