Right to work and right to privacy

Discussion in 'Civil Rights' started by Laurence123, Jan 2, 2017.

  1. Laurence123

    Laurence123 Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    A new amendment called the privacy act that calls for the reorganization and abolition of the patriot act that stops the mass collection of personal data by private and governmental organizations. This along with the abolition of mass surveillance including updates to the F.I.S.A which should be agreed upon by current lawmakers of the United States government reflecting the concerns of this countries current population. Also an updated U.S. constitution that uses current American English for the purpose of proper interpretation. Also an amendment that gives every United States citizen the right to work where automatically upon reaching working age one is given optional employment opportunities. Also participation within the amendments initiative be deemed optional.
  2. Imnotreallyhere

    Imnotreallyhere Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 8, 2014
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    You don't think polling organizations should exist? You think the Gov't shouldn't take a census ever? you don't think a business should track what people are buying so they know what to stock? I don't think you thought this idea through.

    BTW the Privacy Act already exists. as a law.

    Also Amendments are just that; they are not acts. Acts are laws.

    It already does. You just have to make an effort to understand it. It's not even written in serious legalese.

    Why should the gov't provide a job for someone? What if there is no useful work for that person's skill set? There are limits to the power of gov't. People have to assume some of the responsibility for themselves.
  3. Laurence123

    Laurence123 Member

    Jan 1, 2017
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    In the coming new world there will be a necessity to revise and amend the worlds best constitutions. This is due to the unionization of multiples of countries you must understand. The federal and state governments are very much more capable of organizing a platform for employment as they i think are obligated to do so since they tout they will create more jobs for us and reduce unemployment rates. Also we pay there frikkin paychecks how bout they help me get one or a better one. Job training can also be provided as my local congressman Danny Davis of the house of representatives along with many of his cohorts has in establishment.

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