High power and influence drive people crazy. Its also a natural high. When they lose a position of power, they feel upset and in withdrawal. I knew a former politician who confirmed this. He actually spoke about this in a Ted Show. As a consequence, they detach themselves from reality and live a bubble. That medium will affect their ability to observe the reality. I don't know why these natural effects of power on humans are not widely discussed.
Definitely a power play. Most likely discussed with Dmitry Medvedev before, they are best pals, they did things to boost power for each other(increase presidential years). Maybe to boost him as an opposition leader...you know after the real one got shot in front of the Kremlin. Do any posters want to speculate why Medveded led government resigned?
One can't help but feel that Putin treats Russia as a nation that serves him. It's been suggested Putin might be the richest man in the world. He's certainly running his nation into the ground. Once no-one wants his oil and gas it's over for Russia - unless it starts a few wars.
You're funny! You mean the political candidate that got 2% of the Russian vote? Boy that must have panicked Putin so he killed him - and in front of the Kremlin no less. There's a lot of speculation, some stupid ones from the MSM of course, and some not so stupid coming from Russia. The authentic one from Medvedev is that the government, or rather his cabinet resigned to facilitate President Putin into putting his plans into motion. Part of his plans is to lessen the power of the presidency and create a greater balance in government. It's a smart move and will assure the country will run smoothly after he's gone. This must have worried him a great deal - especially when considering Washington's tendencies of throwing nations into chaos at the first opportunity. I began thinking though of the Russian economy and what I found was that Putin wants Russia to become the world's 5th largest economy before he leaves office in 2024. It's a very ambitious plan and according to the renowned Elvira Nabiullina who heads Russia's Central Bank, it is achievable. To attain the goal though is probably why Medvedev and his cabinet resigned. This way Mischustin who had modernized Russia's tax system and made it the best in the world, can take over and help bring Russia's economy up to par.
I guess I didn't quote Putin's exact words, but I was close. I found it in brainy quote: "...Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain. Vladimir Putin..." https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/vladimir_putin_452527
I have news for you, Putin unlike our politicians doesn't lie - which shows how much smarter the Russian people are than us. He does what he says and says what he does - well maybe not all of it. Besides how could Putin be running for another term when it's going to be prohibited? Also instead of strengthening the presidency he's weakening it, so why would he weaken it if he wants to remain president? THINK - THINK - THINK!
Putin said that Lenin wasn't a statesman, he was a revolutionary. Putin said that Communism was a fairy tale full of lies and promises. Putin said Lenin is responsible for mass burials and millions of deaths. Putin said that Lenin killed a fledging capitalist society in 1917. Putin said that Lenin set a bomb under Russia.
No one should ever "believe" what any politician says. “Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often, and for the same reasons.” Something Mark Twain should have said.
As I have said often, ignore what politicians say and watch what they do. Putin is no friend of the U.S.
Nations are not friends - not even in the unlikely event that their leaders happen to be personal friends. At best nations have mutual interests in common.
My point is that you don't know much about Putin.....and you're not alone. No doubt you're in the 'Putin wants to put the Soviet Union back together' camp. Most people are that don't know a damn thing about Putin and/or Russia. Why don't you tell us all about the history of Russia? Tell us about the numerous attempts the Poles tried to conquer Russia. The Swedes. The Turks. The French. The Germans. The Finnish.
So.....you're claiming to know what's inside Putinkas mind? You have some private back channel that you communicate with him? Maybe you can tell us all the history of Russia. You claim to know where all the exotic car dealerships are. Those attempts by the said "aggressors" were probably attempts to get territory back. Half of the RF is probably stolen.
I see you still can't get over the fact there are exotic cars in Russia. You still think they are all driving 1980 model Ladas. If you want to talk about stolen land, exactly where did 'the ukraine' get its land? You Ukies just don't know when to quit. Are you due to post some more garbage propaganda from that UA rag you promote? Here's an 1837 map of Russia: Here's a 1914 map of Russia: Where exactly is the 'country' of ukraine? Oh, that's right, it doesn't exist.
The irony that we miss, is that the reason they became a "problem" is their sphere of influence spreading across their borders into other sovereign territories. Hm, that sounds familiar, doesn't it? If the military power of the East and Eurasia were to someday overcome that of the United States, I believe we'd be on the other side of the boot of this conversation. Where the hypothetical "downfall of the United States" would be a great event for Eastern powers, but a terrible event for us.
Lol....well I know there are exotic cars in Moskolia.....I think I asked you if you knew what goes in in Putinkas mind. I see you completely dodged the issue. Typical of you trolls. Well many vatniks don't even own a vehicle FYI, just can't afford it. And yeah there's plenty of LADA trouble vehicles in the Asiatic fiefdom. Most other vehicles are Benz, Beamers, Land Rovers, and other western jobs. Russkis (the ones with$$$), don't buy their own junk(because it is). Nice maps of stolen land. Russia was never an "entity" as you claim, just like the former SU). Ukraine existed long before any kind of Moscow was even existed. Bears were ****ing in the swamps nearby. Yeah I will be posting more UA.....I know it pisses off you trolls, since you can't handle it. Russkis never did like the truth).
I am alright with Putin in the larger scheme to things. He has certainly been alright for Russia and a stronger Russia that can put some check on American hegemonic policies would be a good thing. (If anything, I am not thrilled with the fact that the Russians aren't as interested in standing up to US bullying as I would like them to be). That said, however, Russia didn't become a vast land empire by accident! The first map below shows the Russian expansion since the 16th century, which came at the expense of various other powers. The second one shows the shrinking of Iran, much of it territories lost to the Russians (most notably, as a result of the so-called Russo-Persian wars of 1804-1813 and 1826-182. To be sure, I am okay with Russia exercising some control and influence over what is 'near Russia' in places like Ukraine. But I actually prefer the Russians out of the Middle East, including Syria, now that their fine job helping defeat plans to unseat Assad and in helping defeat ISIS is over.