nope.. not if you run raw untreated sewage into the ocean in incomprehensible amounts and of course the funds just keeps going missing Dirty sea water brings Cape Town desalination plant to a halt
Desal water is not much more expensive than freshwater or groundwater and we have ways around its drawbacks. The drawbacks don't really matter as humans can't survive without water, but they can survive with slightly murky water. As for the Cape Town example, this is always the strategy of the "it cannot be done" mob. Point out the least possible favorable example. They did it with Iran's nuclear startup time to show nuclear power would take several generations to get up and going, despite the average among comparable nations being 4 years. People who are thirsting to death don't tend to mind that there are some well known, relatively minor issues with desal, they just want to not die.
There is a desal plant... can't use it. Not don't want to use it. They need to fix the sewage pumps Steady.... they need to fix the sewage problem. also about 40-60% of all water is lots through leaking pipes, that also need to be fixed...nothing is fixed.
I have family that left South Africa in 1977. Black societies that kick out their white minority generally degenerate into a "Lord of the Flies" situation.
you mean how like white societies that are racist towards blacks degenerate into war mongering capitalists?
It looks as though this is what it has become. Sub Saharan blacks seem to struggle to construct a functioning society.
The water shortage in India isn't caused by global warming. It's caused by overpopulation (1.6 billion and growing), depleted aquifiers, and horribly polluted rivers. There is nothing about India's water shortage that has to do with global warming. India ranks high on the list of countries that pollute. Why not take them to task about that? There are nations in Indonesia that have pumped out so much ground water that their little islands are sinking. The ocean levels aren't rising. The land is sinking. Look at California's farmlands. Much of Cali's farmland is below sea level now, and will continue to sink due to the enormous amounts of water they pump out of the ground for their crops. The planet is used up mostly from overpopulation not from global warming.