SCIENCE! How they treat trans children across the pond

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by trumptman, Jun 18, 2023.

  1. trumptman

    trumptman Newly Registered

    Nov 14, 2021
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    Great article but can't manage to multisource it for those that like their food pre-chewed. If you can't stomach the source though, good news, the article has links to the primary sources that are cited in it so you can go to the supporting documents themselves and disregard the messenger.

    Starting first with England...

    What was one of the reasons they came to this conclusion?

    We promise medical intervention will fix your mental health concerns, but in reality that wasn't helping.

    Next up Finland...

    Puberty suppression benefits are unproven. Psychotherapy is the first-line of treatment and not blockers and hormones. Surgical sex changes are banned. The rationales for medical intervention are unproven and are considered extreme and experimental.

    Next up Sweden....

    Similar path because the science has show similar results. There is a lack of evidence for gender transition treatment for minors.

    France isn't quite a far along yet but they are getting there.

    There's a strong risk of overdiagnosis in matters that can cause physical harm versus using psychotherapy as a first line treatment.

    Finally this amazing article gets into the "science" behind all the claims for "gender affirming care".

    Even when considered the gold standard here is what the author of that study noted.

    The key point is free of other psychiatric issues. You do not want people seeking medical intervention to treat their depression, anxiety and other mental health concerns.

    So enjoy your dose of "the science says" today because Europe is ahead of the curve here and the United States is following. The states seeking to ban care to MINORS are protecting, not harming children. The evidence is clear even if you don't like the messenger and no one is being "genocided" by such legislation. They are being protected. Let's hope all children are protected from the profiteering butchers soon.

    For those claiming this doesn't happen to minors, here is an article about a woman suing because she had such care in California when she was just 13 years old.

    No one of sound mind should be able to declare that this legislation is banning practices that never happen anyway but if you don't allow them to never happen anyway then you are harming kids and committing genocide by not allowing that which never happens anyway. It's absurd pretzel reasoning. It does happen. Kids are being hurt. It needs to stop.

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