Russia cancels US student-exchange program

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by Ronstar, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. sharik

    sharik Banned

    Jul 4, 2012
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    hmm, but what is your point?.. 'better than you' right?.. well, i have to admit, the Western mass media is way better at brainwashing and spin then Russia's.
  2. ararmer1919

    ararmer1919 Banned

    May 26, 2014
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    The point has been that even if you are totally right about the "evil western corporate media" i am still free at any time to look into alternative sources of information completely unrestricted. I do not have to depend solely on US main stream media for information. One of the tabs on my phone right now is RT for Christ sakes. Russians however are only allowed to look at information sources that their government TELLS them the can look at. Furthermore the sources that they are "allowed to look at" are owned and operated by the freaking GOVERNMENT. I know that you understand what I'm saying and that your just trying to do your job and please tell your overseer I'm sorry I'm making him work so hard cause it's obvious he's losing it based off the BS you've turned to posting.
  3. sharik

    sharik Banned

    Jul 4, 2012
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    me too, except that i have been banned on one US forum as Ukraine crisis started, and refused registration by one UK forum because i have Russian IP adress.
  4. ararmer1919

    ararmer1919 Banned

    May 26, 2014
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    You were banned from those sites most likely due to the exact thing I mentioned earlier. Western media and forum sites were being swarmed by hired kremlin trolls creating multiple accounts and flooding the comments sections with the same BS propaganda and so many sites took action by blocking accounts using the same up address or not letting to many Russia ip addresses join at the same time. But not being able to have an account is not the same as not being able to access the site. I was denied an account with RT because of my IP address.
  5. sharik

    sharik Banned

    Jul 4, 2012
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    nope, i am not a troll, i had had an account with that US site for 8 years with excellent reputation points and many friendships, got banned when the war in Ukraine started and the admins turned into censors.

    that can't be so, try register again.
  6. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    The writer Simon Louvish once told the story of a group of Soviets touring the United States before the age of glasnost. After reading the newspapers and watching TV, they were amazed to find that, on the big issues, all the opinions were the same. "In our country," they said, "to get that result we have a dictatorship, we imprison people, we tear out their fingernails. Here you have none of that. So what's your secret? How do you do it?" (Quoted, John Pilger, Tell Me No Lies, Random House, 2004, p.9)

    It's a good question, one being asked by Nikolai Lanine who served with the Soviet Army during its 1979-1989 occupation of Afghanistan, but who now lives and works as a peace activist in Canada. Lanine has spent several years trawling through Soviet-era newspaper archives comparing the propaganda of that time with modern Western media performance.

    If the claims of modern professional journalism are to be believed, the similarities should be few and far between. Soviet-era media such as Pravda (meaning, ironically, “The Truth”) are a byword for state-controlled mendacity in the West. Thus Simon Jenkins commented in the Times in the 1980s: “There is a smack of Pravda about this pious self-censorship.” (Jenkins, ‘A new name on the tin mug of scandal,’ The Times, March 19, 1989)

    Doris Lessing, recent winner of the Nobel Prize for literature, wrote in 1992:

    “Even five, six years ago, Izvestia, Pravda and a thousand other Communist papers were written in a language that seemed designed to fill up as much space as possible without actually saying anything. Because, of course, it was dangerous to take up positions that might have to be defended. Now all these newspapers have rediscovered the use of language. But the heritage of dead and empty language these days is to be found in academia, and particularly in some areas of sociology and psychology.” (Lessing, ‘Questions you should never ask a writer,’ New York Times, October 13, 2007. Originally published June 26, 1992)

    This standard Western association of thought control with totalitarian societies is a red herring. In fact, thought control is far more characteristic of ‘democratic’ societies - where state violence is no longer an option, propaganda comes into its own.

    After all, it is a remarkable fact that our society never discusses the possibility that a corporate media system monitoring a society dominated by large corporations might be something other than free, open and honest. Consider Lessing’s analysis in the light of these comments from media analyst Danny Schechter:

    “We are bombarded with information, although if you look closely, most of it has a similar grammar, a similar focus and similar sources, all revolving around institutions and topics that most viewers admit in survey after survey they don’t really understand.” (Schechter, The More You Watch The Less You Know, Seven Stories Press, 1997, p.43)

    Verbiage “designed to fill up as much space as possible without actually saying anything”, in other words, because it is “dangerous to take up positions that might have to be defended”.

    How “dangerous”? David Barsamian recently asked Noam Chomsky why one regular New York Times commentator refused to recognise blindingly obvious truths embarrassing to US power. Chomsky responded:

    “If he wrote that, then he wouldn‘t be writing for the New York Times. There is a certain discipline that you have to meet. In a well-run society, you don’t say things you know. You say things that are required for service to power.” (Chomsky, What We Say Goes, Penguin, 2007, p.2)
  7. ararmer1919

    ararmer1919 Banned

    May 26, 2014
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    I'm sure.

    Oh but it is. I had to fill out a very long and intrusive request form and was denied an account.
  8. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I am not attempting to disparage the Russian People who like any other people simply want to have a good hard to provide for their family and be able to properly educate their children so they can lead a better life.

    It is the same concept here in the U.S....but I have been to both Soviet Russia and Russia after the collapse of Communism and Russia has a FAR ways to go before it can provide the economic conditions to allow their people to realize their dreams.

    Even wealthy Russian's do not have anywhere near the options and availability of goods and services that we take for granted in the United States and I never really understood just how good we have it here in the U.S. until I traveled to Europe then Eastern Europe and then into parts of the Soviet Union back in the early 1980's...and I have been there within the past 5 years.

    It dismays me to see so little progress happening in Russia as things seem to be going backwards as Putin consolidates his hold on power and no matter what Putin or anyone else might tell you and other Russian's....THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON FOR PUTIN TO CONTROL THE RUSSIAN MEDIA OTHER THAN TO PROMOTE HIS OWN GOALS AND TURN RUSSIA INTO A DICTATORSHIP!!!

    I have many Russian friends and back in the 1980's I was drinking at a UPPER LEVEL COMMUNIST PARTY MEMBERS ONLY CLUB near the Neva River in properly renamed St. Petersburg.

    Back then if you were a young good looking American at such a club you were treated as a ROCK STAR...and everyone came up to me and was very nice and they all wanted to know what it was like living in the United States.

    I KNOW that the Russian People are a PROUD People and they have earned this right.

    But what Putin is doing now....well I just shake my head.

  9. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I have been to Soviet Russia and been to Russia after the fall of Communism multiple times as well I have been to every existing former Soviet Satellite State.

    I was in Russia within the past 5 years.

    In the early 1980's I was drinking with members of the GRU at a Communist Party Members Only Club on the Neva River in at the St. Petersburg....and Russian's treated me very well.

    Everyone at the club that night wanted to talk to me about what it was like to live in the United States.

    I have seen Russia start to improve only to see it once again begin to fall apart as the Russian Economy is so weak nothing works and Russian Infrastructure and it's repair has been placed upon HOLD while Putin and his former KGB Cronies skim profits and steal Russian Oil Money.

  10. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Your right in that the average Russian would have a difficult time being able to afford a move to the U.S.

    As far as a resurgent Russian Nationalism....this is what Putin is playing upon and counting on.

    But Putin is making a huge mistake if he thinks modern young Russian's are going to allow Putin to enact NATIONAL AUSTERITY PROGRAMS like those that existed under Stalin.

    Younger Russian's want freedom and a better life.

    Putin's attempt at creating a Dictatorship has a LIMITED SHELF LIFE.

  11. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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  12. Vasily

    Vasily New Member

    Sep 5, 2014
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    What are you talking about man? I guess people abroad know absolutely nothing about Russia, but they surely like to fantasize. :smile:

    Maybe in your world cultural legacy is equal to nationalism, but not in mine.
  13. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Describe....CULTURAL you see it.

  14. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Oh...and I was in Russia within the last 5 years and I have been there multiple times before and after the collapse of Communism.

    I have no issues with the Russian people and in fact I have many Russian friends.

    I DO have an issue with Putin as he is consolidating power...has seized all Russian Media...and is destroying the Russian Economy...all at the same time lining his pockets and lining the pockets of his former KGB Cronies.

    If you live in Russia...YOU KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE!!

  15. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I won't speak about very rich people - if they wish and on the North Pole high-class service will organize.
    Why in Russia at the simple citizen life is more difficult than at the American or the European, there are a lot of factors and it not just fault of Putin.(maybe not it's all)
    In the West people forget that Russia awfully suffered. After all there was a revolution, Civil war, it is a lot of killed, emigration, the victims of repressions at Lenin, at Stalin – 25 million, World War II. And when communism failed, anybody didn't help Russia and doesn't help.
    When Putin came to the power Russia there was a separate country, regions created the sovereignties and everyone operated in the party. From the point of view of big politics, Russia was almost destroyed.
    That was time of total corruption: who that could, that and dragged. The states were hammered together Berezovsky and a great number of other present oligarchs.
    Here such country was accepted by Putin. And in what situation it now is?
    For the present it is impossible to tell that Russia - the prospering and rich power, but only blind and the deaf will tell that the country didn't change for the better.

    I am also not attempting to disparage the American People but it is necessary to look really at policy of the U.S. Government. To Western Europe Americans had a clever policy earlier , after World War II USA helped another to become also strong, rich and developed.Today the policy of America absolutely turned over: they are interested only in force, a military gain.The USA have now an awful, bad policy which is directed towards anarchy and indignation of the countries in which it is carried out.
  16. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    You do realize if it were not for the United States there would currently be a LOT of Nuclear Weapons in the Ukraine and Georgia aimed at Russian Cities.

    Russia is the creator of it's own problems.

    Blaming the United States for the failures of Russian Leadership does not carry water anymore.

    As example...the United States dropped two Nuclear Bombs on Japan....and look how well off the Japanese People are today as we the United States WROTE their Constitution.

    We did the same thing in West Germany and East Germany...under Soviet Control was a disaster.

    We have spend Hundreds of Billions of Dollars helping Russia become a viable Democracy with a sound a strong Russian Economy is in the best Strategic Interest of the United States.

    The U.S. is not Russia's is Putin.

    DennisTate likes this.
  17. sharik

    sharik Banned

    Jul 4, 2012
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    you have not been to Russia, thats all i can say.
  18. Kiwi33

    Kiwi33 New Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    You probably inattentively read what I wrote. I exactly told about it - after World War II of the politician of the USA was ''good' 'after collapse of the USSR - USA became ''bad'' and I didn't blame to the United States for the failures (I listed internal Russian problems)

    About Ukraine and Georgia.It exactly USA wants - they part of NATO.NATO promptly comes nearer to borders of Russia under the pretext of threat from the East.
    USA wants to deploy nuclear weapon both in Georgia and in Ukraine, but Russia tries to prevent it. To prevent Georgia and Ukraine to enter NATO. (Nuclear weapon it not car Hamer who it was possible to deploy simply in Georgia. For placement strong reasons are necessary)
    If the country has problems of territorial integrity, difficult to enter NATO. If tomorrow the USA deploys nuclear weapon in Georgia - Russia for example again in Cuba.
    Putin told millions times, don't approach NATO to our borders. But after all the West doesn't excite what the Russian barbarians speak.

    ps:if NATO wants will intrude in Ukraine now. They will need a lot of time for movement. But Putin if learns about it - he can take at once all Ukraine in two three days.
  19. sharik

    sharik Banned

    Jul 4, 2012
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    like i said, you haven't been to Russia, otherwise you'd have seen its economy getting ever better, Putin or not.
  20. freemarket

    freemarket New Member Past Donor

    Aug 19, 2014
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    Why would you single out one country as media controllers. The whole world is owned by a very small clique of media mongols. Ever heard of Operation Mockingbird. The US has been directed by the CIA since at least the 50's Might want to read about how the Spanish/ American war was started and what part William Randolph Hearst played in getting it going. That is why it was called "The First Media War" and that was in the 1890's. and the sheep continue to fall for the same crap over and over ever since.
  21. freemarket

    freemarket New Member Past Donor

    Aug 19, 2014
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    Where does Washington get the right to authorize the eastern Ukraine to separate while the US retains the rest of Ukraine. Poor blind flag wavers will never see anything wrong with Washington taking control of other countries and implementing corps and bankers to take control of them.
    "The great German newspaper German Economic News, headlined on September 20th, “Welcome Russia at the G20 summit: End of Isolation” (German original: “Ende der Isolation: Russland bei G20-Gipfel willkommen”), and they reported that, “Because the USA needs Russia in its fight against terror-IS, the G20 speculation to isolate Russia in the world community has been shelved. The conflict in the Eastern Ukraine is therefore classified as [being only] regionally [important].” Moreover, “Americans and Russians agreed behind the scenes on a division of the Ukraine. … The Ukrainian government and the rebels in the east have agreed on the establishment of a buffer zone in the east of the country. … The resulting 30 km wide buffer zone along the [battle] front will be monitored by observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).”

    This is no different than what they did before in Iraq.
    "Aug. 29 (Bloomberg) -- J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. has been selected to operate a bank the U.S. is creating in Iraq to manage billions of dollars to finance imports and exports.

    J.P. Morgan, the second-largest U.S. bank by assets, will lead a group that includes 13 banks representing 13 countries to run the bank for three years, said Peter McPherson, the top U.S. economic adviser in Iraq.

    ``Iraq will become important to these banks,'' McPherson told reporters in Washington in a conference call from Baghdad. ``These banks were making a view on the future of Iraq.''
    QUOTE=AboveAlpha;1064330722]You do realize if it were not for the United States there would currently be a LOT of Nuclear Weapons in the Ukraine and Georgia aimed at Russian Cities.

    Russia is the creator of it's own problems.

    Blaming the United States for the failures of Russian Leadership does not carry water anymore.

    As example...the United States dropped two Nuclear Bombs on Japan....and look how well off the Japanese People are today as we the United States WROTE their Constitution.

    We did the same thing in West Germany and East Germany...under Soviet Control was a disaster.

    We have spend Hundreds of Billions of Dollars helping Russia become a viable Democracy with a sound a strong Russian Economy is in the best Strategic Interest of the United States.

    The U.S. is not Russia's is Putin.

  22. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    And what can you tell me about the current state of the Московская Кольцевая

    It is in an extreme state of is all of Russia.

    Don't talk about things you have no knowledge about.

  23. ThumbsUp

    ThumbsUp New Member

    Sep 1, 2009
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    "The reason why the NSA and CIA did not want to release the Communications is that to do so would alert Russia to just how good or detection capabilities are....and we monitored the Malaysian Aircrafts flight...and detected the Heat Signature or IR-Light Trace via Satellite....and we watched the whole tragedy go down.

    The Ukraine Government had nothing to do with this shoot down."

    This statement is simply idiotic.... sorry.
    I bet if USA cud proof involvement of Russia in crashing the airplane they absolutely sure wud do so. Don't even try to make us think they wudnt, and the excuse is dramatically idiotic-)) The reason they didn't realize it is only coz Ukraine did the shot (not without the help of their masters).
  24. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Explain how Ukraine shot it Ukraine does not have the capablility to shoot down a Boeing 777 cruising at 32,000 to 40,000 feet high.

  25. ThumbsUp

    ThumbsUp New Member

    Sep 1, 2009
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    I ve seen several witnesses reviews who said there were a military airplane accompany the plane, Ukraine has BUKs which were detected near the plane crash area. Choose for urself. U see, i cud tell my points u cud tell urs, but the truth shud be any kind logical, and ur statement is as much truthful as the statement that Santa Claus exists.

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