So now Donald says he is going to "repeal and replace" Obamacare "simultaneously"

Discussion in 'Health Care' started by archives, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    While I doubt that "within ten to twenty years at least fifty percent of workers can be replaced by computers", I believe that the technologies needed for this to happen could appear -- but they would probably be released somewhat slowly into civilization because of the predictably disruptive effect on society and the economy. After all, the "shadow government" and the insiders don't want to "spook the herd"....

    Especially interesting, too, is your observation -- "... labor is minimally rewarded because it is surplus while capital is richly rewarded because of scarcity." What we see at the moment (and it may be temporary) is the opposite! Boomers are retiring in droves right now, and the Millennials that are supposed to replace us/them, while plentiful, aren't terribly well-equipped, trained, experienced, or motivated to really take over. Everywhere you go now there's "help wanted" signs, especially for people who can (and will) actually do something productive!

    Capital is scarce?! It should be, but starting in August 2007, the Federal Reserve System (our monolithic, (*)(*)(*)(*)ing 'central bank') slashed interest rates to dirt and started "printing" warehouses full of essentially worthless new money. They made it available by the truck load to client banks. The trouble was that these smaller banks bellied-up to the Fed's discount window, received the money, and then simply SAT ON IT, making money for doing absolutely NOTHING. Fortunately for us the other economies in the world are in even worse shape than we are, so although the American dollar is a turd, it's a turd coated with honey compared with, say, the euro, or the ruble.

    Nothing went right in, and after, the "Great Recession", except that many of the same Wall Street gamblers and criminals who caused that horrendous mess were rewarded with "rescue" because somebody (? :twisted:) decided that they were "too big to fail". That NEVER should have happened! Today the stock market is monstrously overvalued, interest rates are still down in the dirt, and the huge "fraud balloon" is bigger than ever. It's so bad now that we HAVE to give all our support to this "shadow government" and its lousy, stinking Federal Reserve System, without which we would really crash and burn. All our chips are on it now, and there's nothing else we can do but go on believing in magic tricks and Wall Street vaudeville shows.... :cheerleader:

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