Climate change is no more a religion than pouring vineger on baking soda and knowing it will fizz. Climate change is no more a religion than putting N-P-K on your garden to feed your plants. It is a scientific study and some dissagree. But it isn't a religion. We worship nothing. We just agree with the majority of the scientific community out there. It is no more a religion than knowing better than to put up wet hay.
Sorry, but the doom and gloomers are true believers. Those that cannot see anything but the most dire predictions from just a few in the scientific community and dismiss all other science that does not fit that bill are the ones with the religion.
My problem with most deniers is the fact that they think we can continue on the path we are on with no consequenses. And even something that would make life better for everyone (like reclaiming the deserts) is some kind of a money grabbing plot and we all support Obama and Al Gore. I think Gore is a moron. And don't get me started on Obama.
Problem is that is not what they believe. Pollution is not good but it is not what the GW community claims it is
Given how you are insisting in another thread that neutralization is acidization I find this comment to be especially amusing. Here is a hint. It fizzes when you add vinegar to baking soda because it is a neutralization reaction. When you poor vinegar on any acid it doesn't fizz because acidization is chemically different from neutralization there is no reaction. Thats why they are separate and distinct terms no matter what a bunch of unqualified warmists say they are aren't chemists. Acids do not react with acids, bases do not react with bases, only acids and bases react which is why we have three terms for the mixing of acids and bases not two.
Okay then...the oceans are becoming less alkaline. You argue over simple sematics and claim a victory?
ptif219, I can be proven wrong, you can be proven wrong, any person with a healthy mentality can be proven wrong. I do not undertake the task to prove anything to AWGists. Read above and see why. I do undertake the task to demonstrate the mentality of AWGists and the real danger they represent to society.
Well may be you can be saved. It is not about claiming victory. It is about whether we can have a conversation. In chemistry definitions are pillars, cornerstones... no arguing over semantics for hundreds of years. Learn and use and no step left or right. Only scientists argue over semantics and teach kids that expressing it in your own words deserves more than F. There is no freedom of expression in chemistry. What does make you so angry to percieve that in a meaningfull debate there must be a winner and a looser? In chemistry if a debate is meaningful all sides win.
AWGists crawl out of all holes to support the attack on the strawman started by one of them. Fascism is a lie told by bullies, as such group actions were defined by Hemingway. Except of strawmen do you or any other believer in AWG have anything at all?
'Ocean neutralization doesn't invoke enough fear so let us instead call it ocean acidification.' Since your side invented the semantics in the first place to scare people YOU ARE GOD (*)(*)(*)(*) RIGHT I CAN!!!!
I honestly don't get why people self-divide themselves into "us vs them" teams and then proceed to attack their arbitrary groupings. Well, other than the fact that this is essential human nature being expressed, I don't understand it. We do it in warfare, we do it religiously, we do it ideologically, and even sports obviously represent another manifestation of the same way of thinking. Unfortunately, this kind of thinking is very bad for discussing facts and getting at truth, because it adds way too much emotion to the equation.
Don't confuse bad journalism with good science Is it basic science to review the effect of changing ocean PH on coral reefs or is it scaremongering? Are you denying that the change in PH will have an effect on ocean life? Is this effect serious to warrant mobilising people to try to prevent this? If the answer is yes to all of the above then I dare say that a one word hyperbole may be warranted - but a one word hyperbole is a far far cry from a concerted campaign to "scare monger" Although I would be appreciative is anyone making that claim could actually prove it.
The talk I've heard about the ocean changes is certainly frightening. If that ecosystem suffers catastrophic failure, our own ecosystem is bound to follow suit.
Shhhhhh! That is sensationalism!!! We are not to USE terms like "Ocean Acidification" because that is scare mongering!! Truth is the term does cause people concern and it is a term that provokes thought that maybe there ARE problems after all - and THAT the true denialists cannot abide hence the wish to make the terminology "more PC" So, playing the semantics game here they are talking about a change in PH toward a lower PH. Even if you were talking about Draino - if you lower the PH you are changing the PH toward a more acidic level therefore you are "acidifying" the solution. But they are right but not because they want to prevent "alarmism" but because they want everyone to continue to think there is not a problem But, unfortunately there is a problem - a huge stinking problem
The fence is always on one side of the property line. The socialist who liked your post did so because she knows that all fence sitters are sitting on her fence.
Once again politics is being confused with facts. What makes Bower a socialist??? Because she disagrees with you?
Browerbird makes browerbird a socialist. Trying to hid your political leanings on a political forum where it is a battle of ideas is like trying to hide you are a tall person.
Every time the right doesn't have things going their way they scream socialism. People have rights...being able to pollute at will violates other peoples rights. People should be able to breath clean air, drink clean water, fish clean oceans, and swim in clean lakes. Polluting for money violates everyones rights.
Did you ever go to a public picnic or campground and find the place trashed because the people there before you didn't clean up after themselves?