In this case though, you are taking Harry Potter magic and adding Trek technobabble. Still not "science" but hey, the definition of that word is expanding so...
So you say. You're not being very specific, but I'll concede that you could be quite an expert on Harry Potter.
You mean the one where you said we would have to start Mars's core rotating to create a magnetosphere? Because the giant dipole magnet in space was my response to that one.
And I pointed out that they were off by quite a bit in that estimate. What does post #1 have to do with the magnetosphere anyway? Or were you just making a general "it's all magic" comment?
And I pointed out that you were wrong by your estimate. So in other words, we've gone all around the thread right back to the beginning, and there has been absolutely no movement. You are at the exact place you were in your very first reply to my post. We've accomplished nothing.
Everything associated with visiting or colonizing Mars requires more money than is available! If we can build a sustainable mother ship to go into orbit around Mars the landers will be a no-brainer...
There is an idea kicking around to create a magnetic shield. At the proper distance, a small-ish device could be placed and a magnetic field generated that would deflect the solar winds. It would create a cone-shaped "shadow" in which the solar winds would not go. It's all theory and mathematics at the moment...but it looks possible. But that's going to be a moot point unless there is a larger source of gases than the polar ice caps. Domed habitats or underground facilities would be more feasible at the moment.
Yes, making the planet habitable would make more sense than tarra forming. Domed ....or even square structures would make more sense IMHO. Clear domes would also trap heat from the sun...or clear rectangles. I wonder if they could be made of ice?
We can terraform Venus instead. It starts with crashing a whole bunch of icy comets into it. Adding water to Venus is the key. The water is necessary to pull the carbon and sulfur out of the atmosphere, and start locking it into rocks. Of course, that will also take thousands of years.
Fraud? No. Waste of resources? That depends on your long view, and how and when a Mars mission is attempted. It makes the most sense to wait until we have a much faster means of getting there. The bottom line is that robotic explorer yield several orders of magnitude more bang for the buck, than manned missions. There is really no good reason to send people to Mars in the near future. A Mars mission today would cost something like a trillion dollars. It ain't going to happen. And for a trillion dollars we could end our reliance on oil forever. But we will probably spend that money on a war instead. We could have gone to Mars for the price of going to Iraq. Iraq is a lot closer! Mars would have been a better deal for the price.
Why do so many people have so little imagination? "We can't do it yet" is fine because that's a fact, but we could do heavier than air flight not all that long ago. Dudes, get unreal because the future won't look much like our reality.
I don't see travel speed as an issue? If it was ever possible to build something on Mars or in orbit around Mars, all we need is a dozen or so craft making constant round trips to Mars. Spending less than a year flying to Mars is a great time for training...
PeopleKind did something right NASA discovers humans have created an artifical barrier around Earth, and it could protect us from space weatherNASA space probes have discovered an artificial barrier around Earth created through human activity—showing we are not only responsible for shaping the environment on land, but that we are now having an impact on space too. The barrier, which comes and goes, is the result of very low frequency radio communications interacting with particles in space, which results in a sort of shield protecting Earth from high energy radiation in space. With sufficient low radio frequency broadcast, we can as good as magnetoshere Mars or any space craft. How about that? Onward. Climb on board. I prefer the Green Hills of Earth. Moi
By the time we actually get a colony on Mars we'd have nuclear rockets that can get there in about about a month and a half. Maybe faster. Plus 3d printers can solve most problems. Itd be best if we can create a colony in a Martian cave Mars is too small for water to exist. It doesn't have enough gravity to trap in the atmosphere. So it bleeds away. So water can't exist on Martian surface because there isn't enough atmospheric pressure. But if we could make a colony deep under ground in a cave, we'd have flowing water. And we don't have to worry about radiation from the sun
People said the same thing to Columbus. But human nature demands that we take the next step. IT seems to be written into our DNA to explore.
Sure we can first encircle the planet in an artificial force field duplicating an ozone layer and holds in the atmosphere, then put in giant oxygen machines and then dirt with massive amounts of nutrient material and bring in big ice blocks from Saturn's rings to put in a water supply melting it and then drop genetically modified plants and grasses after putting in orbit a small artificial sun. After a thousand years it will be perfectly habitable.