Ron Paul receives more Military donations than Obama---Double the entire GOP field

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Badmutha, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    We all know how the politics of conservatives play out. They rant about how much we should all hate the government and how much the government is messing up, and how much we should worship corporations to run the country, and all that same old retoric.

    When they get into office, no matter if they carry the t-bag or republican lable they are all the same. They suck up to the ones who paid for their campains (because campaining is not free), and they all cling togeather like rice on white, republicans and t-baggers, and rant the daily memo truing to kiss butt to those who have been there the longest. They have no real solutions and because they lack the ability to interpret complex document to fix complex problems they use simpleton language to explain why they oppose any changes. Not because they have a plan, but because they have no clue of what they are doing in Washington.

    You all seen it, the newly elected t-baggers sucking up to the republicans for guidance on what to say. Because even in their simple minds, they know their daily retorical rants are getting old, and it's all the same BS.

    That's my take on the foolish conservatives that have brought nothing but problems with them to the federal government of the USA. After all their job in Washington is to destroy the president and the government of the USA. Now why would anyone in their simple mind vote for a politician to destroy the government?

    Perhaps the public schools have dummbed down the population so much they can't tell bs political propaganda from real functions.
  2. shhs97

    shhs97 New Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    In the grand scheme of things...we do not send important people to fight wars. Obviously, I am referring to soldiers being unimportant to the powers that be.
    Who joins the armed services...and actually goes to fight wars? I would imagine that the sons and daughters of senators, business leaders, and celebrities are grossly under represented. Obviously, I wish it was not so, but these are the iimportant people in our society. They matter. We as a society insures it is so.

    So, as the topic of the thread is saying that it is important that Paul got more military vote...I am making the case that it is not important. It is not important because the military members have no political sway...they have no money. The lobbyist for the military are not lobbying congress for the safety of the troops...they are lobbying for more money for defense contractors.
    Now Defense there is political power. THEY matter.
  3. MegadethFan

    MegadethFan Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2010
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    This clearly indicates the US military endorses Paul's principled desire to scale back America's empire.
  4. DookieMan

    DookieMan New Member

    Aug 28, 2011
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    You have a point. I guess I just didn't like the sarcastic manner in which you originally presented it. I realize that they don't "matter" much, which is unfortunate. They almost SHOULD matter more, but unfortunately they don't.
  5. Badmutha

    Badmutha New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    ....perhaps they could of done other things with their lives......but it just so happens they chose to protect your sorry ass.


  6. Spmrks

    Spmrks Banned

    Aug 24, 2011
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    Ignorance must be bliss. I agree with bluespade. Unless your over there seeing the truth behind our deployments there, than you really should'nt speak on the matter of what we feel. It has nothing to do with just wanting to come home. Do some research and you will see some scary s***. I agree with Ron Paul 100% on this issue.
  7. peoplevsmedia

    peoplevsmedia Banned

    Apr 28, 2011
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    I am also very strongly against US interventions, yet somehow my best friends are in the military, even if we dissagree. I think deep down inside they know I am right, or they just appreciate my honesty unlike all the politicians who don't fight themselves but keep kissing their ass
  8. shhs97

    shhs97 New Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    #1. The military has never protected me from anything. Mostly likely, they have not protected you from anything either. They do a fine job of protecting the profits of the leaders of our country (corporations).
    #2. Ah yes, the founding fathers. Yes, they did fight a war...they fought so that they could stop sending a portion of their profits back to England. Then they set up a government to ensure that they were able to remain wealthy for generations to come. Well done.
  9. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    We have an enemy in this world, and they are known as radical Muslims. They have been the enemy of the West for a very, very long time. This is just one of several major waves of Islamic supremacism and violent conquest.

    But hey, hating your own country is cool in liberal circles, these days. Whatever works for you, hep cat!

    If Paul was POTUS and we were attacked, he and his supporters would just blame ourselves more for what happened. Maybe even issue a few apologies so that they like us more.

    Liberals are overwhelmingly against the wars. They like Obama because they are hypocrites who can't stay mad at him. Love affairs are funny things.

    Why? Because they tell you that? Talk about an inherently weak and feeble argument. Obviously someone like you has never heard of "taqiyya", or "kitman", or any of the other terms that Muslims have for religious deception. Many of the would-be terrorists in the past several years were described as "moderates" by their closest friends and acquaintances.

    And what does "I know Muslims that have no intention of killing people" prove, anyway? Did I claim that all Muslims want to kill us? I don't think so. Reading is fundamental.

    And you're good at avoiding facts. You can't explain why Muslims have been waging wars of conquest since the 7th century, being at peace only when their societies were in a stage of weakness. They have religious motivations to conquer infidel lands.
  10. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    So Ron Paul is going to offer you direction? Bringing the entire US army home, closing military bases, blaming ourselves for why our radical enemy hates us? Paul embraces a level of isolationism that does not offer us national security, which is something the founders wanted us to have.
  11. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    No need to get mad and personal just because you can't formulate a coherent argument.

    Wait, maybe there is a need. :-D
  12. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Yeah, and Ron Paul is going to be totally different. Because this year, he's running as a Republican instead of a Libertarian.

    He doesn't have a chance of winning. Maybe you libertarian liberals would calm down a bit if you just accepted that fact.
  13. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Ah, the old "unless you drop everything and join the military you can't argue with military people" routine.

    Ron Paul blames your country for what happened on 9/11. Think about that the next time you're deployed.
  14. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    Hey lets keep heading to the ME and keep stirring them up! I guess when you don't look at the reasons as to why a majority are part of these Terrorist groups you'll never solve the problem. Keep ignoring the reasons... it really helps to understand why bashing your skull against a Wall hurts when you simply keep bashing your skull without questioning if maybe slamming your head into the wall is causing the pain.

    Lol... He Authorized for the US Military to pursue Al Qaeda so your entire claim is bogus.

    Why did they all go silent when he was Elected? Nothing has changed and the War protests are getting smaller or are nonexistent compared to the previous ones under Bush. It's completely based upon whether or not their "Party" is in power...

    Your constant arguing that Muslims are general when it's being used as a General Statement has left little to guess if you're only talking about a few.

    What about the Chrisitian Nations? What about the other Religious Wars across the Globe? Simply becuase the Muslim Nations were under at times by Power Hungry Monarchs it's okay to label them Warmongers.

    Our Founders didn't promote British Style Imperialism they defied it, rebelled against it and some lost their lives against it.

    Maybe the basis is that you're not able to debate without distorting or omitting entire pieces of evidence in your claims while broad stroking an entire group of people.

    I don't see you rushing off to kill your desired enemies... it's far better to be at home relaxing as you cast your vote to send men and women off to die for your beliefs.

    You have an obvious hate for Ron Paul because he is not willing to endorse Imperialism and the Demonization of Muslims.
  15. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Nice try, but I already know the reason why they are "stirred up". You are the one who has to make the case that they are acting differently now than they have been the last 1400 years, because of us. Good luck.

    Did he? That kind of goes against his extreme isolationist policy, doesn't it? After all, it was us being there that caused Al Qaeda to commit 9/11. Why would sending more of us over there be the answer?

    I just said they were hypocrites. You're arguing the same thing I am here.

    I don't really want to split hairs about it. They are a problematic group as a whole, even if the majority are not problematic. Many of them are violent killers, while many more support the killers through financial and moral support. Because of their refusal to weed out the radicals in their communities, the whole group deserves the suspicion they've earned. You ignore this at your own peril.


    I can at least back up what I say. You think your opinion is enough, but it's not.

    It sure is. Most people vote to affect change. You should try it.

    No, I have an obvious hate for Ron Paul because he is a clueless old fool with a fanbase that has more in common with extreme anti-war liberals and extreme pro-drug liberals than they do with conservatives.
  16. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Who is attacking China? Or Japan? Both are "economic powers" that are also "isolationist" but have companies and business interests all over the globe. No one is attacking them or planning to "wipe them out". It is not our way of life that gets the middle east so up in arms, it is the fact that we have put in demonic dictators incharge of many of the countries over there and they oppress their people to no end. Then we go in killing and occuping their land in the interest of our own person gain. Gee, I wonder why people want to collapse our economic empire.
  17. Badmutha

    Badmutha New Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Well at least your grateful........Freedom is Free.....

    So they fought to stop sending their profits to a Tyrant.......British or Kenyan....what is different today?
  18. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Wrong again. China has had many problems with their minority Uighur Muslim population. So has the Philippines. So has Thailand. And others.

    Anywhere you have Muslims and non-Muslims in the same area, you will have warfare against the unbelievers. But don't worry. I'm sure if you strain hard enough, you can find a justification for each of their acts of aggression. No matter how hard it is, it'll be easier than actually blaming the aggressors, right?

    After Pearl Harbor, you and Ron Paul would have been said "Well, it's our policies that caused them to attack".
  19. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    We totally would have apologizied to the Japanese then surrender because that's the kind of people we are amiright broskie? I mean we're nothing but pacifists who see when people attack us as a way for us to surrender faster than usual to the rest of the World. Man... I wish I could adopt your strategy of Intervention across the globe nonstop for no real purpose other than to ensure Corporations have their pockets filled. I really wish I could support the constant bombings and killings of other people across the globe because of our foreign Policy... I guess I'm just a lousy pacifist.

    Either you're killing and enslaving or you're a sissyman who wants to bend over to the World... there is no gray area in Brewskier's world.
  20. I Like Taxes

    I Like Taxes New Member

    Jul 22, 2008
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    I loved it when Ron Paul schooled Sanatorium on foreign policy during the first debate.
  21. MegadethFan

    MegadethFan Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2010
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    HAHAHA! You're basing the conflicts of all Muslims minorities in other countries as a result of 'warfare against the unbelievers'? HAHAHA! How absurd!


    Go ask Ron Paul and see what he thinks.
  22. Jash2o2

    Jash2o2 New Member

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Do you know who pays for Ron Paul's campaign? The American people. I wouldn't mind a president that sucks up to the people for once.

    Not sure if troll or just stupid. This is one of the most idiotic posts I have seen in a while.

    First of all, you talk about our enemy being radical muslims. Did you even consider the FACT that they have done more damage to us by our being over there then they could have ever done?

    And you keep saying that Ron Paul blames the people for 9/11, Ron Paul would take blame for being attacked, etc. You are more confused than I thought. Ron Paul understands that our being in their country factors into their terrorist plans. At no point did he say we caused 9/11 and they deserve no blame. Please refer to this video again.

    [ame=""]Ron Paul - Imagine - Kinetic Typography - YouTube[/ame]

    It's too bad that you won't be able to understand what this video is trying to say but instead you are going to twist and manipulate its meaning into whatever suits your thought process the best.

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