"Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross on Thursday suggested that the outbreak of a deadly coronavirus in China would help "accelerate" the return of jobs to the United States." "Ross made the remarks after China's National Health Commission announced that the death toll from the virus had climbed to 170. China has also confirmed more than 7,700 cases of the virus, which has spread to several countries around the world, including the U.S., where there have been five confirmed cases as of Wednesday." "Speaking in an appearance on Fox Business, Ross said that he did not want to take "victory lap over a very unfortunate, very malignant disease," but noted that he thinks the virus could help boost jobs." https://thehill.com/homenews/adminis...-jobs-to-north Not to mention Ross's insensibility, but can you imagine if an official in the Obama Administration made a similar comment at the beginning of the Ebola outbreak? And the right will tell us the media picks on Trump "O'Reilly: Ebola And Obama Administration Incompetence" https://www.realclearpolitics.com/vi...ompetence.html "Rush Limbaugh: Obama Wants Americans To Get Ebola As Payback For Slavery" https://thinkprogress.org/rush-limba...-ddf50bfc8056/ "Ingrahan Suggests Obama is willing to expose American Troops to Ebola to Atone for Colonialism" https://www.mediamatters.org/laura-...xpose-american-troops-ebola-atone-colonialism "Fox Psychiatrist Ablow: Obama Wants U.S. To ‘Suffer’ With Ebola" http://www.newshounds.us/fox_psychiatrist_ablow_obama_wants_u_s_to_suffer_with_ebola_10102014 "Rand Paul accuses Obama of 'underplaying' threat from Ebola" https://thehill.com/business-a-lobbying/219556-rand-paul-accuses-obama-of-underplaying-ebola-risk "5 Reasons Not to Trust the 'What Me Worry' Media About Ebola" https://www.breitbart.com/the-media...-not-totrust-what-me-worry-media-about-ebola/ "CDC 'lying' to public about Ebola" https://www.wnd.com/2014/10/cdc-lying-to-public-about-ebola-doctor-says/
What is true, Ross seeing a bright side to a serious epidemic, or, the right wing media's hypocrisy in treating epidemics differently depending on who is President?
Unfortunately, these viruses are also going to increase Chinese immigration into the U.S. I already hear Chinese everywhere I go in Dallas (along with Vietnamese, Korean, Spanish, Hindi, etc.). It’s shocking when I run into someone at Walmart or Target who speaks English.
And at different times in American history it was Yiddish, Spanish, German, Black English, Italian, English with a brogue, Japanese, etc., etc., etc., it is part of what makes America America
Always nice to tell half the story doesn't it. Makes it a lot easier to be dishonest Ross made the remarks after China's National Health Commission announced that the death toll from the virus had climbed to 170. China has also confirmed more than 7,700 cases of the virus, which has spread to several countries around the world, including the U.S., where there have been five confirmed cases as of Wednesday. Speaking in an appearance on Fox Business, Ross said that he did not want to take "victory lap over a very unfortunate, very malignant disease," but noted that he thinks the virus could help boost jobs. "The fact is, it does give businesses yet another thing to consider when they go through their review of their supply chains," Ross, who has served in the Trump administration since 2017, said. "It’s another risk factor that people need to take account. I think it will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America, some to U.S., probably some to Mexico as well," he added. Asked for further comment, a Commerce Department spokesperson told The Hill that Ross "made clear the first step is to bring the virus under control and help the victims of this disease." He didn't celebrate it at all. He did speak to the reality of the situation. Try using less emotion and focus on all the facts not selective tidbits.
Correct. But you'd expect the number of people speaking foreign languages to be 10% or 20%, not 50% or 60%. We've been overwhelmed by mass immigration since 1965, especially the last 20 years.
I thought the jobs were never coming back? Did someone find a magic wand? Democrats/neo-commies used to dream of a post America world while they "managed our decline" and said it was "the new normal". Looks like America is here to stay.
Not that it is on topic, but they are, in the service and retail markets, Walmart and fast food have all kinds of opportunity
Amd the manufacturing jobs have not come back despite Trump’s tax cuts and promises. And by the way neither has his promised 4% GDP growth.
Are you better off then you were 4 years ago? Unless you live in a pile of trash like San Francisco, odds are the answer is yes.
How is suggesting you're not a citizen racist. My expectations are low so I doubt you can disappoint me here.