Seattle Public School Teach Love of Reading and Writing is ‘White Supremacy’

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by InWalkedBud, Feb 20, 2024.

  1. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Probably. The teach why supremacy because at the moment it is the lefts favorite whipping boy and according leftist apparently the ability to speak and write in complete sentences is a mark of white supremacy. Then again so is disagreeing with leftists about much of anything.
  2. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Does Seattle’s ideological bent lead to things like this:
  3. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    I dont know what 'perfectionism' is sposed to mean... but of course they try to group 'individualism' and 'objectivity' in with 'white supremacy'. Does that include people of color who value their individual freedom and laws that are objective? If it doesnt, it will very soon...
  4. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Uh, did you even read the citations or are you pontificating from willful ignorance? How would you interpret E?

    The girl asked the boy to meet her in the bathroom where they had had sex twice before. She wanted to talk, he wanted to rape. He was transferred to another high school while the case was pending (I'm sure you are all for innocent until proven guilty) where the little perv felt up another girl.
  5. jcarlilesiu

    jcarlilesiu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2010
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    Students are sponges, and taught from a young age that the materials presented are facts to be learned.

    If it was printed on a work sheet, was it to present supporting and opposing opinions?
  6. jcarlilesiu

    jcarlilesiu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2010
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    And I'm sure you support every school in the US presenting the Ten Commandments on a worksheet on the basis they can refute it?
  7. jcarlilesiu

    jcarlilesiu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2010
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    The left needs to propagandize a new generation of woke progressives.

    These people were subject to the same, so they can't fathom how absolutley ridiculous their perspectives are.
    Steve N likes this.
  8. jcarlilesiu

    jcarlilesiu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2010
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    And what was the grade level in this example?
  9. Adfundum

    Adfundum Moderator Staff Member Donor

    Jul 31, 2018
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    The wording puts it at a high school level. I'd say grades 9-10. But the same thing could be used in 11th and 12th grade.
  10. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Its prolly this: HANDOUT-SHARED-Characteristics-of-White-Supremacy-Culture-original-1.pdf (

    Some of this is really good ...and some of it is really awful. I suspect its the result of multiple contributors, some of them are geniuses and some of them are evil morons and no one was willing to tell the evil morons that they shouldn't contribute.

    Little appreciation expressed for others' work
    Criticism more common
    Criticism of person or their work in their absence even more common
    Mistakes seen as personal failings
    ANTIDOTES: Develop a culture of appreciation; develop a learning organization, where it's expected that everyone makes mistakes and those mistakes offer opportunities for learning"

    MP- So far, so good. This seems beneficial.

    "Sense of Urgency
    Continued sense of little time that undermines inclusivity, and/or democratic and thoughtful decision-making
    This sacrifices potential allies in favor of quick or highly visible results
    Reinforced by funding proposals that promise (and funders that expect) too much for too little
    ANTIDOTES: Realistic workplans; leadership that understands that things take longer than anyone expects; discuss and plan for what it means to set goals of inclusivity and diversity, particularly in terms of time; write realistic funding proposals"

    MP- I'll agree that urgency for urgency's sake is counterproductive to productivity. But so is inclusivity and diversity for their own sake. Objective Meritocracy already doesnt allow for racial/ideological discrimination. That's good enough.
    Also sometimes urgency is necessary for productivity. Emergency services is one obvious situation, but also time really is money. You can't spend forever on something and expect it to be profitable or get anything else done.

    Organization and energy focused on preventing abuse and protecting those in power
    Criticism of those with power viewed as inappropriate
    Difficult to raise new or challenging ideas
    Energy devoted to avoiding hurt feelings and working around defensive people
    ANTIDOTES: Understand how defensiveness is linked to fear (of losing power, face, comfort, privilege); name defensiveness as a problem when it is one"

    MP- this is a good point, but I don't think treating defensive people as a problem is really the solution. Its just going to make defensive people more defensive. Instead, efforts needs to be made at the social level to teach individuals to be more emotionally resilient.

    "Quantity Over Quality
    Measurable things are most valued
    Little value attached to process
    Discomfort with emotion and feelings
    ANTIDOTES: Include process goals in planning; develop a values statement about how work will be done in the organization; develop methods for measuring process; recognize when you need to get off the agenda to address people's feelings and underlying concerns"

    MP- This is contradictory. Here it is recommending to engage in "Defensiveness" (devoting energy to avoiding hurt feelings and working around defensive people) to attach value to processes and protect emotions and feelings. Smells like double-think...

    "Worship of the Written Word
    Those with strong documentation and writing skills are more highly valued, even in orgs where ability to relate to others is key
    The org doesn't value other ways in which information gets shared
    ANTIDOTES: Analyze other ways people get and share information; come up with alternative ways to document what is happening; work to recognize the contributions and skills that every person brings to the organization; make sure anything written can be clearly understood (is jargon-free)"

    MP- Agreed that there is too much emphasis on bureaucracy in our society, and those with skills not related to documentation are often overlooked. ...but what are 'alternative ways to document' other than writing? Do they want everything to be on video? I don't see constant surveillance improving many workplaces...

    "Only One Right Way
    Belief there is one right way to do things and that people will learn and adopt it
    When they do not, then something is wrong with them
    ANTIDOTES: Accept that there are many ways to get to the same goal; notice and name behavior when folks/groups push "one right way"; acknowledge you have a lot to learn from community partners' way of doing; be willing to adapt; never assume you/the organization knows what's best for others"

    MP- Clearly whoever wrote this did not serve in the military... This is good advice in some environments, and terrible advice in others. This is not a suitable doctrine in general. Most 'ways to do things' are derived from lots of practice and experience and are designed to eliminate unforseen problems associated with other methods. 'Reinventing the wheel' usually results a lot of time wasted to invent a worse wheel. But not always, and that is worth consideration, in specific circumstances.

    Decision-making clear to those with power; unclear to those without it
    Those with power feel capable of making decisions for and in the interests of those without power
    Those with power don't view as important or necessary understanding the views/experience of those for whom they decide
    ANTIDOTES: Ensure transparency about decision-making; include people affected by decisions in the process"

    MP- 100% agree.

    "Either/Or Thinking
    Things are either/or, good/bad, right/wrong, with us/against us
    No sense that things can be both/and
    Results in oversimplifying complex things Increases sense of urgency that we must do this or that, without time to consider a middle way
    ANTIDOTES: When people use ‘either/or’ language, push for more than two alternatives; when people simplify complex issues, encourage deeper analysis; with urgent decisions, make sure people have time to think creatively"

    MP- mostly agree. When urgency is necessary, just do what you're sposed to do. When it isn't, that is the time for asking questions and pushing for alternatives.

    "Power Hoarding
    Little value around sharing power
    Those with power feel threatened when change is suggested & experience this as a judgement of them
    They also assume they have everyone's best interests at heart, and that those wanting change are ill-informed, emotional, or inexperienced
    ANTIDOTES: Include power-sharing in your org’s values statement; discuss that good leaders develop the power and skills of others; understand that change is inevitable and that challenges to leadership can be productive and healthy"

    MP- Fair enough.

    "Fear of Open Conflict
    People in power try to ignore or run from conflict
    When someone raises an “issue,” response is to blame that person rather than look at the issue
    Emphasis on being polite, so raising difficult issues is being impolite, rude, or out-of-line
    ANTIDOTES: Role play ways to handle conflict before it happens; distinguish between politeness and raising hard issues; once a conflict is resolved, reflect on how it was resolved and/or might have been handled differently"

    MP- can't it just be: 'When you raise issues, do it politely'? I dunno if roleplaying is really necessary here... I think this just goes back to teaching people to be emotionally resilient so they don't become defensive when 'issues' are raised.

    Little experience or comfort working as part of a team
    People feel responsible for solving problems alone
    Accountability goes up and down, not sideways to peers or those whom the organization serves
    Desire for individual recognition and credit
    Competition valued over collaboration
    ANTIDOTES: Include teamwork in your org values statement; make sure that credit is given to all those who participate in an effort, not just the leaders; practice group (not individual) accountability; use meetings to solve problems, not just report activities"

    MP- this is not individualism. This is SELFISHNESS. Why they are calling it 'Individualism' I can only speculate ...and my speculation is that they want to demonize actual individualism to promote collectivism.

    "I'm the Only One
    Connected to individualism, the belief that if something is going to get done right, I have to do it
    Little or no ability to delegate work to others
    ANTIDOTES: Evaluate people based on their ability to delegate to others; evaluate people based on their ability to work as part of a team to accomplish shared goals"

    MP- this is good advice when there are competent people to delegate to. There is not always competent people to delegate to. That's just unfortunate reality.

    "Progress is Bigger, More
    Observed in systems of accountability and success measurement
    Progress is an org that expands (adds staff, projects, etc.) or serves more people (regardless of quality of service)
    Gives no value, not even negative value, to the costs of this so-called progress
    ANTIDOTES: Ask how actions today will affect people seven generations from now; ensure that any cost/benefit analysis includes all costs, not just financial ones; ask those you work with and for to evaluate your/org performance"

    MP- This would be most beneficial if effectively applied to FedGov.

    Belief that objectivity is possible
    That emotions should not play a role in decision-making or group processes
    Requiring people to think in a linear fashion and ignoring those who think in other ways Impatience with any thinking that does not appear logical
    ANTIDOTES: Realize that everybody’s perspective is shaped by their worldview; realize this means you, too; push yourself to sit with discomfort when people express themselves in ways unfamiliar to you; assume that everybody has a valid point and your job is to understand it"

    MP- YES, everyone should listen more and consider other people's perspective. NO, not everyone has a valid point. People are often FLAT OUT WRONG and they don't know it because they don't listen to or consider other people's perspectives. Objectivity is possible, it requires the presentation of facts and depends on people's willingness to accept them. Saying 'objectivity is impossible' just tells people to ignore facts and demand their feelings be somehow manifest into reality. This is a recipe for insanity and chaos.

    "Right to Comfort
    Belief that those with power have a right to emotional and psychological comfort
    Scapegoating those who cause discomfort
    Equating individual acts of unfairness against white people with systemic racism that targets people of color
    ANTIDOTES: Understand that discomfort is at the root of all growth and learning; don't take everything personally"

    MP- I don't really understand what is being addressed here, but "Understand that discomfort is at the root of all growth and learning; don't take everything personally" is prolly the best advice anyone could ever live by.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2024
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  11. Melb_muser

    Melb_muser Well-Known Member Donor

    Aug 13, 2020
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    Horrible if true. But judging by the comments in this thread it's a misrepresentation.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2024
  12. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    To Seattle's surprise, they can't arrest folks for disagreeing with them.

    The Folks that hate White Folks, for being White, and Males for being males, and Jews for being Jews, also seem to hate Christians for being Christians.

    Ninth Circuit to Seattle: You Can't Arrest Dissenters

    Seattle wrongly detained street preacher at abortion rally and LGBTQ pride event, court rules.

    Even the 9th circus wouldn't go along with this.

    You cannot arrest folks for 'triggering' you. You can't control others by being a cry-bully

    'The Supreme Court has long rejected the idea that speech can be shut down because it triggers a hostile reaction from a crowd. In 1949, it overturned the conviction of an antisemitic demagogue, ruling that his speech couldn’t be punished based on the unrest it could create, in its 8-to-1 decision in Terminiello v. Chicago (1949). The Court stated that a “function of free speech … is to invite dispute. It may indeed best serve its high purpose when it induces a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction with conditions as they are, or even stirs people to anger. Speech is often provocative and challenging.”'

    'Yet, peaceful conservative speakers are sometimes silenced or arrested in progressive cities and college campuses just because crowds or listeners have a hostile reaction to their speech, in violation of the Supreme Court’s Terminiello decision.'

    'Progressive judge Barbara Rothstein that effectively upheld such censorship. The Ninth Circuit wrote as follows:'

    'Appellant Matthew Meinecke’s speech was not well received by his audience. On two separate occasions in June 2022—an abortion rally and an LGBTQ pride event—Meinecke sought to read Bible passages to attendees gathered in the city of Seattle. When those attendees began to abuse and physically assault Meinecke, Seattle police officers asked Meinecke to move and ultimately arrested him when he refused, rather than deal with the wrongdoers '

    If there are any confused 'progressives' out there, it's not really progress to arrest folks for saying things you disagree with, that would regression, not progression. Hopefully you all have this straight, now.

    It's always been against the law to do what Seattle did, and hopefully we soon have perfect clarity that it's also a complete violation for a public school to teach that loving reading and writing is a skin color based supremacy.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2024
    FatBack likes this.
  13. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    And then they'd b accused of being racists. American youth are too savvy to let that happen
    FatBack likes this.
  14. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Let a hundred flowers bloom.
  15. Polydectes

    Polydectes Banned

    Jun 21, 2010
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    That's the trick idiots into staying stupid. When you're stupid and you're easy to control.

    This should come out as a warning never trust anyone that tries to reward stupidity.
  16. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    Of course, how did they not see this coming:
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2024
  17. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    Yes. It is an example of Marxism on the march in America. Intolerable.
  18. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Nice response. I would only add to the Part on Objectivity That if Objectivity is not possible then the world as it currently exists is not possible. Feelings do not solve problems they can at best only demonstrate that a problem exists. Objective thought can find a solution to the problem. Arguments over feelings are ultimately insoluble because objectivity gets escorted to the door and given the boot. Why do so many men and women remain in abusive relations long past the point at which any objective observer would have hit the door running? Emotions. Do emotions have a place? of course they do but they don't solve problems and in fact can actually get in the way of solving problems.
    modernpaladin likes this.
  19. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Interesting, how is it Marxist?
  20. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    The purpose of the movement is to destroy the American capitalist system and replace it with a socialist system. Their activities are all to the detriment to our country in this effort. The current anti-semitic thing is a recent example. These protests are designed, implemented and managed by the Marxists. A similar thing happened in 2020 with racism as the focus rather than anti-semitism.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2024
  21. modernpaladin

    modernpaladin Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2017
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    I think what its trying to say (or maybe what it should be trying to say) is that we all have a somewhat inaccurate perspective, and in order to find out what someone's perspective is and determine whether their perspective can be useful in helping you make your own perspective more accurate, you first have to engage with them, listen to their perspective and consider whether or not they have a point. And also, by doing this, they might be more likely to reciprocate and be willing to alter their perspective when presented with yours. Or maybe not ...but there's only one way to find out. While yes, reality is objective, our perception of it is not. For example, no two people actually see the same color when they look at an object. For the most part, the difference is so minute as to be inconsequential. But some people just straight up cant see a certain color that is obvious to the rest of us. They arent 'wrong', they just dont see the same thing most other people do, and the best way to find a workaround is communication.
    garyd likes this.
  22. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Well bless your heart.
  23. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    I don't really know what they are actually trying to say with any degree of certainty on any of it. To me most of it seems to be little more than the usual know nothing psychobabble you get from leftist who think they are far smarter than they actually are. If you throw out enough verbiage you might eventually get something worth while as in the old saw about enough monkeys and enough type writers and enough time and eventually you get a Shakespearean couplet.

    The Truth of course is the first thing kids should learn in school is to disengage their egos from their ideas. If you can't do that then you're going to have a hard time learning anything. We all start out ignorant as dirt, and if you are going to let your feelings get hurt every time someone corrects a mistake you made you eventually get to stay ignorant as dirt and spend the rest of your life working crap jobs, and wondering why you can't make any money.
    modernpaladin likes this.

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