"Russian Army is Radically Upgraded" * by Sergei Shoigu - TTG

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Striped Horse, Mar 22, 2019.

  1. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    I don't know Assad's father, but I do know this Assad and he is not the way he is presented - and as I said I despise calumny and if you were being lied about and I knew it wasn't true I would defend you as well. If some of the refugees are saying they left because of Assad and not the terrorists, then they are being paid the same as the Albanian refugees were in Kosovo by CNN, and the way the protesters at Maidan were being paid. A German on the forum said Merkel was paying them.

    I knew Syrians and they praised Assad. Some even moved back to Syria before the fighting broke out. I also know that Christians and other minorities went to areas protected by Assad for safe keeping such as Damascus and parts of Aleppo. I also know our media's weren't reporting on the mass killings of Christians by terrorists, nor did they care since we were supporting many of those groups.

    In other words the majority of people in Syria want Assad. If they ran to Europe, it was not because of Assad because they love his all inclusive society and certainly don't want to live under sharia law. It's because they wanted to get away from the war.

    In the second video, you can watch and hear what the American observers have to say at the UN about the election of Assad. They were there as were many from other countries. I also recall Kerry saying that the US will not accept the election if Assad is running because he will win.

    In the first 'verified' video - if you can stomach it which I can't, you can watch the American supported so called moderate rebels behead a 12 year old Palestinian boy. The terrorist with his mug in the camera is the one who takes videos of the White Helmets who are 'supposedly' saving children from bombed buildings.

    Last edited: Mar 25, 2019
  2. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    You mean paid like these Russians who praise the Crimean became Russia again?

    When Assad Junior raised power, there was some hope that he will change issues, but this hope was destroyed soon! He is not better as his father and again and again it is the reaction of those who blame the "West" for everything, to put a halo on those who are opposing the West.
    There are more than enough examples ... Milosevic, Karadzic, Mladic, Ortega, Castro, Assad, Orban ... and even Erdogan every once in a while defying the US and cuddling with Putin, but not directly anymore, if that's the other way around. Sorry Jeannette, these are all dictators and criminals who oppress their people. What sets them apart from other dictators is that they do not have their nose deep in the Butt of Washington like others!
    That has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with bad western media, but with facts Jeannette!

    And even Saddam Hussain was given a martyr status by an "anti west people"! Yes ... of course the US attack in 2003 was a crime and I never said anything else. But just because the US attack on Saddam was a crime, Saddam is not a saint or a pitiable sacrifice ... no, he was as much of a dictator bastard as the others above.

    And again and again you come with Kosovo and the civil war in ex-Yugoslavia ... slowly it gets boring! This state should never have existed and existed only under the hard dictatorial hand of Tito ... and after his death another dictator came to power ... Milosevic! He was also a Serb nationalist and treats Yugoslavia as opposed to Tito as a Greater Serbia! That the Bosnians, Croats and Slovenes did not like it was clear ... and that also the Albanians in Kosovo were tired of being 2nd class people in Serbia is also clear! Facts Jeannette ... Facts and not anti-West propaganda as they spread by Voltaire net and other "I hate the West media propaganda"!

    And that I do not believe the BS of many Western media and defend for example Putin / Russia if given, I've shown that more than enough! Which, of course, brings me the wrath of the "Cold War Dinosaurs" in the US, which is why I'm also anti-anonymous ... with some equating anti-Trump with anti-American!

    Jeannette ...
    It is quite evil to claim here that these millions of Syrian refugees have fled not because of Assad and the Civil War, but because they are economic refugees who just want to have a better life in Europe!
    Yes ... there are also refugees who fled the IS, without question ...

    Anyway ... all the chatter you repeat like a prayer is completely irrelevant!
    Over 5 million Syrians have fled the country and spread over half of the world ... that's a quarter of the population in Syria in 2010 ... and thus a quarter of the voters who could NOT join the election!
    And if almost half of Syria was controlled by the IS at the time ... of course, participate in these ridiculous elections, eh? ... then the elections without further listing of the areas controlled by the FSA are only irrelevant!
    I do not care which clowns from which country and institution these Waheln einbllchen or actually described as legitimate and correct ... the facts speak clearly against it!

    And as for this video ... sorry ... find out about the prison in Saydnaya ... and then be quiet in humility! I condemn both sides ... but you only one, simply because Assad does nothing bad for you and everything is just Western propaganda ...
  3. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Yes, it's a damn shame that if one tells the truth these days, one must condemn the US government for its many crimes.
  4. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    But one should stay objective and not start giving a halo to all those who are "opponents" of the US just because they are opponents.
    Undoubtedly, the USA's attack on Iraq in 2003 was a crime ... but that's why Saddam Husain was not a saint or a victim to be pityed just because he was an enemy of the US .... just mentioned as an extreme example, because that's exactly what happened sometimes too!
  5. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Mandelus - The world does not consist of idiots. People can form their own opinion, so how about giving us the respect of forming our own opinions by presenting us with the evidence of facts, instead of just saying something is a fact?

    In my previous post, I presented two videos so you would know how I formed my opinion on Assad and the moderate terrorists that we support. Now how about presenting us with something substantial to show how you formed your own opinion. If it came from government officials or journalists, then let us know why you accept what they're saying, and if you were shown proof.
  6. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Jeannette ...

    That's not what it's all about! Everyone has their right to their own free opinion and to say it with an alleged quote from Voltaire:

    "I disapprove of what you say, but I want to defend to the death your right to say it."

    It's about forming an opinion from the facts ... ALL FACTS ... and not only using the "sources" that best fit your own view! In short, to get as much information as possible from all directions, then form their opinion ... because everything else is at least minimum a bias!

    Yes, you showed me 2 videos that shaped your opinion. I already knew one of them ... only btw ... but did you also look at the other videos about torture by the Assad regime ... and if so ... did you look at them without bias, without that earlier there was more of the thought in your head, that all this is just evil western porpaganda, etc. anyway?

    And to come back to these idiotic elections ...
    How can an election in a country in total civil war ... where about 1/4 of the population left the country as refugees for whatever reason ... where almost half of the country was controlled by IS scum and bastards ... and where do large parts of other insurgents, including other Islamist scum like Al Nusra, have control ... a proper, free, democratic election? It does not matter what these clowns you quote and name said about that ... it just contradicts any logic or common sense that it can work! You do not have to answer it here ... but try to be unbiased and think about my objection to these elections? Couldn't it be somehow true? Just answer it yourself ... not me! ;-)
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2019
  7. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Just because Washington demonizes everyone who is an enemy, doesn't mean Assad is a Hussein or Putin is a Ghadaffi. Far from it, and relatively speaking, I think Assad and Putin are above Macron, May, Merkel, Trump, and a lot of other leaders in the world. At least they have the integrity not to bow to our liberal tyranny.

    The population of Syria was 22 million. The ones who left the country are about 5 1/2 million. Another 6 1/2 million are displaced within Syria. Most of the minorities went to Assad protected areas like Latakia, part of Aleppo and Damascus. If you followed the news on more objective sites you would know that over 100 insurgent groups rejoined the Assad army when they realized the alternative would be sharia law. Most of the men in Assad's army are Sunnis.

    Now let me ask you something? Don't you find it insulting that Kerry would say Washington would not accept the election in Syria because a war was going on, while at the same time he accepted the elections in Ukraine when the war was going on and whoever represented the Russian majority South and East of the country were threatened not to run? Come on, what are we idiots?

    Anyway I do believe you when you say that the Syrian army was ruthless towards the jihadists, but that's to be expected when you see your family and friends killed, and your homes destroyed. This is why Russian troops entered Doura rather than allowing the Syrian army to enter, as well as why Chechnyan Sunnis are guards in the deconfliction zones and at the Golan border.

    This poll is from the British organization ORB International, an affiliate of WIN/Gallup International. It was taken before the mass exodus of Syrians in 2015.

    82% agree “IS [Islamic State] is US and foreign made group.”

    79% agree “Foreign fighters made war worse.”

    70% agree “Oppose division of country.”

    65% agree “Syrians can live together again.”

    64% agree “Diplomatic solution possible.”

    57% agree “Situation is worsening.”

    51% agree “Political solution best answer.”

    49% agree “Oppose US coalition air strikes.”

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2019
  8. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Then you don't think the Russians of Crimea have a right to unite with Russia again? I read that they want to sue Ukraine for what they suffered under them.

    Hope was destroyed when Assad wouldn't allow a gas pipeline to go through Syria and break Russia's monopoly to please the West. I have news for you, the friendship between Syria and Russia predates the Soviet Union and goes back to Imperial Russia's relation with the Christians in Syria. Those ties are quite strong and that the US and EU couldn't realize it, shows what a bunch of fools they are.

    But then again if they weren't fools, they wouldn't have destroyed millions of lives and the Middle East. Now they're ready to do it to S. America starting with Venezuela. The EU is backing someone called Guaido that the Venezuelans hate. But that's okay, the media will be at work again convincing people that black is white, and white is black until Venezuela's destroyed as punishment for daring to befriend Russia.

    Conspiracy theories come and go,
    and yet with us it can't be so.
    It's Putin here, it's Russia there,
    It's what we're told you know?

    The years will come and years will pass,
    but this one's sure to last and last,
    for Russia must remain a foe.

    That's what we're told you know? - Jeannette

    I'm a coming, watch out.
  9. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Sorry Jeannette ... I'm not about to demonize anyone and I'm far from following any ridiculous attempts to do this - by the way, attemts from both sides!

    t's about having a bunch of bastards and dictators / regimes in the world and both sides ... so you too ... always pointing your finger at the bastards who are not on your side! And then it's just as much a matter of trying to give a halo to one's own bastard or those attacked by the other side!

    That's exactly what you do over and over Jeannette and that is, sorry, totally hypocritical and makes you look like a Propganda Clown that is not about facts and truth.

    Let me give you another example for that ... Viktor Orban in Hungary!
    As soon as this expectant and hidden dictator is in dispute with the EU, you put him him in a victim role! Why? Simply because he turns against the EU, which is for you basically evil ... AND ... because you accept 1: 1 this propaganda garbage from Hungary and the same garbage from other sources as truth, without using the head!
    Unfortunately, the facts are clear and speak for the EU!
    By signing up to the EU, Hungary has signed a treaty which, among other things, implies that Hungary complies with various EU standards regarding freedom of the press and democracy, as well as the fundamental separation of powers. Again ... this is a contractual obligation that Hungary must fulfill as a member!
    Only Orban does not see this and violates these duties massively and many times ... and refers to the sovereignty of Ugarn, which you and others also saw at that time. Sorry, but the law does not have Hungary ... and if it does not want to keep the contract, then it should leave the EU. But that's not what Orban wants to do, because that will hurt Hungary financially and economically extreme hard ... he's smarter than the British and knows that!

    So ... where is the EU again evil? Because EU demands elementary things of democracy as a contractual duty of adherence by the members? Come on ...

    First of all...
    In part, you give me exactly the same points that I list, why the election was bullcrap ... but it's still OK for you. Ehm ... then tell me, how people in half of the country, which were controlled by the IS at that time, could vote! Then tell me how the 5.5 million Syrians abroad in a significant number, if any, could vote properly!
    Then tell me, why none of the rebels were allowed as an opposition ... because not everything has been evil jihadists and it is still today, as the Assad propaganda spreads it as a lie!

    Jeannette, I helped for a while as a volunteer in 2015 and I talked to Syrians. You also? There was a doctor and his family who had escaped the dead at their house for 10min, because the IS invaded and they are skis!
    There was a blacksmith and his 15-year-old son who had to flee from Assad because someone blacklisted them and where the son's older brother was murdered in jail!

    Secondly ...
    Your comparison between Syria and Ukraine is, sorry, bullshit!
    In Ukraine civil war is limited to the territory of Donbass ... plus Crimea which is under control of Russia. In the huge remnant of Ukraine is not a civil war. And in Syria at the time of the election? Ehm ... 50% under the control of the IS, another 25% under the control of the FSA and other groups, including Islamist scum, who is also at war with the IS, like Al Nusra or Al Qaeda!

    Third ...
    I have never denied that among the rebels Islamists are also scum ... and I have never denied that the support from the West, especially from the US, gets more from Turkey. And I never said that was OK. But...
    The term terrorist is insignificant and irrelevant ... because why is Assad being helped by Hezbollah terrorists? I know ... you say with certainty that hezbollah are not terrorists ... only, then you make the term itself irrelevant.

    did not say that ... I just showed you how ridiculous your reproach is, because you've done this before with a claim where again ... and I have given you, let's say, an alternative view of Crimea! I have said countless times that I have absolutely no problem with the Crimean occupation of Russia! For me, the Crimea should belong to Russia, I accept that because of the neutral view on facts!

    I also have some news for you ....
    That the USSR, followed by Russia and Syria for 60 years close friends, etc., I have mentioned in this forum dozens of times and is therefore not new to me!
    And as a result, I have no problem with the involvement of Russia in Syria ... only the criticism, why Russia has not done that earlier!
    Only ... that's why Assad is not less a bastard to me than Saddam or others ... but he's a matter of Russia and nobody else!
    And Venezuela is basically the same ... plus the point that the US does not have the slightest right to get upset about Russia's commitment without being ashamed of its involvement in Georgia. And yet Maduro is a bastard!

    Sorry ... but YAWN!

    There were better propaganda crap examples given as this one... in internet. My favorite is the one were Putin gets in trouble with a bear and rides finally on him! ;-)
  10. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Only Mother Teresa and a few others deserve halos.

    The invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and so many other places are crimes ongoing.

    First, Saddam was the Fair Haired Son of the US government as he waged years of war against Iran on our behalf and with our weapons and money.

    Then, he fell out of grace and was sacrificed. It's the way humans have operated since the beginning of politics.
  11. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    So ... in summary, he was actually a bastard who was once supported by the US, but then became their enemy and therefore was, is and will remain a bastard in history ... simply due to the evil things he did?
  12. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    No, he was only a mere human being, just like you and me. Just like you and me he wore no halo, and had many faults.

    But, he did manage to keep Iraq secular, and he did manage to keep the electricity on and the sewers running.

    He made his compact with the Devil in Washington, by waging their war against Iran. Anybody that sells their soul to the Devil will eventually pay, one way or another.

    When he asked Washington about invading Kuwait, he was set up for the fall.
    Jeannette likes this.
  13. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    The 7% is a made up percentage, and not indicative of Russia since it's a self sufficient entity. As an example much of the foods Russians eat are grown in dachas. They're also self sufficient in minerals so the costs to them are minimal. Besides that they're high tech. As an example Washington sanctioned certain composites that Russia needed for the wings of its airplanes. It set their airplane industry back a few months and cost the American companies a loss of millions. Russia did find a group in S. Asia willing to supply them until they develop their own composite - which should take less than a year.

    This is just one example of how sanctions was the best thing that ever happened to the Russian Federation. It's also the worse thing that ever happened to the American Petrol Dollar, and the American dollar in general.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  14. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    One should judge a tree by the fruit it bears. Saddam was evil in going to war with Iran and causing the deaths of so many, but the US is even more so since the deaths and sufferings from the sanctions and Bush's invasion have not stopped since then and runs into the millions.

    One of the most appalling things the American coalition did these past years, was to tell the people in Mosul not to leave before they bombed and that they had precision bombs. They then bombed the whole city into the stone age. The intent was probably to ethnically cleanse the city of an unwanted population under the pretense of wiping out the terrorists, so that some inhabitants were warned to leave and others were not.

    I don't know if the bodies in Mosul have been buried yet, but I know that no one went into the city for at least two years.
  15. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    You also do not meet resistance with the assertion that the USA is largely to blame for the emergence of ISIS ... and that they "suddenly" were there ... what they really were not, but already existed for years ... and so quickly conquered and then so many heinous did.

    Just as far as Mosul is concerned ... well ... where is the difference to Aleppo in Syria Jeannette? The two cities have been flattened similar and in both cities the bombing party has not really given a damn whether civilians are hit or not at least!
    And please ... do not try to relativize Aleppo, as different, less bad or the like, just because it was not bombed flat by the US but by "someone else"! That hurts due to the facts only your credibility!
  16. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    There is no black or white, there are degrees. Some people lean towards one end of the moral spectrum, and others lean towards the other end. As I said I despise calumny. Everyone has faults, but why attribute faults to others that they do not have? You in the meantime are placing those who attack other nations for their own self interests in the same category as those who are defending their nations. That's like saying a criminal who comes into someone's house to rob and kill them, is the same as the owner fighting back.

    This doesn't mean the owner is a good person. It only means that his response is a defensive measure.

    I will repeat, I despise calumny, and I will defend those who are calumniated unjustly until I die. It's unfortunate that it's being used continuously by Washington not only for our domestic politics, but for our foreign policy as well. This doesn't mean that Merkel hasn't gone along with it. She has, and she has lied.

    I can't defend Ghadaffy as a moral person, but I will defend his policies since he had some of the best social services in the world. He also wanted to better the conditions in Africa by taking them off the American dollar - which is why we killed him and destroyed his country.

    As for Hussein, I don't know that much about him other than he attacked Iran and later Kuwait. He ruled Iraq with a stern fist, which was probably the best thing for the country - and he was tolerant of other faiths. His foreign minister was a Christian.

    As for Vladimir Putin, I know he's hated by the criminals that were chased out of Russia and embraced by Washington. Sharon Tennyson who lived in Russia and met him said he was known for his integrity at a time when everyone was getting rich from their positions. This is in contrast to the lies about him stealing and hoarding millions.

    Putin also said that he will not respond to sanctions in any way that will be detrimental to Russia and the Russian people - and he's followed that through. He has responded in way equal to every sanction, but never in a way that's detrimental to Russia.

    I also know he's a highly devout man, and had a spiritual confessor at Mount Athos until the EU panicked over it, and he switched to a monastery in Russia. During a celebration in Mount Athos he was placed on the Byzantine throne to the chagrin of the Greek president. It's not a small thing. It means they have an inner knowledge of him as a highly moral and righteous person, which is the opposite of how he's been presented as in the media.

    As for Assad, I can't believe the medias and their lies. The Syrian people I knew praised him and the way Syria has become because of him - that is before we decided to destroy it. He's also know in Syria as the kind hearted Assad, which is a far cry from how he's been presented. This doesn't mean that others in the army are not committin atrocities, they probably do, but it has nothing to do with Assad so why calumniate him?

    Anyway I know certain things from a Christian monastery in Syria that others do not know, and which indicate that he's a highly moral and righteous person.

    Victor Orban is a nationalist reminiscent of Mussolini and the other dictators in the last century. But it's what the Hungarian people want or they wouldn't have voted for him. Maybe the EU should take a good look at itself and the way it imposes certain liberal ideals on other nations, because that is what's causing the rise in nationalism in Eastern Europe.

    I might not agree with Orban's nationalism, but I'm glad he's fighting Soros and his one world order. I see it as the greatest danger we have today.
  17. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Do you remember all the propaganda against the bombing of East Aleppo, and do you know why? Because there were British and American agents embedded with the terrorists. Russia sent buses to take out civilians, so that the agents would have a means to escape. Russia did the same thing in Douma, but a lot of terrorists escaped with the agents and went to Idlib. That's why it is such a problem now.

    Most civilians were not allowed to leave Aleppo by the terrorists which is a lot different then telling the people not to leave and that the US has precision bombs and they won't be hurt the way they did in Mosul.

    From everything I read, around 450 people were killed by the Russian bombing, and 150 were killed in West Aleppo by the terrorists. 450 is a far cry from the thousands killed in Mosul and Raqqa by the coalition bombing, but you're not going to find that in the MSM. I know that Assad was furious about Raqqa, and considers it genocide.

    In two years, the bodies in these cities which were under the Americans, were still not buried. Here are some pictures.



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