Santorum wins Kansas !

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by MnBillyBoy, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. MnBillyBoy

    MnBillyBoy New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
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    A nice win until you use the same theory against Santorum you use against Romney.
    A LOW voter turnout in a popularity contest that does not BIND delegates.

    Then compare this result to 08 where HUCKABEE got 60 % of the vote to McCain's 20ish something.
    Kansas meant NOTHING. Romney got a second place win without effort.

    If you read along Wyoming had ANOTHER VOTE..where The committed delegate count went 7 to Romney and 3 to Santorum.

    If you had been following my post you would know that Wyoming awards its delegates in a series of votes that Romney has won each time with his delegate count now over 20.

    Take 2 SEPARATE BINDING totals from the territories plus the binding vote in Wyoming and you can see newt's reasoning.

    The RNC has it 339 committed to Romney to 95 to Santorum and newt has 105.

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