How many times do you have to get slapped down by your own partisan hacks?
The birther movement was never based on credible evidence. It's always been a coping mechanism for people that have a severe dislike of Mr. Obama and an intense personal need to feel he is somehow illegitimate. I can't say with any degree of certainty, but it wouldn't surprise me if there were personality patterns that could be found among those people who believe in this nonsense. It must meet some kind of psychological niche, some type of function that serves to deny reality instead of dealing with it.
It went something like this: I'm sure that at no time with the question enter you head as to why Hawaii is verifying the authenticity of a document that has been proven to be fake.
That's because of course it hasn't been proven to be fake. The fact is that Birthers- and that includes the 'crack' researchers on Sheriff Joe's posse- have never looked at an original- and no 'expert' has ever come to the conclusion that anything is fake. But face it- Birthers will keep on moving the goal post every time- because the one answer that will never, ever be acceptable to a Birther is that Barack Obama is our legal President.
I think Junkieturtle hit on it as a coping mechanism. I thought cognitive dissonance at first but I don't think this is an example. Of course some folks may actually believe this stuff, then it's possibly delusional.
except of course it has never been proven to be a fake. the exact opposite is in fact true. it was proven to be authentic, by the agency that created it. the department of health in hawaii.
So as far right leaning as Arizona think they are in on the hoax? If they are in the hoax .. are they not collaboraters and taking a steaming shiat down the throats of rightwing lemmings everywhere?
You are correct. Hawaii only verified that the copy was of what they had on file! Bennett was looking for a way out of his dilemma, and took it. The Non-Birthers are gullible enough to believe the crap! Kinda sad.
Yeah...we are gullible enough to believe statements like this: “We hope that issuing certified copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth to President Obama will end the numerous inquiries related to his birth in Hawai„i,” Hawai„i Health Director Loretta Fuddy said. “I have seen the original records filed at the Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies the department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in Hawai„i.” On Governor Neil Abercrombie stated: “Considering all of the investigations that have been done and the information that has been provided, no rational person can question the President‟s citizenship. We have found a way – once again – to confirm what we already knew: the President was born here in Hawai„i. State officials of both parties have verified that President Obama‟s birth records show that he was born in Honolulu. “I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai‛i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen. Oh certainly we are the gullible ones..... Birthers lol
Well...the democrat AG sure helped his buddy again by hiding the proof. You know this is a shell game right? If you don't, you are very foolish.
The birther movement served it's purpose, but then got embarrassing. I find it strange that the conspiracy theories rage on - but then there are still Liberals who believe that Bush did Iraq for oil.
Inernationally speaking - I know many posters don't care what non-Americans think, which is fine - this is a never-ending source of amusement (and a few other emotions). What is troubling is the obsessive behaviour of apparently influential individuals who are pursuing a delusion. No amount of evidence will be sufficient for those with extreme delusions. They want a time machine to go back to Hawaii at the time of Obama's birth to watch it happen. Not content with that they'd also want DNA testing of the infant Obama and the adult Obama. What the hell am I saying, that's pure fantasy, even that wouldn't shut them up.
I think, ideally, they want to be in the hospital room with his mother as she's giving birth, while simultaneously standing outside so they can be sure at all times that they are in Hawaii. Then, they'll want to follow baby Barack all the way from infancy to yesterday so they can be sure it was really him. I think that's the only level of proof they would settle for.
some type of function that serves to deny reality instead of dealing with it. What a great description of the GOP.
To agree with the Hawaii officials, you have to believe what they observed is not a phony document. All many of us want is for that document to be seen by a panel, and authenicated by a couple of objective document experts. Seems fair to me.
why? there is no authority higher, or more qualified than the issueing authority. that would be the department of health. and they have been calling birthers retards for 4 years now.
I sometimes wonder who started the birther movement. Was it people on the right or people on the left? And, who started the truther movement? Who started the Obama is brilliant movement? It's all a mystery.