Single issue voters

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by Flanders, May 24, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    There are 21 Democrat seats, 10 Republican seats, and two seats held by independents being contested in this year’s Senate races. Irrespective of the outcomes the LOST (Law of the Sea Treaty) stands a good chance of being ratified:

    Kerry: No vote on Sea Treaty before election
    By Julian Pecquet - 05/23/12 10:27 AM ET

    That means the vote to ratify the LOST will probably take place after the election and before January 3, 2013. That’s just shy of two months to get it done. That window of opportunity means every Democrat can vote to ratify. Ditto enough RINO to reach 67 yea votes. Those who are leaving like Lugar and Snowe will vote to ratify because they are leaving anyway.

    Incidentally, don’t be fooled by the same media Kabuki Dance the public got with the New START Treaty before it was ratified. Kerry and Harry Reid would not consider bringing up the LOST for a vote unless they were sure they could get the required 67 votes.

    Democrats, whether they are running this year or not, afraid to ratify during a campaign season are counting on voters not punishing them for a ratification vote when they do come up for reelection. That is the problem. Ordinarily, single issue voters are few and far between. Ratifying a UN treaty should be the exception because it says everything about the senator who does it.

    If a man or woman thinks so little of America’s sovereignty they will vote for the United Nations over their own country they will certainly betray the country on every less dramatic sovereignty issue that goes unnoticed and unreported. Some of those senators have been there for decades and look what’s happened to America’s independence since the UN Charter was ratified. This country’s eroding sovereignty did not happen by accident or because of UN treaties. A lot of senators had to betray this country to the UN many times to bring the country to where ratifying the LOST is possible.

    Bottom line: Voting against a senator who ratifies a UN treaty is never a single issue vote.

    A president also benefits from the single issue flaw in the system. No matter what a president does it takes more than one issue for voters to run him out of office. Even a major disaster like Hillarycare II would not be enough. It has to be cumulative as it is in Hussein’s case. Hussein’s over 40 approval rating in spite of Hillarycare II proves my case.

    Happily, Hussein will be leaving on January 20, 2013 unless Romney snatches defeat from the jaws of victory which is very possible. Assuming Romney doesn’t fumble on the one yard line Hussein has to get the LOST ratified before the new Congress is sworn in. Should the LOST not be ratified it will be presumed dead until the global government crowd can accumulate the required votes again.

    I said presumed because there is no guarantee New World Order Romney won’t push for ratification in a Republican-controlled Senate. The number of seats true conservatives hold next year might not be enough to overcome a “bipartisan” vote driven by the foreign policy mindset in the US Senate and among Executive Branch bureaucrats. If you read this article you’ll see why Romney leaves a lot to be desired:

    No Apologies
    by Hope Hodge
    Posted 05/23/2012 ET

    Romney talks a good game, but he never addresses UN treaties, or US membership in the UN. Biden even helps him out with a misguided view of what he, Biden, thinks conservatives want to hear:

    Americans want reliable allies —— they don’t want the UNIC (United Nations/International Community) choosing those allies for them.

    Romney is strong on rhetoric and weak on firm proposals just like he is on the domestic front. Until he says he will deal with the United Nations much differently than did both Bushes, Clinton, and Hussein nothing is going to change for the better in foreign policy.

    Finally, Romney offers no proof that he has a legitimate reason for piggybacking on Ronald Reagan’s foreign policy.
  2. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Mr. Henry Lamb passed away. Many Americans probably do not know who Henry Lamb was. They should, because he was one of the best friends they ever had. Over the years, I posted many of Mr. Lamb’s articles and commentaries. It’s appropriate that his passing be noted in a thread about ratifying the LOST.

    I do not want to tarnish Mr. Lamb’s legacy by mentioning John Kerry, but I must point out that whenever a piece of UN-loving garbage like Kerry passes away the media has the whole country mourning his death. Such is the nature of political fame. Those who actually serve their country go unnoticed while betrayal in high office is eulogized as public service.

    Death of a Patriot
    Judi McLeod Thursday, May 24, 2012

    News comes to Canada Free Press (CFP) this morning from columnist Michael Oberndorf of the passing of outstanding American patriot, Henry Lamb.

    One of a kind Tennessean Henry Lamb held a lifelong dedication to the American Constitution, and did more to warn average people about the destructive encroachment of the United Nations on human society than any other source.

    His columns on the UN’s Agenda 21 which appeared on CFP, World Net Daily and elsewhere, were classics. The results of Lamb’s long ago dire warnings on the The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), also called the Law of the Sea Convention or the Law of the Sea treaty, sadly passed through the warning stage and are now about to become ratified and signed as airtight UN documents.

    A tireless defender of liberty and freedom, Lamb shrugged off the excessive hate mail of progressives, focusing on researching and writing his next column.

    Henry Lamb’s work was carried by print journal Toronto Free Press, the forerunner to CFP. Indeed Lamb and Alan Caruba have been CFP contributing columnists longer than anyone else.

    Henry Lamb is the founder of the Environmental Conservation Organization, founded in 1988, Sovereignty International Inc., in 1996, and Freedom21 Inc, in 1999. He was publisher of eco-logic Powerhouse, a widely-read, online and print magazine. He attended United Nations meetings around the world, was a frequent compelling speaker at educational conferences and workshops throughout the USA, and was a regular guest on dozens of talk radio programs. He also gave his time to serve on various boards and committees of other organizations that promote environmental stewardship, private property rights, and Constitutional values.

    Henry Lamb provided testimony for the U.S. Congress, as well as State Legislatures, and was a consultant on U.N. affairs to FOX News.

    During his lengthy illness, Lamb wrote his columns from his hospital bed, never missing a deadline.

    Close friends describe him as a “true gentleman of the South”, “a gentleman in every way.”

    “You must never tire. You must keep every ounce of energy you have in fighting the good fight.”

    Included among the things I will remember most about Lamb, are his words in a telephone conversation when a friend arranged a conference call. It was the first time I got to talk to him directly. As we were speaking, I asked him did he ever (like us) get tired in tracking the progressives of the left. He replied: “You must never tire. You must keep every ounce of energy you have in fighting the good fight.”

    Condolences are coming in over the Net for Henry’s widow, Irene, who was undoubtedly his most enthusiastic fan.

    Irene can take great pride in knowing that her husband is not one who passed without leaving a legacy. Because of his indefatigable work, Henry Lamb will always be here.
  3. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Take a break from the election crap filling the airways and listen to Frank Gaffney talk about something important that is never mentioned by TV stooges.

    If you heard what Gaffney had to say ask yourself how come Hussein is being tagged with all of his failures and blunders but never a word about ratifying the LOST? Should Democrats and RINO ratify the lost the media will share the guilt.
  4. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Here’s an addition connected to the Frank Gaffney video in the previous post:

    Law of the Sea Treaty becomes war of the words
    By: Hope Hodge
    6/11/2012 06:11 AM

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