Sandy Hook massacre never happened

Discussion in 'Other/Miscellaneous' started by hooleydooley, Jan 10, 2013.

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  1. 7forever

    7forever Active Member

    Sep 27, 2010
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    You will never answer the following question.

    Why did people lie about what the dispatcher said if the real words didn't mean exactly what they mean? He never said run the operator. He said Rodia, operator. That means he was the person whose name was registered to the Honda Civic. That simple lie makes the truth more factual. The real meaning was so devastating to the official story that two words were added that were never spoken.
  2. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    The only lie here is the suggestion that what can be heard is a dispatcher in Newtown, and not Greenwich Detective Vincent O'Banner (53-Edward) standing next to Christopher Rodia in Greenwich that morning. He also mentions a Florida license, something a CT dispatcher would not have known without behing handed the operator's driver's license.

    Operator does not mean "registered owner". It means the person operating the vehicle.
  3. 7forever

    7forever Active Member

    Sep 27, 2010
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    The lies here are you ignoring that he never requested to run the operator and then pretending that operator could never mean the person whose name is connected to the suspect vehicle.:roflol: Do you really think the request to run a plate during a school shooting was ignored?:roflol:
  4. 7forever

    7forever Active Member

    Sep 27, 2010
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    "Run the operator" will never be "Rodia, operator." :roflol:
  5. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Who's pretending?

    Find me an LEO anywhere that doesn't know the difference between "operator" and registered owner.

    You'll find not one.

    And who says the request was ignored? Lots of plates were run during that school shooting. Lots of plates were responded to. You were listening to a shared frequency. This sharing is accomplished by squelching unwanted communication with a PL tone. Officers broadcast on a unique frequency, which is repeated by a shared repeater using a PL. The Newtown guys listen to Newtown's PL and the Greenwich guys listen to Greenwich's PL. They don't hear each other unless they are also monitoring the appropriate tone, but that results in a lot of cross talk and interference.

    The recording you are listening to is unsquelched. Those sections are on the recording that sound scrambled were perfectly audible to someone monitoring the appropriate PL. But, you don't understand how radio communication works either, so I'm probably just wasting my time explaining that.
  6. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    Man, I'd be seeing red if I'd lost a loved one in such an event and then some kook tried to tell me it never happened.
  7. 7forever

    7forever Active Member

    Sep 27, 2010
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    The request was not ignored. The ID was given right after the request. The operator of the suspect vehicle was Rodia. Nothing will ever change that. You can pretend all you like that the word operator can only mean what it must mean for your fiction to live on. Certainly if your claim were true, then the need to add two words that were never spoken would not have been required. The people trying to cover this up were fully aware that the dispatcher who spoke those words was not asking for info, but in fact providing it immediately after it was requested.

    To even suggest that the info requested was not given and clearly heard over the scanner during a school shooting is absurd. It would've been exactly when Rodia's name came up, and there was nothing but his name all over it. That's logical and makes perfect sense with the request made just prior to Rodia's ID.

    Your claim is nothing short of undeveloped stupidity. Did your fake officer decide to read everything on Rodia's DL because he wanted us to know he stopped a clown in Greenwich whose name was registered to the suspect vehicle at SH?:roflol: There was no request to run anything on Rodia, therefore no reason to stand there and read off a DL. The fake story also says he was given a warning, which makes his info being read over the scanner more idiotic.
  8. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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    You have zero understanding of the particulars,you're just blindly making up s*** for some reason....
  9. Fangbeer

    Fangbeer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Except maybe the truth, but you're not interested in that.

    1. The dispatcher would not respond with information about the "operator" unless he was told who the operator was by the officer on site. A dispatcher cannot divine the name of the person operating the vehicle from a license plate tag.

    2. Detective Vincent O'Banner read the information on Rodia's DL because he wanted the dispatcher to search the database for warrants. The Rodia stop had nothing to do with the radio communication regarding the Newtown tag.

    If Rodia had registered the vehicle at Sandy Hook School you should be able to find a record of that fact. It's public information. Please find it and get back to me.
  10. 7forever

    7forever Active Member

    Sep 27, 2010
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    All logical people would accept that the communication originated from the parking lot of SH followed by a dispatcher who provided the ID that was requested. Was Rodia pulled over as O'Banner would have us believe, or was he sitting in Mommy's car in a fire zone? Maybe you could say he was pulled over for speeding and then parked in a fire zone?:roflol: Two birds with one stone kinda thing.:smile:

    Any suggestion that Chris Rodia's name came back from a different plate is proven false because the green machine was Mommy's car.

    He says he was miles away in Greenwich, getting a warning for illegally parking in a fire zone.

    "I was with my niece driving my mother's sage green Nissan," the 43-year-old Norwalk resident said.

    Greenwich Detective Vincent O'Banner remembers pulling Rodia over in that city around the time of the Newtown shootings. "I do remember that," he said. "I gave him a verbal warning."
  11. Moriah

    Moriah Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2013
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    I just today came across a youtube video concerning the Sandy Hook tragedy being a staged event. I have 3 questions: 1) How did they get the police, mortecians and school officials to go along with the lie? Not to mention the people in the town of Newton? 2) How do they manage to make the parents, siblings and other family members go along with the charade? 3) Why did the main stream media go along with this false story?
  12. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    You tube Video Sandy Hook crime photos
    The hat Lanza was supposedly was wearing( evidence marker # 21 ,PHOTO TAKEN BY THE POLICE) when he shot himself in the roof of the mouth with a 10 mm 150 grain bullet ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL CORONER'S REPORT is at 19:30 min and 40:19 min .shows a bullet hole in it ,but where is THE BLOOD, THE HAIR, AND THE SKULL FRAGMENTS IN THAT HAT. If you've ever seen a self inflicted head wound IT WILL PAINT THE ROOM RED !!!!

    April 24, 2015
    Wolfgang Halbig Nationally known School Safety Expert who has been investigating the many inconsistencies and unanswered Questions concerning the supposed Sandy Hook School Shooting has had all his FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Requests
    denied for two years. He finally had to file a lawsuit and subpoena witnesses. That hearing took place today and it was the very definition of stonewalling and coverup. Many of the witnesses ignored the subpoenas. The Attorney for the state stonewalled and objected at the simplest questions not even letting the janitor identify a picture of the school. All work orders after being completed have to be signed off on by the person performing the work and the Principle They had these signed documents through 2009 but couldn't produce any signed completed work orders for the school after that . The Hearing will have to continue since several of the witnesses refused to show up. It looks like the coverup is going to continue, but that in itself speaks volumes. They now will be on record refusing to clarify the many glaring inconsistencies concerning this event or as most people refer to it A FEMA / HOMELAND SECURITY CAPSTONE DRILL!
    We found out today the Helicopter that took all the aerial footage the day of the alleged shooting was the State Police Helicopter and it was in the air 31/2 hours ,but none of the transcripts of the communications between the Helicopter and the ground were in the Final Official Report like all of the other communications and 911 transcripts. This helicopter wasn't dispatched until 11:00 AM and the dispatch log shows it's mission was to search for suspects in the woods. They wouldn't release the footage the Helicopter took !


    Interesting remark by the States Attorney and the Commissioner in charge of the Hearing." Anything presented on the News Media or published in the Press IS HEARSAY AND NOT CREDIBLE INFORMATION. Even the re-published letter by the Principle telling Parents of the New Security System being installed. So ,anything you saw presented by the MSM or National Press by Law is CONSIDERED HEARSAY AND NOT CREDIBLE INFORMATION !!!!!

    The police Chief testified that the initial 911 call was for a unwanted person on the premises and was assigned a medium priority, but he testified that 21 Newtown Police Units were dispatched. Halbig's attorney tried to point that the initial 911 call was for shots fired, the Police Chief and States Attorney
    denied this. So. evidently they dispatched 21 POLICE UNITS FOR A MEDIUM PRIORITY UNWANTED PERSON ON THE PREMISES CALL .UHM !!!! I would be surprised if a town as small as this even had 21 Police Units ,Unless they were pre-assembled, SAY FOR A DRILL !
  13. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Yeah if you DID lose a loved one,but look at Don Townsends post and the stuff that hooley dooley posted in that post that Don qouted him on,the last one on this page,post#137 and its obvious this indeed was a staged event.

    You accept that my user name is the truth,why would you start believing in what the CIA controlled media tells you now suddenly?
  14. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    considering you believe in the fairy tale that oswald shot JFK,a section devoted to crackpot theories would be an excellent hangout for you.:laughing:

    - - - Updated - - -

    thats the norm for

    - - - Updated - - -

    thats the norm for
  15. 9/11 was an inside job

    9/11 was an inside job Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2011
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    yeah I have noticed that the people coming on here saying you believe in crackpot conspiracy theories and the like,they have done no research into this and have evaded all the facts you have posted not even trying to refute them,they have the mindset because the LAMESTREAM media says it happened this way,that makes it the automatic truth,they are incapable of critical thinking.:laughing:
  16. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    On June 3rd the 2nd FOIA HEARING TOOK PLACE IN Sandy Hook , CONNECTICUTT where Wolfgang Halbig is the plantiff He is a Nationally known School Safety Expert who has been investigating the many inconsistencies and unanswered Questions concerning the supposed Sandy Hook School Shooting has had all his FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Requests denied for two years. He finally had to file a lawsuit and subpoena witnesses. The first hearing took place on April 24 th. and it was the very definition of stonewalling and cover up. In the 2nd hearing some witnesses again ignored the subpoenas. All work orders after being completed have to be signed off on by the person performing the work and the Principle They had these signed documents through 2009 but still couldn't produce any signed completed work orders for the school after that . They were also unable to produce any documentation or knowledge of who supplied the porta-potties at the site , who did the BIO-HAZARD CLEANUP AT THE SITE OF THE SO-CALLED MASSACRE. and no one knew anything about the permission slips required for The Sandy Hook Choir to sing at the Super Bowl, in fact no one knew anyone who went on the trip and there was no mention of it at the last School Board Meeting before the trip. Also , Throughout the whole Sandy Hook Farce One thing has been consistent the MSM AND OR THE GOVERNMENT has denied any involvement by the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY even though there are several videos showing DHS Vehicles on site. Every indication points to the fact that Sandy Hook was indeed a DHS/FEMA CAPSTONE DRILL !
    A BOMBSHELL was dropped when Mr. Halbig’s Attorney was questioning Newtown Official Selectman E. Patricia Llorda about the Electronic Flashing” Everyone Must Check In” Sign in front of the Sandy Hook Fire Station. When asked who put the sign there Ms.Llorda responded . “I believe HOMELAND SECURITY PUT IT THERE .”
    Ms. Llorda was also asked about who had that SIGN IN SHEET associated with the sign and she had no knowledge of that. SO I GUESS DHS HAS THE SIGN IN SHEET.It looks like the coverup is going to continue, but that in itself speaks volumes. They now will be on record refusing to clarify the many glaring inconsistencies concerning this event or as most people refer to it A FEMA / HOMELAND SECURITY CAPSTONE DRILL! Both Hearings are online on youtube I would like your opinions and comments !

    Video of the Bombshell 1 min. 24 sec. That’s going to expose everything !
  17. LoneStrSt8

    LoneStrSt8 New Member Past Donor

    Jul 14, 2011
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  18. Don Townsend

    Don Townsend New Member Past Donor

    Mar 16, 2013
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    Quote Originally Posted by Don Townsend View Post

    On June 3rd the 2nd FOIA HEARING TOOK PLACE IN Sandy Hook , CONNECTICUTT where Wolfgang Halbig is the plantiff He is a Nationally known School Safety Expert who has been investigating the many inconsistencies and unanswered Questions concerning the supposed Sandy Hook School Shooting has had all his FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Requests denied for two years. He finally had to file a lawsuit and subpoena witnesses. The first hearing took place on April 24 th. and it was the very definition of stonewalling and cover up. In the 2nd hearing some witnesses again ignored the subpoenas. All work orders after being completed have to be signed off on by the person performing the work and the Principle They had these signed documents through 2009 but still couldn't produce any signed completed work orders for the school after that . They were also unable to produce any documentation or knowledge of who supplied the porta-potties at the site , who did the BIO-HAZARD CLEANUP AT THE SITE OF THE SO-CALLED MASSACRE. and no one knew anything about the permission slips required for The Sandy Hook Choir to sing at the Super Bowl, in fact no one knew anyone who went on the trip and there was no mention of it at the last School Board Meeting before the trip. Also , Throughout the whole Sandy Hook Farce One thing has been consistent the MSM AND OR THE GOVERNMENT has denied any involvement by the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY even though there are several videos showing DHS Vehicles on site. Every indication points to the fact that Sandy Hook was indeed a DHS/FEMA CAPSTONE DRILL !
    A BOMBSHELL was dropped when Mr. Halbig’s Attorney was questioning Newtown Official Selectman E. Patricia Llorda about the Electronic Flashing” Everyone Must Check In” Sign in front of the Sandy Hook Fire Station. When asked who put the sign there Ms.Llorda responded . “I believe HOMELAND SECURITY PUT IT THERE .”
    Ms. Llorda was also asked about who had that SIGN IN SHEET associated with the sign and she had no knowledge of that. SO I GUESS DHS HAS THE SIGN IN SHEET.It looks like the coverup is going to continue, but that in itself speaks volumes. They now will be on record refusing to clarify the many glaring inconsistencies concerning this event or as most people refer to it A FEMA / HOMELAND SECURITY CAPSTONE DRILL! Both Hearings are online on youtube I would like your opinions and comments !

    Video of the Bombshell 1 min. 24 sec. That’s going to expose everything !

    DIANE FEINSTEIN SAID , “ If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright BAN, Picking Up Every One Of Them, MR. and MRS. America, TURN THEM ALL IN, I WOULD HAVE DONE IT !”

    ERIC HOLDER SAID, “ We need some kind of anti-gun message every day, at every school , at every level. One thing I think is clear with young people and adults as well ,is we have to be repetitive about this. It’s not enough simply to have a catchy add on Monday and then only do it every Monday. We need to do this every day of the week and really BRAINWASH PEOPLE INTO THINKING ABOUT GUNS IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WAY .”
  19. LogicallyYours

    LogicallyYours New Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    That's an imaginative story...except the sign didn't appear for a couple of days after the shooting. So, much for you "Capstone Drill" BULSH. Oh, and Lumpy Failbig has received everything Newtown had, that he asked for. Perhaps he should have asked the right people for what he wanted.
  20. YouLie

    YouLie Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
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    I just watched We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook on YouTube. I've always been skeptical. After watching the video, I'm sure it was a hoax.

    Most people calling conspiracy theorists nuts wouldn't take the time to watch an almost three hour video on the subject. I challenge you to watch it anyway. There are certain facts, not conjecture, that do not make sense. They cannot be easily explained away, and in fact can only be answered by the people there, under oath.

    It is possible to pull of something like this, especially given the resources of the government.
  21. YouLie

    YouLie Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
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    I don't think asking how they managed to pull it off is the right question. If you simply can't accept the possibility of it being executed, it'll be difficult to convince you.

    The media interviewed the same group of people over and over. How many, ten or twelve? Besides we all know no one in the mainstream media would investigate this as a hoax, actually seeking the evidence to disprove it. They just wouldn't go there.
  22. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    I guess somebody forgot to tell the dead children and teachers as well as their family and friends plus Lanza's mother that they aren't actually dead.

  23. DarkDaimon

    DarkDaimon Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    Actually every murder in America has never happened, it is all a conspiracy to keep the populace scared and under the control of the government.
  24. Coolia

    Coolia New Member

    Apr 10, 2014
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    I've seen it. The way the Internet is, you'd think someone would've leaked crime scene photos.
  25. 7forever

    7forever Active Member

    Sep 27, 2010
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    Their stories don't match up. You don't get pulled over for parking in the fire lane at Walmart.

    "That was such a heinous crime, I don't want to be connected to it in any way," Rodia said.

    He says he was miles away in Greenwich, getting a warning for illegally parking in a fire zone.

    "I was with my niece driving my mother's sage green Nissan," the 43-year-old Norwalk resident said.

    Greenwich Detective Vincent O'Banner remembers pulling Rodia over in that city around the time of the Newtown shootings. "I do remember that," he said. "I gave him a verbal warning."

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