Actually I think it would be one of the few ways they could really drain the swamp in Washington Like a lot of other countries there are too many politicians "owned" by vested interests
Certainly that is an issue. WASHINGTON ― This election cycle, the political influence of labor unions seems greater than ever. Just consider the following numbers. The AFL-CIO union federation contributed $14.6 million to super PACs. The National Education Association has donated $18.1 million and spent an additional $1.4 million. And the Service Employees International Union has donated $19 million. Those are eye-popping sums. As the Wall Street Journal recently reported, organized labor on the whole has spent more money on this election ― steering its cash overwhelmingly to Democratic candidates ― than ever before. Overall, labor unions have donated more than $132 million to super PACs and spent an additional $35 million on federal elections. The pure solution is absolute transparency. No bundling to hide sources, no 501c4 operations. Every candidate and party must report every penny, and name the source, and people who contributed to the source.
The NRA is the most power lobby in the USA. Good thing too. Yamamoto's famous comment: "You cannot invade America there is a gun behind every blade of grass."