San Bernardino Shooting - Follow the money trail

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by PoliticalMaryPoppins, Dec 3, 2015.

  1. PoliticalMaryPoppins

    PoliticalMaryPoppins New Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    There is a news report out there describing a trail of dating site profiles for Farook the Dead Terrorist ( and yes, most terrorists are going to have a middle eastern name and yes predominantly of an Arab decent wake up!!), he was looking for a wife which he apparently did Mrs Farook the Dead Terrorist.

    So where is this going to go now? A young Muslim man frustrated by the hardship of not able to find a wife led to believe that living in a western civilized community would do him well, was wrong and therefore he went out on a shooting rampage?

    Conclusion... he is not a terrorist, not ISIS related and we should not use the words we are at war on our land? Wake up people this is not the first not the last unfortunately.

    First order of business is to cut all the funding these nut cases are who are receiving millions of $$$ from sinister governments. Bombing is not going to end this wacko stream maniacs so long as they are well fed and pampered with bombs, guns and extra cash for an Ipad.

    It pisses me off to see how much governments are still wrapped up in their political correctness for the sake of their party or stock dividends and don't make the effort to make a dramatic change.

    Sheesh! :steamed:

    God bless all the families who lost their loved ones and a quick recovery to all injured. Unfortunately the physiological effects will remain for years to come. I send love and healing to you all <3
  2. Alucard

    Alucard New Member Past Donor

    Oct 1, 2015
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    It is always the families of the victims who suffer and it is so unfortunate how close this tragedy was to Christmas.
  3. justlikethat

    justlikethat New Member

    Nov 27, 2014
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    What news report are you reading? LMAO
    There is no confirmation on the motive as of yet!
    Is he a muslim, yes, are there confirmed reports that he was a radical, yes.
    Only a goofball with his head in the sand would not come to the conclusion that he's a fricking muslim terrorist!

    And for the record, they were married for two years, so with all that said, you may want to look in the mirror, while the sleep out of your eyes and see who needs to wake up!
  4. PoliticalMaryPoppins

    PoliticalMaryPoppins New Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    keyword to use: "san bernardino terrorist dating site"

    some of what the article said:
    "A profile under the user name "farooksyed49" on dating website featured a picture of Farook that Khan confirmed was his brother-in-law. It stated that the user was Muslim American and born in Chicago.

    "Farooksyed49" described himself as a Muslim American citizen looking for marriage who lives in "California/riverside" &#8212; a community about 11 miles south of San Bernardino. His age on the site is listed as 22. describes itself as a "Site for People with Disabilities and Second Marriage."

    The user said he was from a "religious but modern family" and listed "Eastern and Western Mix" under family values.

    "Enjoy working on vintage and modern cars, read religious books, enjoy eating out sometimes travel and just hang out in back yard doing target practice with younger sister and friends," according to the profile."

    Calm down sunshine we are at war with terror not with one another.
  5. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Honeypot Jihadi bride?

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