Once again, the Ancient Chinese prove their philosophical, scientific and ethical superiority to the modern West by gifting all of humanity the answer to the biggest, yet most secret riddle of all times. MOD EDIT - Rule 3Most people don't even realize that the Yin Yang is associated with a riddle. Up until very recently, neither did I. Fortunately, I keep myself in a state of mind wherein I am constantly open to learning. MOD EDIT - Rule 3 There may be all kinds of BS concerning this symbol's meaning on Wikipedia, (or wherever else it is that you people go to get updates on the cultural mythologies our controllers so desperately need you to keep buying into) but none of that is true. While this symbol's original purpose was most likely an educational tool for children, the Yin Yang has evolved into basically a mockery of mankind's stupidity. It has been permanently etched into the fabric of global society, and your controllers laugh at you in your castrated non comprehension of it's true meaning. Don't worry, though. Thanks to the Globalist Monoculturalism that shapes this planet's "history", the modern Chinese are just as clueless to this whole thing as the rest of the world. To understand what I'm about to tell you, you must already be mature enough to have outgrown the phase of your life in which you are willing to blindly accept and faithfully parrot the logical fallacies beaten into your vulnerable child brain by their public (and private Church based) school systems. Also, for you to grasp the extremely Simple concept I'm about to present to you, its preferred that you've taken the time in your life (out of self respect, if nothing else) to research REAL Geology. I'm talking about REAL Science. You know, the kind that can actually be observed. Without such tools, you're probably not going to be able to fully comprehend the vital and liberating lesson I offer.. Here it is= The Yin Yang symbol is, in actuality, a brilliant artistic representation of the Sun and Moon's circular movement pattern above our Flat Earth. The Law of Perspective has long proven the fact that the Sun never actually "sets", but instead simply moves far enough away from the observer to create the illusion that it sets. (There's hours of excellent video proof of this easily found on YouTube, as well) For those of you doubting the Law of Perspective's validity, I urge you to simply look down any long straight hallway and observe how the floor and ceiling appear to merge together at a far enough distance from you. That phenomenon is the same exact thing you experience when observing the "sunset". It's really not debatable, guys. Your eyes don't lie. Stanley Kubrick inserted at least one such camera shot in just about every film he ever made for a good reason. He was trying to tell you something. Tighten up. You don't really want to be the one idiot that doesn't "get it", do you? Now, looking at the Yin Yang, we see the Sun illustrated as a dark spot within its bright half of the field. The Moon is illustrated as a bright spot within its dark half of the field. The white area surrounding the black spot represents the rays of the Sun, while the darkness surrounding the bright white spot represents night. Each side's influence tapers off as their respective central figures (the dots) move in a forward cycling pattern, demonstrating precisely that which is observable in real life, with one's very own two eyes. On the Flat Earth model, (yes, the same one used by all sailors with exacting precision for thousands of years before the Globe model was introduced) the North Pole is at the center. Thus, the Clockwise motion of the Sun and Moon represented in the traditional Yin Yang correlates exactly with the apparent 'East to West' motion of our actual Sun and Moon. End of Lesson. The time has come for the common man to take back the hijacked mess we call modern "Science", my friends. I'm not creating these threads to Troll you! I'm creating these threads to Help you! I am simply awed by the fact that people will fight til the bloody end defending the unprovable Garbage that comes out of a textbook and the obvious CGI impossibilities they're shown on a TV screen, yet absolutely refuse to believe that which has been right in front of their faces since the day they were born. It kills me to see you seemingly intelligent people resisting this quite obvious reality tooth and nail, like its the End of the World or something! Go watch one of the many REAL videos that have been made using high altitude balloons, carrying high definition cameras up into the sky, clearly showing you that the Earth is Flat. These people are using normal lenses, not the Fisheye lenses Red Bull and NASA always use. These people's cameras travel to altitudes much higher than the altitude at which the alleged curvature is supposedly observable, and guess what...??? It's still just flat. I hate to have to be the one to break it to you, but you're living inside of an entirely contrived and controlled environment, from which there is probably no real escape. This is REAL Science. .....
A few questions: How far is the Sun away from the Earth? How big is the Sun? How far is the Moon away from the Earth? How big is the Moon? Does the Sun, Moon and Stars travel in circular path over the Earth or does the Earth disk rotate? Are the Sun and Moon inside Earth's atmosphere or outside it? What powers the Sun? How old are the Sun and Earth? What causes the aurora borealis? How does GPS work? Why does my satellite dish have to point to a very exacting part of the empty sky to get a signal and why does the signal disappear when someone stands in front of the dish by it doesn't affect my tv antenna? Why do I get better AM reception at night than day? Science has an answer to each of these question. Do you?
Other questions: What is underneath the flat earth? Where are its edges? What happens to all the water that flows off the edge, and where does new water come from?
You were doing OK until you got to the flat earth thing. Since you insist that we believe our eyes, a ship sailing far enough away from us gradually dips below the horizon due to earth's curvature. What does a man standing on the moon see when he looks at the earth? A globe. The earth is a hollow globe. You are one of the subterraneans bent on confusing us so that we will self destruct, allowing you and your grabboid relatives to reoccupy the surface.
Any pilot of long range civil flights [if he is not a Lufthansa pilot, there would be a certain statistical probability he could commit suicide, of course!] could tell you that he has had occasion to fly over the entire circumference of this planet, noting that it's a sphere! So, what are we talking about?
No. I can only answer a couple. Science's answers to those questions are not real answers. In fact, your questions were already loaded before you asked them. And everybody knows GPS is tech from the 1940s and they just use ground and sea based cell towers. Satellites do not exist. The sun and moon are indeed within SkyDome. - - - Updated - - - How could any pilot make that claim? From their perspective, this notion is completely unprovable.
Since man cannot and has not gone to the moon, your question is invalidated. Telescopic video captures have completely disproven your sailboat claim. How many times do I have to explain this to people??
research it..look up ying yang..BUDDY https://images.search.yahoo.com/sea...EEc2VjA3Nj?p=Ying+Yang+Symbol&fr=fptb-yff27-s
I called you on your statement that there exists a lot of youtube videos. Your call if you want to dodge that. Also, feel free to elaborate on what kind of observation you expect me to make and what conclusion I am supposed to draw from that. Keep it simple, give the best one you've got.
I figured you wouldn't be able or willing to answer the majority of these questions. That's ok, I know for a fact that there is no "sky dome" because where else would the Greys come from but an alien world? We already know from the autopsies performed in the late 40's that they are not human and the craft they crashed in was definitely capable of interstellar travel. We know they Greys have been watching us from orbit since we set off the first atomic bomb. How could they watch us from orbit if the Earth is flat?
MOD EDIT - Rule 3 Orbits, aliens and atomic bombs are ALL lies, brother. - - - Updated - - - Best answer= Look down any long straight hallway. Ceiling appears to merge with floor. Law of Perspective. End of lesson. (Otherwise, if you're honestly interested in this topic, do a little research. You will definitely find the videos. I guarantee it)
Sure I am aware of how perspective works. However, one can easily see that the sun isn't receding from our vision by observing the shape of the sun as it is setting. There are many weird theories out there. As long as you're not particularly helpful, I'll focus on more forthcoming ones.
Oh. You're one of those half-assed conspiracy hunters that won't even attempt to touch on the Big One. Earth is Flat. Sky dome. Sun & Moon are fake. And you can't handle it. What are you guys so afraid of? Deaths are hoaxed. Wars are hoaxed. Elections are hoaxed. Plane crashes, terrorism, hoaxed all the time. Why can't this entire environment be a hoax?????
MOD EDIT - Rule 3 I'm willing to let you correct this by supplying whatever you want, but if you're so unwilling for people to actually look into this that you rather question the source of my unwillingness, then I have no reason to spend more time on this particular one than any other conspiracy, even any other possible conspiracy. MOD EDIT - Rule 3
So you've never looked down a long hallway and observed the optical illusion I speak of? I don't believe that. I'll give you a video anyways. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7SbCs6CoU1w I know you're going to discredit the guy who made this video, but what he illustrates in the clip is undeniable logic and is indeed real, observable Science. - - - Updated - - - Possibly.