I stand firmly on the opinion that it is mostly social outcasts and other types of sociopaths that are drawn to politics and therefore most politicians, regardless of colour, will be ugly.
Trumpists love to debase Hollywood but love all the hot actresses.....guess what, none are on your team except Rosanne.
Political fanboy-ism is highly tarded and perfectly symbolises the herd mentality that dempcracy fosters. I personally hate whenever some idiot in the entertainment industry make political statements and even worse is the crowd that replies with "yaaaay, we think alike!" or the ones that go "omg, I can no longer like your work even if it is good because you vote for the other party that is exactly the same as my party!" "Actresses voting for the ones I vote for are prettier than the ones that vote for the ones you vote for!" Sandbox mentality. Pathetic.
You fancy Roseanne? That's pretty sad. I prefer foreign actress that have talent over bimbo's that can suck Weinstein's dick to further their career. No wonder US film industry is unwatchable at the moment, probably best you make another Avengers movie lol. Thank god for books.
Kyrsten Simena she's cute. Stephanie Murphy too manly for me Tulsi Gabbard not too bad Judy Chu might have been cute 20 years ago Norma Torres rough as **** Nanette Barragan That's a dude
No...not really. I tend to express my opinions and debate on internet debate platforms...I'm weird that way. This particular thread being in a humor section I tried to be funny...also quite weird.
Yes, all they give us now are either childish and shallow superhero-films, braindead racing films en masse or Feminist propaganda films with Jennifer Lawrence in the lead. The last good film that was released from the gigantic hellhole that is Hollywood was Hacksaw Ridge. Whenever I feel like watching a film, I just rewatch an old classic that I have already seen a trillion times or try to find a cult classic that I've somehow managed to miss. I too prefer books. Non-fiction ones.
When they made Crystal Skull I realised I was done with Hollywood. It had been coming a while at that point.
I don't think fanboys mean actresses and top models when they say "Republicanesses are hotter than Democratesses", but only refer to those who are politically active. But, cool video anyways.