Do we really have to go over how these were questions again? I know its not a reading problem for you as you have been involved with this thread for pages now, which makes you intentionally dishonest!
I think the main argument is that the little girl with Obomba is older than four years. Not my argument but the main argument that I have seen. And that the younger one with the Prez has the same mannerism of fingers in mouth as the middle sister who is said to be wearing her sisters dress.. Personally I am not fond of these sorts of arguments, there are enough inconsistencies and truly extra ordinary oddities about Sandy Hook as it is .........but people must ask questions where they see something they do not understand or just isn't right. We should worry if people hadn't noticed the same dress ................... It is those who jump down peoples throats for asking questions who are in denial ..denial of looking at anything for fear of what they might find.
again with the delusional remarks if you're suggesting that's emilie with obama, that's a mistaken argument
If ? That is not what I said at all ............. Oh and I meant one of the arguments is that the little one in each photo shoot has the same mannerisms ........... I have no argument myself. I simply don't believe it any more, I was duped into wasting my tears again and shall turn my Radio off next time I hear of a massacre in the USA. I'm tired of having my hearts strings pulled over soaps.
what you said was equivocal, which is why i said, "if you're suggesting…" they're sisters, it's not unusual for sisters to have the same mannerisms your bs doesn't fool me
I'm a completely open-minded person with no predisposition for or against any particular theory. False-flag attacks are real, and have been scientifically documented in meticulous detail for those who care to read them, as have the psychological explanations for how intelligent, well-meaning people can completely reject the possibility of their existence even when faced with indisputable evidence. The American government is a very large organization, and has criminal elements with incredible resources and capabilities. I do not believe in conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories are suppositions of intent without physical proof to support the theory. Once physical proof enters the discussion, it is a debate about facts and the label conspiracy theory should be abandoned. I find the arguments regarding the faces of parents and the man who found those six kids incredibly weak. The timestamps are also completely unconvincing to me. I only am concerned about 1) the man in the woods 2) the high level officials who repeatedly informed news organizations that the bushmaster was left in the car 3) the lack of medical service providers and lack of information about who determined there were no survivors. To be quite honest with everyone, it has crossed my mind that this entire Sandy Hook hoax conspiracy theory is a false flag attack itself. The physical evidence proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that the official 9/11 story is a lie. We have all seen the three steel-framed buildings coming down in their own footprints at free-fall speed, building #7 which wasn't even hit by a plane, and contained vast evidence about corporate crime, and whose owner is on video discussing that they decided to pull it. A terrorist suspect on one plane identified by his passport, found on the ground at the 9/11 crime scene by a government agent, although the plane's black box was never recovered. The first steel-framed building to come down from fire in the history of architecture, and at free-fall speed in its own footprint! Throw in the multiple dust-samples independently collected by witnesses, each found to contain micron sized particles of military-grade thermitic material, and you have yourself a lock-tight case that even the most hardened "anti-conspiracy theorist" must explain away with radical departures from the scientific method. I am still waiting for a peer-reviewed journal article explaining the buildings' collapse, now that the NIST report and ridiculous "pancake collapse" theory have been widely recognized to completely fail to explain the experimental evidence. This Sandy Hook hoax theory is a completely different thing. Parents' expressions prove nothing. Time-stamps prove nothing. The media's flood of misinformation proves nothing. Some of it may be circumstantial evidence, but it is very far from scientific proof. There are three questions that must be answered: 1) Who is the man in the woods? 2) Why the false reports of the rifle left in the car? 3) Why didn't medical personnel check to see if anyone was alive? If they did, how did that all happen? I respect victims' and responders' rights to privacy, and understand the incredible trauma of such an experience and its' retelling, but the priority must be to prevent future violence and tragedy. A hero willing to rush into a dangerous situation to save lives is surely not going to balk at the chance to provide evidence necessary to ensure that all guilty parties are brought to justice and prevented from future violence, even if retelling the event is traumatic. I understand that the children involved should be protected and that investigations and interviews must be delicate. I would like to hear at least one witness at the scene, preferably an adult, describe what happened, how it happened, and why all the children interviewed described sounds VERY different than that of an assault rifle firing off hundreds of rounds. I hope the discussion focuses on understanding facts and gets away from the belligerent personal attacks and time-wasting. If anyone who doubts the official story is available to interview one of the real witnesses, you should do it, carefully, thoughtfully, respectfully, and tactfully. Record it, pay them as much as you can afterward, and clear this all up for those of us who are deeply concerned with protecting American children and the 2nd amendment simultaneously. I think Michael Kehoe or one of the other 9 officers who were first responders, or one of the volunteer EMTs, would be able to given an excellent interview. Michael Kehoe seems able to discuss the event, and given his rank I think he understands that he will be shedding a lot of tears over this event regardless of whether he gives an in-depth interview to one of us. Have a nice day everyone, life is fragile so enjoy it and remember that even people you adamantly disagree believe that they are fighting for justice and truth and the protection of little children. Life is too short to be angry, do what you can to help those who need it and forgive our massively imperfect species for our massively imperfect behavior.
People fake a mood are actors. Here is another video to expose actors. The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed [video=youtube;Wx9GxXYKx_8][/video]
Everyday it is getting more and more obvious that the Government is BULL(*)(*)(*)(*)TING YET AGAIN to the people....and it is looking like more and mre everyday this Sandy Hook was just a gun grabbing plot by the gun why are the PTB afraid of an armed populace??????. _____ Guide on how to talk to children about Sandy Hook 4 days BEFORE massacre January 16, 2013 In addition to the four memorial-donation webpages for Sandy Hook victims which were created one to three days BEFORE the massacre, here’s another pre-massacre document. It’s a PDF document counseling parents and teachers across America how to talk to their children about the terrible shooting deaths of 20 children and 6 adults on the morning of December 14, 2012, in the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. The document, titled “Talking With Your Children/Students About the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting,” is the work of an organization called Crisis Management Institute (CMI). Based in Salem, Oregon, with just a P.O. Box address instead of a physical locale, Crisis Management Institute describes itself as follows: “Our mission at CMI is to help schools prevent crisis for individuals as well as the whole school population, and to plan and prepare such that each small response mitigates the likelihood of a larger crisis growing out of the current situation. By providing solid foundational materials and cutting-edge online updates, we aim to give all schools a range of resources with which to face emerging challenges.” Some of the “resources” CMI provides are short (1-2 pages) guides in PDF format posted on its website, such as “Talking With Your Children/Students About the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting” (henceforth abbreviated as “Talking With…” that you can read for yourself. You’ll see that the PDF document does not have a date for its creation. However, when a document is uploaded onto a website, it acquires an Uniform Resource Locater (URL), which is a specific character string that constitutes a reference to an Internet resource. Think of the URL as the Internet address of a website, or of an article or picture within that website. Or in technical jargon, “Every URL consists of some of the following: the scheme name (commonly called protocol), followed by a colon, two slashes, then, depending on scheme, a server name (exp. http://ftp., http://www., smtp., etc.) followed by a dot (.) then a domain name, a port number, the path of the resource to be fetched or the program to be run, then and an optional fragment identifier.” For example: The URL for this blog, Fellowship of the Minds (FOTM), is The URL for one of FOTM’s posts this morning, “Cutest kitten, ever,” is Note that this URL has two items that FOTM’s main URL doesn’t have: The date when the post was published: 2013/01/16 for Jan. 16, 2013; The title of the post, “Cutest kitten, ever.” And so it is also with Crisis Management Institute’s online documents. Despite the absence of a date in CMI’s PDF document “Talking with…,” there are other ways to ascertain when “Talking With…” was uploaded to CMI’s website. That date is December 10, 2012, four days before the Sandy Hook massacre. Here’s the evidence: Inside the bottom right yellow circle I drew is the date when the sleuth ↑ accessed the Arlington Red Devils’ website: 1/10/2013 (January 10, 2013). Inside the top yellow circle I drew is the URL of CMI’s “Talking With…” document with its date of 2012/12/10 (December 10, 2012), which is FOUR days before the Sandy Hook massacre: Since Jan. 10, however, that Arlington Red Devils page has been scrubbed. If you go to, you get sent to this page ( that says “Error 404 – document not found”. Good thing the sleuth had taken a screen shot of the ARD page on January 10, 2013! 2. The URL for “Talking With…” on CMI’s Website But we don’t have to rely on the now-scrubbed Arlington Red Devils webpage. We can go directly to Crisis Management Institute’s website for its PDF document “Talking With Your Children/Students About the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting.” Click here for the document. If CMI scrubs it by the time you try to access the document, I’ve saved the document in FOTM’s media library. Click here: Talking-With-Your-Children-About-the-Sandy-Hook-Elementary-Shooting/ The Spanish language version of the same “Talking With…” document has an URL date of 2012/12 (for Dec. 12, 2012), which is two days before the Sandy Hook massacre. One document or webpage bearing a pre-massacre date may be due to a computer glitch. But we now have at least FIVE cases (I know of a 6th, which will be posted tomorrow). And so, we must now ask ourselves why Crisis Management Institute — like the people who put up the “R.I.P. Victoria Soto” Facebook page, the United Way “Sandy Hook Support Fund,” the Sandy Hook Elementary Victims’ Fund, or the Fundraiser for Families Involved in Tragic Newtown, CT Shootings – somehow knew, days in advance, there would be a massacre in Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. Oh, one more thing. Crisis Management Institute’s director is a woman named Cheri Lovre. Cheri Lovre is an anti-gun gun-control advocate. Lovre posted an essay, “Talking About Gun Violence,” on a rabidly anti-gun site called Praying the Devil Back to Hell – HERE AND NOW! This is below the website’s masthead: Ban semi-automatic weapons and high capacity ammunition clips And this is how the site describes itself: We are people of faith, seeking to eliminate semi-automatic weapons and high capacity ammunition clips in our state, our nation, and around the world. After the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, December 14, 2012, it is time for us to say ENOUGH! There is no excuse for civilian possession of semi-automatic weapons or high capacity ammunition clips. Our children will not be safe at school, in a mall, or in a theater until we take these weapons out of circulation! http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress....dren-about-sandy-hook-pre-dated-the-massacre/
I don't like the pictures either. Smells of a false trail. What do you think of the LIBOR theories? - - - Updated - - - Robert Holmes linked in profile has been removed as well.
Seriously, shut off the self-righteous emotions a little and use some logic... First, as a grieving parent... I probably would not be Googling anything having to do with it as Federal, state and local authorities would probably be updating me with pertinent information. However, there doesn't seem to be much to add here to the "official story". Second, photographers/media shoot horrific pictures and video of all kinds of tragedies, of all forms of human devastation... there are no shortage of terrible photos of dead and mutilated adults and children all over the web, and in media, due to this. The picture of the fireman holding the dead girl after Oklahoma City bombing... as a parent do you want that circulated? How about the victims on the ground from 9/11 covered with dust and bloodied... you want that out there? How about pictures of people falling from the buildings? There are entire investigative TV shows that show real dead people all day long. Yet, media has no problem using these photos and it is widely accepted. Third, in court, there is always an opposing side to any crime no matter how devastating. There is always someone contradicting what happened, someone saying the raped dead woman was a whore, the dead man was gay or beat his kids or pushed drugs, or official witnesses saying something didn't happen that did... so people contradicting and investigating official stories is nothing new. Happens thousands of time daily in even the most heinous crimes. And usually the dead person's loved ones have front row seats. Fourth, I would be most offended at the President of the United States using my child's horrible death for political purpose to push a political agenda that has been in the works for decades, that strips Americans who did not commit the crime, of a most basic, God-given right. That is very offensive. Go cry about that and see where it gets you. Fifth, I'd be very offended at liberals in the media, like Piers Morgan, who tweeted "I'm being accused of 'standing on the graves of dead Sandy Hook children' - if that's what it takes to get action, so be it." How would a parent feel about Piers Morgan's statement? He admits he is using these dead kids to push an agenda. Do you hear any public outcry from that statement? They don't even have to search Google for that, just turn on the TV and watch it real time... broadcast to millions. Get your emotions in check and take a look at reality.
<<< MODERATOR EDIT: OFF TOPIC >>> UK may have less "mass shootings" but it is the most violent crime happening country in the world, per capita. Let that sink in. No guns but the most violent crimes in the world, per capita. "Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed. Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries. " "In the UK, there are 2,034 offences per 100,000 people, way ahead of second-placed Austria with a rate of 1,677. The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 92 and South Africa 1,609." We also have many more blacks in the US than Australia and blacks are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the US, and 6-7 times more likely to murder than whites. Here are some stats from Atlanta, Georgia which prove the point: "In Atlanta, African-Americans are 54 percent of the population, but are responsible for 100 percent of homicide, 95 percent of rape, 94 percent of robbery, 84 percent of aggravated assault, and 93 percent of burglary." And then there is this: "Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery. Blacks are three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife. Hispanics commit three times more violent crimes than whites, but the statistics are nebulous because sometimes they are classified as white, so it could be far higher. The best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percent of the population that is black and Hispanic. Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery. Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic. Blacks are seven times more likely to go to prison, Hispanics three times, and the reason is clear, because from 1980 to 2003 the US incarceration rate has tripled, and so proves that Justice is not only hard won, but well served."
Why do conspiracy theorists always try argument from omniscience? ... all kinds of tragedies, of all forms of human devastation ...always an opposing side to any crime ...always someone contradicting what happened The only absolute is that there are no absolutes when it comes to human emotion. When facing the loss of a child: One parent may withdraw. One might be more engaged. One might become enraged. One might cry. One might celebrate. One might be disgusted by these leaps to conclusions by conspiracy theorists. One might spread them. One might feel and do all of these things. There's no one right and correct way to grieve. How they handle their grief is one thing. Conspiracy theories like this one, on the other hand, are formed to spread disinformation, lies, and confusion to mitigate feelings of a lack of control on the part of those that spread them. They are speculation and fabrication based on fantasies of how things should be [according to some], not how they are. And that's the real insulting thing to parents. It's not the idea that some wack job might be stroking himself to pictures of their dead child. It's that some wack job is out there trying to convince people that their child never even existed, or that they lied about the death of their child for some ridiculous conspiracy motive. Correct me if I'm wrong here but didn't you just express some? I might be going out on a limb here, but aren't you part of the public? Are you asking me if I heard what you just typed? Didn't you just link to a post full of tweets expressing outcry from that statement? Was I not supposed to read that link? Do people even read their own posts? Honestly.
basic evidence shows your reasoning is flawed but sandy hook isn't one of those there's a big difference between being open-minded and being looney
Everybody knows that so said media works for the government. They rarely report government unfavored material such like 911 truth that so many people have to discuss it in Internet. They repeatedly broadcast the collapse of WTC1,2 but avoid the scene of collapse of WTC7 that clearly indiactes their censorship. New Town Bee reported the interview with Sandy Hook school Principal(who was dead already) and took it off later may be another evidence that it was pre-planned plot. The Principa may have seen something she was not allowed to know in the field and was shot to death. That was incident to the plot. New Town Bee didn't know it and published the interview according to the oringinal plan and made such a conflict. The similar thing happened in 911 report too. BBC reports WTC 7 collapse 23 min BEFORE IT HAPPENED !!!!!!! [video=youtube;ky90eEIzStw][/video]
Ahh more argument from omniscience. Chaos doesn't happen in the mind of a conspiracy theorist. It all goes according to plan...