Simple Question...

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by gfm7175, Jun 7, 2023.

  1. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    I don't see how you can say that, considering what the next president did...
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2023
  2. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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    First, let me establish that I do like Trump but I would like to see someone younger, like DeSantis. Having said that, let's address your namecalling. Arrogant? yes. But in my career I've never seen anyone humble become the CEO... or the President, Humility gets you Heaven, but not the Presidency.

    Stupid? A multibillionaire? That's a little hard to agree with. Traitorous? He's never been convicted of that... so we'll see. So far, since we are all innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.. he's no traitor. Criminal? Again, he has never been convicted of a crime anywhere so your OPINION isn't valid. He's no criminal. Bigot? Whay do you say that? Do you have any SPECIFIC reason to call him that? What exactly did he do? When? Where?

    He never dodged the draft. To be medically disqualified takes verification (and signatures) by a each member of a military medical board. Its highly unlikely that six military doctors would risk their careers and jail time for anyone.

    Alienating our allies? Encouraging our foes? Trump never had a war in Europe. Indeed, he got actual documents signed encouraging peace in the middle east. I like cheaper gas, secure borders, no cowardly retreats from enemies (like Afghanistan), no arming of the Taliban, lower inflation, lower taxes, no endless expense securing a foreign border while our own remain wide open... oh wait... that's Trump not Biden.
  3. Imnotreallyhere

    Imnotreallyhere Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Innocence until guilt is proven is a legal principle, not one based in logic. OJ was a killer before the civil court found him liable and despite his acquittal in criminal court.

    He sought deferments 5 times. Only once was the reason medical.

    He pissed off our NATO allies. In doing so, he encouraged Putin. He encouraged Kim Jong-Un by practically sucking his d**k while NK was launching test missiles.
    He's the one who negotiated the cowardly retreat from Afghanistan, making sure to release whatever Taliban leadership we had in custody.
    As far as immigration goes, you do realize that most illegals don't cross the Mexican border at all; they enter legally, then overstay their visas.
    Securing Ukraine's border while Russia is at its weakest makes sense, the same way it would have been good policy to guarantee the Sudetenland remained Czech. We might've avoided WWII had France and England taken that route or if the US did it (being tired of isolationism).
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2023
  4. Imnotreallyhere

    Imnotreallyhere Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 8, 2014
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    Biden's performance has nothing to do with TFG's. That's not how that works at all.
  5. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    Something tells me you would still prefer Trump to DeSantis.

    What do you have to say about the matter?
  6. AARguy

    AARguy Banned

    Aug 24, 2021
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    Yes, it IS a legal concept. Do you execute people that you think murdered someone? Did your ancestors hang people from trees without a trial? Without LAW we are just animals.

    He was only deferred once. Approved by a medical board of six physicians.

    He did not "piss of" our NATO allies. He pressured them into living up to the commitments they made to support NATO. I served in Europe for years with our NATO allies. They did as little as they could while the US did all the heavy lifting. What Trump got them to live up to their commitments was good work

    Trump's plan was all quid pro quo. When the Taliban refused to establish a ceasefire with the Afghan government, the deal was OFF... OVER... GONE... LEFT THE BUILDING. Biden was Commander-in-Chief for OVER SEVEN MONTHS when he ran away from Afghanistan. Are you saying Trump PLANNED to arm the Taliban? BS. Are you saying Trump PLANNED to leave Americans and allies behind? BS Are you saying Trump PLANNED to kill 12 Americans? BS.

    Runing away was NEVER the plan. Biden had OVER EVEN MONTHS to plan and execute the actual withdrawal. SEVEN MONTHS (That's longer than it took us to go from PEACE to the successful invasion of Guadalcanal in WII.) Biden's negligence killed those Americans, abandoned our citizens and allies, and abandoned all that equipment. He had SEVEN MONTHS!!

    North Korea stopped all nuclear weapon testing and ICBM testing under Trump. It all resumed under Biden. Being civil is not "sucking dick".

    Illegals enter, Biden's understaffed guys give them a court date... often six years out... and that's the end of it. The illegals laugh themselves silly. Trump sent them back.
    Dayton3 likes this.
  7. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    Gotcha. There's definitely a number of people like yourself out there with that sort of background and thought process. -- Sounds like you're closer to "never-Trump" than I thought due to your unwavering disdain for his personality/persona (what you call "the man himself"). I wouldn't be surprised if you were an older adult (definitely older than 45, maybe even older than 65) as that seems to be the age group that most often holds your sentiment towards Trump.

    I'm, on the other hand, a younger adult (a "millennial"), and my age group is the age group that tends to like him the most. I like his willingness to fight "in the gutter" for policy that actually helps out the working class for a change... I like his mocking/berating of the commie Democrats and the useless "RINO" Republicans who together constitute the globalist elitist Uniparty that's been bending the working class over furniture for many decades. His personality doesn't bother me for the most part (some bits of it I find cringey), but even if it did, I'd still look past it because policy is what matters most to me and Trump's policies are the only policies of any candidate that are nationalist ("America First") and pro-working class. The rest of 'em are all elitist globalists and I'm not interested in voting for "polished turds" any longer. Only Trump will turn out my vote.

    There's definitely a small group of voters just like you. McCain '08, (??Romney '12??), "someone else" '16, Biden '20 ... I'm curious about your perception of what you expected from Biden in 2020 vs how those expectations turned out. I also curious about your thoughts if 2024 turns out to be a Biden v Trump rematch ... Are you going to vote "someone else" this time around instead of Biden? Seems that you can't stomach casting a vote for Trump due to his personality, even though you seem to generally not take issue with his policies.

    Part of my reasoning for my upcoming vote for Trump in 2024 (even if I have to write him in) is that I want to make it loud and clear that I don't want this nation to be a banana republic, and that it is absolutely abhorrent for the corrupt DOJ and other alphabet soup agencies to conduct lawfare against a political opponent as a means of election manipulation/interference. He's an innocent man being wrongfully persecuted by the elitist globalist Uniparty simply because he's sticking up for the working class for a change. This corruption even existed back in the days of Reagan... The professionally Republican LOOOOOVE to invoke Reagan's name nowadays, but at the time, they and/or their ilk fought tooth and nail against Reagan every step of the way, just as they and/or their ilk are doing nowadays against Trump.

    I wholeheartedly agree with this statement, even though I'd quibble with your explanation of it. That's part of why I think Trump would come out on top in 2024 if the election fraud shenanigans were tampered down enough. I think that could be done with the implementation of a ballot harvesting operation and a strong push for as much early voting as possible. (S)elections are all about the ballots now (not so much the voters), and Republicans will lose every time if they only turn out on (s)election day due to purposeful "machine malfunctions" and other voter suppression tactics.

    I would recommend reading the specific topic articles on 'The Conservative Treehouse' to learn about just how corrupt our government is (and how awful the "professionally Republican" are). It might change your mind on some things. The guy who authors the articles is almost always correct in his predictions that he makes, many of which are made many months in advance of the future events unfolding, so there's a lot to be learned there. He's predicted all of the major moves of the professionally Republican so far this cycle, as he has done in past cycles. He predicted that the Republican Governor's Association would be playing a huge role in the anti-Trump movement this cycle, and to keep a close eye on their actions... He even predicted someone as seemingly obscure as Suarez (the Miami mayor) entering the Presidential race (for reasons explained in a recent article).
    AARguy likes this.
  8. gfm7175

    gfm7175 Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    It definitely could, although I think it's a stretch given how the events unfolded.

    It was more than "some role"... it was an absolutely pivotal role. Without Trump's endorsement of DeSantis, Putnam would've easily coasted into being the nominee for Governor.

    Trump got him to where he is... He wouldn't be Governor without Trump. It only makes sense to be appreciative of that fact and to likewise support the guy who supported you. --- DeSantis benefitted from Trump's MAGA bonafides, pretended to be MAGA to get a promotion from congressman to governor, and has now backstabbed MAGA in order to align himself with the professionally Republican because there's no persecution to endure and because they pay much better. I think it's a stretch to come up with reasoning as to how that's not backstabbing.

    Key word is IF he legitimately believes this... The problem is that he doesn't. He's simply playing a paid part at this point, and it gets increasingly painfully obvious by the day if you watch how inauthentic and awkward he is when he speaks (he pretty much now only speaks in a cadence of strung-together soundbites). This is because he is reading off the thoughts of others rather than his own thoughts. IOW, he doesn't believe his own message.

    He's paid to be there in order to, as Obama's campaign manager put it, "It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again." DeSantis is simply a paid actor of the Uniparty plan to "split MAGA" and to accomplish the aforementioned goal.

    Given this predicament, I really do view 2024 as a "Trump or bust" (s)election cycle. Trump has withstood SOOOOOO many attacks on our behalf, and if he loses, then nobody else is going to have the same courage to lead and stand up against the corrupt Uniparty in likewise manner.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2023

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