Scotland in Canada? The Federation of Yes We Canada

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by Peter Dow, Apr 9, 2017.

  1. Peter Dow

    Peter Dow Active Member

    Sep 28, 2008
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    It’s time for Scotland to find a new home – in Canada
    Scotland ‘should become province of Canada’, says author

    Reply from Peter Dow in Aberdeen, Scotland

    Thank you very much Ken McGoogan for your very interesting and appealing proposal. Canada is a great country and I am sure that very many Scots would like Scotland to form a stronger and deeper relationship with Canada, perhaps even one day become a province of Canada.

    I am not sure whether it would be legally and constitutionally possible to go directly from Scotland as part of the UK to Scotland as a new province of Canada?

    The UK might refuse and say "NO. Scotland is part of the UK and the UK won't allow that".

    It may be necessary first for Scotland to go through an intermediate stage of Scotland voting for independence, leaving the UK and then as an independent country applying to join as a new province of Canada.

    However, I am sure of one thing, Canada could really help Scotland gain its freedom from the UK and I'll explain how.

    In the 2014 Scottish independence referendum, doubts were cast over what currency would Scotland use?

    So I wonder if Canada could volunteer the Bank of Canada to support the value of a new Scottish currency (named the "Scottish pound S£", perhaps) for use in an independent Scotland, for example, by the Bank of Canada agreeing with a new Scottish central bank a reciprocal pegged exchange rate between the Scottish currency and the Canadian dollar?

    Such an offer would help us to win another Scottish independence referendum because our expectation is that the rest of the United Kingdom would not wish to agree a currency union to allow an independent Scotland to continue to use the Great British Pound, Sterling, while borrowing from our central bank to finance Scotland's fiscal deficit.

    The UK seems hostile to an independent Scotland's finances and so we Scots do need a White Knight country to come to our financial aid and I believe that Canada could be Scotland's White Knight.

    The Federation of Yes We Canada (Nation States)
    Civil Rights Lovefest - From Sea to Shining Sea


    The Federation of Yes We Canada began as the country Canada which achieved full constitutional independence from the United Kingdom in 1982.

    Following the referendum of the United Kingdom to exit (Brexit) from the European Union and the election of Donald Trump in 2016 as President of the United States and the doomed but dogged pursuit by the UK and the USA of outdated fossil fuel energy policies, attempting but failing to buck the global transition to renewable energy, the UK and USA suffered catastrophic economic decline and political disintegration leading to the secession of Scotland and Northern Ireland from the United Kingdom and the secession from the USA of most of the Blue states which had voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, those on the West coast and North East coasts of the the USA and those with a land or sea border with Canada.

    Most of the newly independent states having left the UK and USA acceded to various treaties of Federation with Canada which country adopted its new title "The Federation of Yes We Canada" in honour of the election slogan "Yes We Can" of President Obama the previous US President.

    Seminal act. Meeting of Condoleezza Rice and Peter MacKay in Nova Scotia, 2006

    Historians generally agree that the seminal act of the Federation of Yes We Canada was the meeting of US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Canadian Foreign Minister Peter MacKay in Pictou County, Nova Scotia, Canada on September 11 & 12, 2006.

    Condi Rice on her night with Peter MacKay
    Rice credits it with helping her decide not to quit her job

    Condi's visit to Nova Scotia, Canada with Peter MacKay, Foreign Minister of Canada.
    Set to music "My Love" by Westlife.
    Condi - My Love

    National Anthem - MY LOVE

    So I say a little prayer
    And hope my dreams will take me there
    Where the skies are blue to see you once again, my love.
    Over seas from coast to coast
    To find the place I love the most
    Where the fields are green to see you once again, my love.

    Westlife - My Love

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