Sept. 11 marks tragedy beyond terrorist attacks of 16 years ago

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by Destroyer of illusions, Sep 11, 2017.

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  1. Destroyer of illusions

    Destroyer of illusions Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    It's been 16 years since that day, with "Nine-Eleven", when three skyscrapers collapsed in New York. No, I was not mistaken. Not two, but three, but for some reason they prefer not to remember the third. And when the third plane crashed into the repaired wing of the Pentagon, and strangely almost self-destructed, and another one fell in the desert. And this is not all the riddles of the tragedy that happened.

    So, on the morning of September 11, 2001, four Boeing planes were captured by some unknowns (two in Boston, one in Washington and one in Newark), after which the first two planes crashed into the New York skyscrapers WTC-1 and WTC-2, the third - hit the wall of the Pentagon, and the fourth - crashed near Schenksville, Pennsylvania. Two towers of the WTC, attacked by airplanes, within a hour and a half, suddenly completely strangely collapsed, neatly forming inside. Also for some reason, completely and neatly collapsed and the neighboring skyscraper WTC 7, although it did not hit any aircraft.

    Only a few days after the "terrorist attacks", how the first official version of the whole thing was ready and the performers were named. Guilty immediately was named Osama bin Laden, who led this action from Afghanistan, and, of course, his offspring of al-Qaida. Also immediately named were the names of all 19 hijackers who dropped their cars near the airports, in which they found the Koran and instructions in Arabic "How to fly the plane," and in the wreckage of the aircraft they found miraculously preserved passports of "terrorists". It followed that it was urgent to start bombing Afghanistan and invade Iraq.

    The final version of the official version, mentioned above, was adopted on July 22, 2004, when a commission of 83 people completed a 585-page report. The report of the "Commission of Kina" confirmed the above version, which is still the only one

    Now let us cite some facts showing how the US special services are able to "investigate" and receive the necessary and deliberately announced results.

    Cell Phones

    The official report states that all the information from Boeing crashed into the WTC skyscraper was transferred to the land via mobile phones. In particular, flight attendant Betty Ong spoke 23 minutes, and flight attendant Madeline Sweeney (25 minutes). The last words of Sweeney were: "I see water! I see buildings! ".

    And now the fact about which the authors of the official report "forgot". In 2001, calls from a cell phone from an airplane flying at speeds over 700 km / h were impossible.

    The fact is that when the phone hits the broadcasting area of the base station, or "cell", there is a so-called "greeting", which in 2001 took at least eight seconds. The "greeting" system was not designed for movement at a speed of 700 km / h and is possible at a top speed of 150 km / h. And only in 2004, Qualcomm, together with American Airlines, developed a system that with the help of a satellite provides calls via cell phones from the aircraft, on which a special mobile base station is installed. On July 15, 2004, a trial run of the system was made, after which it began to function.

    Cheating at speed

    In the official report of the "Commission of Kina" the scheme of the alleged flight of Flight 175, crashing into the southern tower of the World Trade Center, according to which the aircraft crossed the final straight section from the city of Trenton to New York in four minutes.


    And now the fact: The distance between Trenton and New York in a straight line is 85 kilometers. For an even account, you can even consider it equal to 80. According to official data, the aircraft overcame this distance in 4 minutes. Let's find the average speed of the liner in this section: V = 80 km / 4 min = 20 km / min = 1200 km / h. We get the speed of sound.

    Of course, the Boeing 767 was not supersonic. In the technical characteristics of the Boeing 767-200 it is said that its maximum cruising speed at an altitude of 12 km is 915 km / h. And this is only at an altitude of 12,000 meters, where the density of air is five times lower than at sea level, and the liner flew into the building at a height of several hundred meters. In the same technical specifications it is said that the maximum permissible speed of the Boeing 767-200 (the so-called Vne-Velocity Never Exceed), exceeding which the aircraft will simply begin to decay, is 0.86 speed of sound, that is, about 1000 km / h. Therefore, even if the plane managed to still develop the speed of sound, it would crumble long before Manhattan. That is, the official investigation suggests that all believe that it is impossible to purely physical. So, one more lie of official investigation.

    "Twins" could not collapse on their own

    According to the official report, the 100-story skyscraper WTC-1 completely collapsed 1 hour 42 minutes after the plane hit, and its twin WTC-2 - after 56 minutes. The reason, of course, is this: the blow and the subsequent fire that occurred after the "Boeing" hit the building.

    But here and there are still some not less surprising facts.

    It turns out that the "Twins" were designed so that, in addition to the wind load, they could withstand the frontal impact of the Boeing 707, the largest passenger airliner in those years. In the early 1970s, Leslie Robertson, who built the building, calculated the effect of the collision of the Boeing 707 with the tower of the WTC. He reported the results to the New York Times, arguing that the towers would withstand the impact of a liner flying at a speed of 960 km / h, that is, having taken on the attack of the liner, the skyscraper would remain standing without serious structural damage. In other words, the central frame and the remaining perimeter stand will withstand the additional load created by the absence of the demolished part of the supporting structures. It was with such a margin of safety that the "twins" were built.

    Frank DeMartini, one of the leaders of the WTC construction project, confirms this idea: the building was designed in such a way as to withstand the impact of the Boeing 707 with a maximum take-off weight. It was the largest aircraft of that time. I'm sure that the building would withstand even a few air strikes, as its structure resembled a frequent mosquito net, and the plane is like a pencil that pierces this grid and does not affect the structure of the rest of it.

    The fire also could not destroy the skyscrapers. Here's proof that the official report is lying again:

    So, the building WTC-1 withstood the first blow. Nevertheless, in the next hour and a half as a result of the fire, something happened that provoked the collapse of the tower. By the way, this is the first and only case in the world history, when a skyscraper turns into a pile of ruins as a result of an hour and a half fire - this, according to the official version.

    In the mid-1990s, two British firms, the British Steel and the Building Research Establishment, conducted a series of experiments in Cardington to identify the impact of fires on structures with a steel frame. On the experimental model of the eight-storey building steel structures did not have fireproof protection. Despite the fact that the temperature of the beams from the steel reached 900 ° C (!) At a critically admissible maximum of 600 ° C, none of the six experiments resulted in destruction, although certain deformations took place.

    In August 2005, John R. Hall Jr. of the US National Fire Protection Association, published an analytical paper, "Fires in high-rise buildings." In particular, it shows statistics that only in 2002 there were 7,300 fires in high-rise buildings, many of which were very intense and continued for many hours, having absorbed more than one floor. Despite the presence of victims and significant damage, none of these fires led to collapse.

    If this is not enough, here are some more concrete examples of the most violent fires in recent decades:

    On February 23, 1991, a fire broke out in the 38-story One Meridian Plaza building in Philadelphia. The fire began on the 22nd floor, covered 8 floors and lasted 18 hours. As a result of this fire, many glasses were knocked out, granite cracked and the bearing walls slipped. Nevertheless, the building survived and not a single one of it collapsed.

    May 4, 1988, caught fire 62-story building First Interstate Bank in Los Angeles. The fire lasted 3.5 hours, burned 4.5 floors - from 12th to 16th. But the supporting structures survived completely, and the secondary structures and several interfloor floors received only minor damage. The building survived.

    August 5, 1970 in the 50-story building 1 New York Plaza there was an explosion and a fire, which lasted six hours. There were no cracks.

    On October 17, 2004, a skyscraper caught fire in the Venezuelan city of Caracas. The fire broke out at the level of the 34th floor, covered 26 (!) Floors and lasted 17 hours. The building survived.

    And, finally, a fire in that same New York World Trade Center. February 13, 1975 in the northern tower on the 11th floor there was a fire, which resulted in 65% of the floor completely burned out. In addition, the fire spread down to the 9th and up to the 16th floors, without affecting, however, the office space and confining mines inside the central frame. The fire continued for three hours, and despite its much higher intensity than September 11, 2001, the structure of the building did not suffer. Not only the central frame, inside of which the fire was mainly spread, remained unscathed, but all the interstorey ceilings also remained.


    And the 47-story "WTC 7" collapsed ... by accident.

    The official report claims that WTC-7 "collapsed" due to the weakening of the load-bearing structures, despite the fact that no aircraft entered it.

    About demolition of the building number 7 WTC, as it turned out, in general very few knew. His destruction was somehow imperceptible against the background of other events of that day. This 47-story skyscraper, also called Salomon Brothers, housed the offices of the FBI, the Ministry of Defense, the 1RS tax service (according to the Online Journal, with a huge amount of compromising material, including the infamous Enron), counterintelligence USA, the stock exchange (with evidence of exchange fraud), as well as various financial institutions. His collapse took place at approximately 17:20 New York time, and several rather curious incidents are associated with him.

    FEMA claims that this building collapsed for the same reasons as the "twins" - because of the weakening of the load-bearing structures. But why? The plane did not hit it. Fires in it did not rage - only in three places there were small local fires of ignition: on the seventh, twelfth and twenty-ninth floors. If we recall the scheme of the whole WTC, the building No. 7 is the farthest from the "epicenter", separated from the main complex by the street. Where did he get hurt? This report is silent about this.


    Indeed, the report of the British BBC television channel looks unique. In the newscast, which was aired at 10:00 London time, that is at 17:00 New York, the presenter told the viewers that the WTC-7 building collapsed in New York. But before it collapsed there was another 20 minutes. Moreover, the correspondent of the TV channel Jane Standley in her direct report from New York told about the collapse of WTC-7, being at the same time against its background. A rare photo shows this moment - the WTC-7 building is indicated by arrows. The caption at the bottom of the screen reads: "The 47-story building of Salomon Bros. near the World Trade Center also collapsed."


    However, at some point, apparently, the TV crew understood what had happened, and at 17:14 the picture of the broadcast from New York was suddenly distorted by interference, and after a few seconds it disappeared altogether.

    How else to explain this incredible "blunder," if not the presence of a pre-written script? Is it possible that the building was planned to be demolished a little earlier, but to London just did not have time to timely inform about the delay of this mise-en-scène performance, and the British continued to follow the script. So they got a press release before all this happened? But from whom and how?

    The steel, left after the destruction of the towers of the WTC, was hurriedly sent for recycling, not even allowing investigators to enter it. More than 185 thousand tons of steel was eliminated from the "epicenter". Firefighters reported to the US Congress that about 80% (!) Of the steel wreckage had been removed, and the investigators could not even demand the preservation of the remains for analysis.

    Less than two weeks after September 11, a very interesting legislative (so-called Patriotic) act was submitted to Congress for approval, which in just a month turned into law. And in early October 2001, the US invasion of Afghanistan began. This is an unprecedented pace of decision-making, preparation for their implementation and actual implementation.

    And on March 20, 2003 the bombing of Baghdad began.

    And this is only a small part of the "evidence" found in the "most reliable" official investigation of the 9/11 tragedy. But this, in my opinion, is enough to understand what methods the US is going to its goals, destroying more than three thousand Americans.

    What do you think about it? Who killed three thousand Americans on September 11?
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
    Bob0627 and goody like this.
  2. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Is this now serious from you? O dear ...

    All the so called evidences of the people who tell it wasn't Al Qaida are still refuted with facts and not a single one is left over ... but the problem is that those people who want to believe it was conspiracy can't be convinced at all with no facts!
    The whole idiocy of the conspiracy theory is shown very good with the example of the Pentagon and directly at the beginning of the claims to see ... even before the other silly assertions regarding impact location, cameras, supposedly missing aircraft parts, etc. starts ....!

    The core claim is "it was not Flight 77 and no Boing 757 that hit the Pentagon!"

    "OK, then you know what else it was or could be proven to be a substitute, which has been hit the building and caused the indisputable big fuel explosion and undeniably great destruction?"

    Right here the complete conspiracy claiming fails and collapse like a house of cards, because until today was no one able to name such an "alternative" which works and fits!

    Conclusion: The official story is correct - end of discussion! Let us, therefore, remember the victims of these terror attacks!
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
    Smedley likes this.
  3. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Wrong section.

    Thus thread belongs in the Conspiracy Section.
    Doofenshmirtz and Smedley like this.
  4. goody

    goody Banned

    Jan 26, 2015
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    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
  5. Destroyer of illusions

    Destroyer of illusions Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    As usual, you do not show any arguments. :roflol::roflol::roflol:
  6. Destroyer of illusions

    Destroyer of illusions Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    This is the latest news. Maybe you forgot, but today is September 11th.:party:
  7. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    And you?

    Answer the question what the Pentagon hits instead the Boing 757 and then we can discuss further ... otherwise you are only claiming BS with no facts ...
  8. Destroyer of illusions

    Destroyer of illusions Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Maybe it's hard for you to understand the meaning of what's written. Read it again. The sections are "Cell Phones", "Cheating at speed", "
    "Twins" could not collapse on their own "," And the 47-story "WTC 7" collapsed ... by accident. "....If you could not understand the meaning, try reading a few times. Try to read by syllables.
    In addition, look carefully at the pictures. This can also help in understanding.
    Can you refute this? If "Yes" please show. But do not write - "I do not believe this, because I do not want to." This is not an argument.
    SeaFury and goody like this.
  9. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    The girl in the polka dot dress (on the grassy knoll) did it.

    And it was an inside job.

    Serious Bidness. :salute:
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
  10. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    FYI, they did withstand the impact. The fire suppression systems only handle the fire floor and one above and one below. The crash spanned more floors and took out the suppression system.

    Lot's of armchair experts but few real facts.
    SeaFury likes this.
  11. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    And proofed by which evidences again? N O T H I N G ... but only claims and taking the blabbering of others as source and res-source...

    About WTC-7 ... you know why it burned and how long it burned and where it burned and what burned there? Try to find out the truth here and then compare it with the BS what Truthers claim!
    Or, let us come with the BS of Nano Thermite and traces of it found? What was in this 1,000 pages long statement about in core why Thermite? Because Brome was found and no other source as Thermite is given for it? Ehm ... yes ... what is again the content of the Anti-Rust paint with what all these steel bars were painted? Brome!

    And about pictures ... wondering why you didn't come with this one who showed the impact area of Pentagon... because depending claims of Truthers are still refuted?
  12. Destroyer of illusions

    Destroyer of illusions Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    Can you give an example of other skyscrapers that collapsed because of a fire?
    SeaFury and goody like this.
  13. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    No other skyscrapers were built like the towers and building 7. Apples to oranges comparison.
  14. Destroyer of illusions

    Destroyer of illusions Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    You do not have to make excuses. You have to make show arguments.

    Recently you wrote that in Germany, migrants do not rape German women. (I mean the sharp rise in rape.)... However, the Leipzig police do not recommend women to run alone. In order to avoid rape ..... Therefore, show arguments, but not banal excuses.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
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  15. Destroyer of illusions

    Destroyer of illusions Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2014
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    In other words, you can not show such an example. It's enough.
    goody likes this.
  16. Mandelus

    Mandelus Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Don't twist my words ... I never told that migrants don't rape, I told that the danger is not higher as before or do we have a significant increase of rapes in Germany? no!
  17. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Enough to make any question like yours irrelevant.
  18. goody

    goody Banned

    Jan 26, 2015
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    You never listen dude... How many more times I need to tell you that you should avoid getting into meaningless discussions with low IQ SS grandsons..?

    They are imbeciles of a unique kind and you know this all too well because your grandfather told you millions of times that SS were pig smart when they attempted to run from the Soviets...

    Anyways, do you wanna have fun?

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
  19. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    What you will never see in any MSM outlet is that Dr. Leroy Hulsey has conducted an extensive 2 year (and ongoing) scientific analysis of NIST's investigation into the "collapse" of WTC7 and determined that it could not have collapsed as detailed and officially published in the Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center 7. While this is NOT conspiracy theory and is science FACT, unfortunately everything about 9/11 has been invalidly (IMO) relegated to the Conspiracy Theory section of this forum. So please review the latest NEWS about 9/11 in that section.
  20. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    There are just too many incoherences involved for the official story to be true. If you want to ignore these incoherences, fine, do that. I have no idea as to what the truth is, but it cannot be what the official story says. So, god must have done it, since he is not subject to natural law. I do not believe it is possible for any neophyte pilot to have flown that plane into the pentagon. I have heard several pilots say have difficult that would have been. You would have to be one helluva experienced pilot to do that. Yet it happened. So god did it. Allah turned these non pilots into the best pilots on earth on that day. So god, allah did it. Which means the US is in a world of ****. For allah don't like us.
  21. SeaFury

    SeaFury Banned

    Mar 17, 2017
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    The saddest day.

    The day of the worst false flag, inside job on unknowing Americans.

    This was a setup from top to bottom and anyone with half a brain knows this.

    I was outside the pentagram when the missile hit. It was not a passenger airliner. Within 30 seconds blacked out special units went into and grabbed every nearby camera footage. While the emergency response was just starting, this was their priority.

    The finally released footage shows blurred out cruise missile, no airplane. No plane parts were left, and the debris field was tiny compared to any commercial plane crash in history.

    I wept for the Republic and for Freedom that day, as both had been shown to be lost.

    You have been deceived.
  22. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Or, opinions are like armpits, everyone has a couple and they usually stink.
  23. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Opinions based upon a plethora of incoherences are more believable than those opinions which choose, yes choose to ignore incoherence. I really have no clue as to the truth. But incoherence does not let my mind accept the official story . And the official story, like an unwashed armpit stinks to high heaven. And it smells like tin foil hat thinking. The official story is more apt to be tin foil hat thinking given the incoherence involved. But this incoherence cannot be simply discarded and yet that is what the believers in the official story must do. I can only discard the incoherence by saying allah did it. For he apparently can do anything.

    I am more concerned about minds which can so easily discard incoherence than those that cannot. For those minds which can discard it, will tend to do so in the future. If we ever see such incoherence again. Well we have seen incoherence but no need to open that can of worms. But these same minds, perhaps, also discard this incoherence. I think these examples may be a true means test that shows us how many critical thinking minds we have and how many we do not have. Yet I do not think a critical thinker would come up with some of these theories you see in the Truther crowd. It is one thing to say the incoherence involved in 911 means the official story is not kosher, and quite another to come up with some of these theories offered up, like holograms and such. But operation Mockingbird is evidence that conspiracies have existed and if not for JFK may have well went forward to get into war with Castro. We were gonna blow up a drone airliner, say it was filled with americans, and blame in on Cuba. And this would have never been known about for all paperwork was destroyed except Found by accident. So never say the we have never planned conspiracies. History will slap you hard. But like incoherence, one can choose to ignore that too. Ignorance can give a kind of bliss.
  24. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I know, because universities like MIT have no clue.
  25. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    The University of Alaska at Fairbanks has and is conducting extensive research and analysis on NIST's published theory. Do you have a link to what MIT has done on that subject? I would be interested to research the details of their conclusions myself to see if their conclusions are the same or different. Thanks.

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