Ridicule & Relegate - Better Than Censorship.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Jack Napier, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Controlling regimes made of elites, they have always excessively controlled the flow of information and data available, to the people. This traditional method of censorship was common, among early fascist type regimes, whatsoever their nationality.

    We in the West would laugh at the notion that we are little better than what has been outlined, above. A cabel of elites, comprising of men from the World's most poweful corporations, global bankers, and their servile politicians are contolling, and desire more control, domesticallly, and globally. You would have to be almost blind not to see this. And they absolutely control the flow of information that reaches you, through the press and television. They don't tell you what you need to know, or should know, they tell you what is in their interests.

    However, the elites have learned from the mistakes of before. They realise that with the internet, and man's natural desire for truth, they could no longer apply the usual model of censorship, by ommission, as they do on TV or the press. While they would love greater control of our net freedom as well, indeed, You Tube removed more footage after complaints from 'Gov sources', than any other, they realise that absolute control of it is impossible.

    An interesting thing occurs, to replace the censorship.

    Perfectly fair and lucid questions about legitimate matters, they are not censored, since they cannot delete the words, every time someone asks the question. So, short of being able to do that, these same reasonable and fair questions are permitted, but relegated to the *nudge nudge* status of 'conspiracy theory', and throw in with the Loch Ness Monster, and the Face on Mars.

    This is every bit as dangerous and anti democratic as censorship.

    The lead is normally taken by, surprise surprise, the media corps.

    The same media corps that didn't cover the question at all, to start with. But then they eventually do, but frame it all in such a way as to be patronising to the questioner, perhaps even on some tucked away cable programme, dedicated to 'conspiracy theories'.

    This has the desired effect of convincing the viewer that the query itself is only worthy of being relegated to something less than salient and reasonable.

    Once a sufficient number of people think the same way (that the question itself is to be ridiculed), then you create a syndrome in which no one else wants to feel socially awkward in asking what is taboo, in some cases, doing so can see careers end, for instance.

    As a consequence, the questioner never gets any 'serious' media, and so the cycle applies, to any question about the official line, that may be out of step with what the news man told you the triuth was.

    One example would be 911. Truth be told, I abstain, I do not claim to know who was really responsible, however, what I do know is that if I were American, and I had seen some of the counter evidence, I would want an enquiry into the many allegations, up to an including those that Mossad agents knew in advance that this was going to occur.

    There is a groundswell of this stuff, and added up, I feel it merits more than being arrogantly dismissed, while accepting that known liars (political and media elites), told the truth, to the letter. Isn't that the MORE absurd position to take, to believe all they tell you?

    Nor should it ever be relegated as 'conspiracy theory' that the US, over the past 40 yrs, has been literally hijacked by the non American, non religous, and non democratic idealogy of Zionism. There is literally overwhelming evidence that would show you that this has happened, I am sorry to say, and I am sorry to say that, because it has harmed Americans.

    Of course, guess who would give airtime or space to have you thinking that this hadn't happened at all? Yes, the same pro Zionist media and Zionists who have done it, and who benefit from it. They are deniers of their own caranage and corruption, even of their own presence.

    AIPAC and other lobby groups (sic) run Congress, and both your parties.

    If you really deny the influence of AIPAC, it is YOU who needs to be relegated and ridiculed.


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