Trump has repeatedly ridiculed & harassed our friends & allies since becoming President, but I have never heard him say a word against Putin or Russia. I find that more than a little odd, plus discomforting.
Why Putin, specifically? Because you're told to use him as a boogeyman? Why not Xi Jinping, specifically? Because you're not being told to use him as a boogeyman? Take off your nosering. You're being yanked around for the benefit of weasel politicians.
It is true that Trump likes authoritarian leaders specifically, & treats them all with respect, while he assaults leaders of democratic countries like England, France, Germany, Canada, etc. You can defend Trump all you want, if that's the kind of leader you want for the U.S. But I disagree with Trump & with you. Trump is NOT the kind of leader I want for the U.S.
So, I'm seeing a dodge here. What is it about Putin that has you all cranked up, only now? Is he not the same guy that Hillary, Obama, and Bush sucked up to? Do you ask "how high?", when your masters tell you to jump?
Putin is the de-facto leader of Russia, our most persistent nuclear opponent. We MUST deal with him, as we have to deal with any other leader of any other country. That's fine. There are areas where we can work quite comfortably with him. But Trump seems to believe Putin & Russia have nothing but our best interest at heart, in whatever actions they take. I see nothing to warrant that attitude or support it.
My point is that you are being told how to perceive how things "seem" to be. If you believe that Trump isn't working for America's interests, you are simply following the line of crap that you are being fed. It might turn out that Trump is wrong. I don't claim to know that he is right. It's just that this stupid fixation on the non-existent Putin bullcrap is beyond ridiculous.