Seattle drug addicts openly smoking fentanyl in public buses, complaints about fumes

Discussion in 'United States' started by kazenatsu, May 13, 2022.

  1. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    Looks like the drug problem in Seattle is so bad, passengers are openly smoking crushed up fentanyl pills in crack pipes on public buses.

    Other passengers are expressing concern and frustration over the smoke fumes.

    One passenger said it is so common it is happening on every other bus he takes.

    They had to pull one of the bus drivers off because he was starting to become under the influence and intoxicated from the fumes.
    Fumes that were probably drifting all the way to the front of the bus from the very back.

    Gives a new meaning to "second hand smoke".

    Public transit, the new drug den: what’s being done to keep you safe? – KIRO 7 News Seattle

    It's obvious both Seattle police and the bus drivers are refusing to enforce the rules/laws.

    VIDEO: Public transit: the new drug den. What’s being done to keep you safe? | KIRO 7 News - YouTube, KIRO 7 News, Feb 25, 2022

    Homeless Take Over Light Rail Trains In Seattle: SHOCKING City Worker Video, News For Reasonable People, May 13, 2022
    Last edited: May 13, 2022

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