The internet is obsessed with aliens right now. There are all kinds of videos purporting to show you alien contact and aliens running around. Congress is "investigating" aliens to their glee because it's a distraction from actual issues. Plus, all of a sudden, and who could have seen it coming, once we have drone technology that the average person can get ahold of, suddenly the aliens are flying around in drone swarms too. Totally a coincidence I assure you. And all these videos and obsessions have nothing to do with the emergence of deepfake technology either. Also pure coincidence.
I heard rumors that authorities were confiscating phones and deleting videos. Evidently there was about a 200 police car response. The official story is there were kids fighting with sticks and firecrackers. That sounds a little bit fishy for 200 police cars. And all of those people there and there is no cell phone video? I'm not saying it was aliens.... But it sure sounds funny as hell to me