like waves on a pond....... such is LIFE itself ie...the Energy is 'the light' itself Their catching on!!!!!! Next they will be able to show that the combining of energy will follow the 'golden ratio' ie.... tap the pond twice and see how the waves combine and rise at 'x' .
Keep in mind, the difference between light and sound is that light does not need a medium to propagate itself through space. Sound is energy transferred when you disturb a medium and this energy is passed on from one molecule to the next molecule in the medium. Light is strictly an electric and a magnetic phenomenon that can self propagate through vacuum or a medium. A buildup in an electric field will induce a decrease in a magnetic field and vice-versa.
So there are no fields? what is the pulse itself? What it the 'energy' itself upon that mass? but there is no such thing as a perfect vacuum with no fields. It's impossible to create, build or has NEVER been observed. So there really is no em without 'fields'?