Fallacy Fallacy. I didn't base any of my argumentation on that. I simply stated it as a truth. No I don't. You seem to lack understanding about the required situations for certain fallacies to be applicable, and about what many fallacies even are to begin with. No fallacies on my end. See above. Never said that laws didn't change.
Sure it has. At the time in our history when marriage was legally defined as "one man and one woman". It takes a man and a woman to have a child. That is how procreation works. That very definition required procreation to be possible (in principle) in order to marry.
Appeal to tradition fallacy. Appealing to nature fallacy Again appeals to nature fallacy. For the fallacy police you sure are bad about making them.
Now people can marry someone of the same sex. Whether they are gay or not. That is more freedom not less.
Fallacy Fallacies. I didn't appeal to either. It is not a fallacy to point out that marriage was legally defined a certain way at a certain time, nor is it a fallacy to point out that science tells us that (for humans) only male/female relations can procreate.
never, at any time in US history. It's why you can't show us a statute showing it is. nowhere was the ability or intention required for marriage. this is demonstrably false. at no time, in the history of the US, was the ability, intention or principle possibility of procreation ever required for marriage. That is reality.
What law stops them? except you can marry someone of the same sex where before you couldn't. Yes you have told me your falshoods before that doesn't make them any less untrue.
numerous states were stopping them. that's why it went to court. the constitution precludes bans on same sex couples, via the 14th amendment. That's why same sex couples can now marry.
they quite demonstrably can. more freedom now. and your argument was refuted the very first time you made it.
which means they can and do marry. thank you. you quite demonstrably can. It's an objective fact of reality same sex couples can and do marry in the US. That is in no way debatable. Denying that, is a total detachment from reality.
No they weren't. They could marry if they wanted to. They simply didn't want to since they aren't attracted to the opposite sex. There was no marriage ban on anybody. See above. They have never been able to marry.
this same argument failed miserably in loving v Virginia. Numerous states banned same sex couples from marriage. This violated the 14th amendment, and the bans were subsequently struck down accordingly. refuted above demonstrably false. It is an objective fact of reality that same sex couples can and do marry in the US. That is in no way debatable. Denying that, is a total detachment from reality.
There is a marriage ban on same-sex couples they're absolutely was you can insist that there wasn't but you would be incorrect. Now same-sex couples can marry. You can insist on your alternate reality that doesn't make it reality.