.....make it an apology with teeth and give billions of Canadians dollars to Newfoundland - Labrador? Although I live in Nova Scotia I believe that P. M. Justin Trudeau should apologize for an error made by his dad back in 1974 and many billions of dollars should be given to Newfoundland and Labrador to make up for what was withheld from that province through a series of very unethical decisions by the Canadian federal government during the 1970's.
Interesting...... http://breakingrightnow.com/UBI-casino/#forward Controversial Plan To Pay For Universal Basic Income Unveiled Some options elaborated on here: http://www.politicalforum.com/index...paign-writings-as-art.534297/#post-1069894715
Here is one of the major reasons why Canadian women feel pressured into having an abortion. They feel that our economic situation leaves them with really no choice other than to take the risk of living in relative poverty along with their child. This situation has been forced on them and we need to be more well informed about this. After P. M. Pierre E. Trudeau's colossal error here is how the national debt of Canada spiralled out of control: My guess is that he was pressured into doing this so that the same thing could be arranged in the USA: Many wealthy people believe that the only way to keep the lower class working hard is to keep them head over heels in debt and kind of hungry. https://www.michaeljournal.org/articles/social-credit/item/the-public-debt-problem?/plenty34.htm The Public-Debt Problem http://www.politicalforum.com/index.php?threads/should-p-m-justin-trudeau-apologize-for-what-his-dad-back-in-1974-and.544639/&fbclid=IwAR1c6KNSoG4PrDCpADVRtnoGv0gVa8QUj20jUACq0rbiTln7TimmSX-DaOY#post-1069950080 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=913016942156374
That could become a shockingly appropriate analogy if we are not careful. It is kind of astonishing that more Canadian politicians will not write or speak on this topic. Here is how I worded it back in 2006 when I campaigned for M.L.A. as an independent: http://www.politicalforum.com/index...016-and-2004-campaign-writings-as-art.534297/ (slight update on the year, I originally wrote 1970 but now I know it was actually 1974). I am trying to get more people aware of this at this time because there are 4.3 trillion USA petro - dollars in cash in the hands of George Soros and his buddies in Iran, China, Europe, Russia .... and to a degree even in America.... who tend to cooperate with him on his quite public plan to devalue the USA dollar. George Soros: The United States Must Stop Resisting The Orderly Decline Of The Dollar, The Coming Global Currency And The New World Order Add DERIVATIVES into the formula and it can be argued that we could be facing A ONE HUNDRED TRILLION DOLLAR MELTDOWN on Wall Street and other world markets. Jim Rickards does the best analysis of all this that I have heard so far: FORGET IRAN, IRAQ, UKRAINE THIS IS WHERE WWIII STARTS... I also do believe that there is an answer but our nation needs to be set up properly to participate fully in what I feel needs to be done to turn this into a win - win -win - win - win scenario for 99.9 percent of Canadians, 99.9 percent of Americans and 99.999 percent of the eight billion humans living on earth at this time. Should Sorek 2 be in Australia or California?
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1285822358102105/permalink/2643679315649729/ We Canadians are in a special position to assist with this problem through films based on a series of reality, plus semi-reality science fiction films set in other time periods. The M. S. St. Louis saga of 1939 is an obvious situation that would perhaps apply for any 907 South African aspiring actors and actresses willing to tackle auditioning fI or the role of a Jewish refugee on the M. S St. Louis that was turned away from Halifax in spite of serious efforts to take them into Canada at that time. Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, New Brunswick and P.E. are four of the provinces who seem to be in an obvious position to do something with this first since our fishermen who have ancestors who were fishing in 1939 could write up a proposal giving the names of their family who they think might have loved to meet the M. S. St. Louis and smuggle the Jewish refugees into Canada. Please imagine South African farmers studying aspects of Judaism in order to audition for this proposed role and it is obvious how this idea would address anti-Semitism even in our era which obviously still exists considering the massacre at the Synagogue in Pittsburg in October of 2018. I personally would recommend listening to the near death experience account of Rabbi Alon Anava to get started on this if you are interested.
And if what was shown about the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack to three time near death experiencer Dr. P. M. H. Atwater is as true as we human beings can make our testimonies........ then......... we have 3000 very gifted friends in higher invisible dimensions of space - time interceding on our behalf! What happened to the souls of those who died on September 11, 2001? OBE evidence that driving a plane into a tall building is bad theology!???
It is wonderful to hear another interview verifying this theory. Keith Helmuth - Public Banking: The Bank of New Brunswick (Economy)
Yes.... and now this will be going onto the computers of a pretty serious number of Canadians due to what I wrote this morning.
For the record here is my opening gambit for Mr. Adam Richardson regarding my plan to begin stabilization of the seemingly vulnerable Derivatives market. I spoke with Mr. Adam Richardson at Mr. Maxime Bernier's event in Halifax on January 18, 2019 and wrote the message linked above on February 20.
This is rather interesting: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=766401260429006 On the plus side... this all sets western Canada up to deal with President Trump with some issues that he is facing. Proposed Republic of Western Canada and Unified Field Theory of M.W.P.
These discussion forums are AWESOME! Drluggit has reminded me of the name of the Economist who came up with the idea that was probably behind the reasoning used to convince Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau to stop the usage of our own Bank of Canada! My 2006, 2008, 2016 and 2004 campaign writings as ART.
I was told on another forum that it was probably officials from the "Bank of International Settlements" who convinced then Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau to cease the usage of the Bank of Canada..... and now I know the probable reasoning used in why they were able to get him to do this! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malthusianism Malthusianism
Well said.... and while we are at it we can connect this with a gambit designed for keeping Alberta within Canada as well. ....................... I am from Nova Scotia and I want to see Alberta stay a part of Canada. I believe that the answer is for PPC candidates all across Canada to become informed of the colossal error made by then P. M. Pierre E. Trudeau back in 1974 that put Ottawa into a position where they felt that they had to send bills for what they were doing to Alberta........ due to the mess of compound interest over time that P. M. Pierre E. Trudeau had gotten us into! I believe that the option should be discussed to begin to use the Bank of Canada again... .borrow 119 BILLION DOLLARS in 2020...... from the Bank of Canada that all Canadians own.... nineteen billion dollars should be to finance a five hundred dollar per month unconditional income supplement to all thirty seven point six million Canadians and one hundred billion should be a repayment to the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA TOWARD the full cost of what was taken from Alberta.... due to the incompetence of P. M. Pierre E. Trudeau and all Prime Ministers since him who refused to tell Canadians the truth about the terrible error that he had made. Ms. Betty Krawczyk explains it perfectly in her blog: Is Alberta probably going to separate from Canada?
Beautiful Alberta. Where do the major rape the Earth, profiteers live? Not Alberta I betchya. More likely Ontario. Restore Provinces FREEDOMS and autonomy to them that had it.
True... but often in Alberta the land looks really good after the project is actually completed....... and in many cases they are cleaning up a naturally occurring source of pollution. https://www.facebook.com/hamish.hopkins.7/posts/10156574214280487 (The images here are surprising)..... March 12, 2016 ·
@DennisTate Reminds me of when the Atomic Energy whore was teaching me that the warm water of the system's outflow improves marine life. BTW it was about the facility in San Onofre, California. Now shut down because - golly gee whiz, - no one ever noticed the fault line right there
Wow!!!!!! On occasion some Americans can behave in every bit as obsequiously obedient a manner as the "teacher subjects" in the Stanley Milgram Ph. D. experiment............................... or as many of us Canadians who mindlessly go along with a Carbon Tax although whether or not we Canadians spent ten billion on it...... or a hundred billion.... would make very little difference in regard to the threat of rising ocean levels????? @Sallyally this could be a massive job creation project for Australia........ if you are willing to build many replicas of Sorek if the money all of a sudden appears to finance this???????????????? http://www.politicalforum.com/index...w-scheer-and-m-p-bernier-to-cooperate.560152/ The Greenland 2019 melt and forcing M. P. Andrew Scheer and M. P. Bernier to cooperate?