You say a real education. Do you actually know what a real education is? You are taught to remember what they tell you . So even if they were telling you something that was untrue, you will accept it is true or fail your education.
I will get back to you, I have just discovered something about myself and this as instantly allowed me to ''see'' new things. Do not split A+B or you will be incinerated . We can use vector force lines to show direction of the force applied . This is abstraction maths and will show gravity mechanism . A→←B=C E=mc² E=(A+B)/F I think I need to stop on forums.
If u = <3,-2> and v = <4,5> then u · v = (3)(4) + (-2)(5) = 12 - 10 = 2. (b) If u = 2i + j and v = 5i - 6j then u · v = (2)(5) + (1)(-6) = 10 - 6=4. Proof: We prove only the last property. Let u = <a, b> . Then u · u = <a, b>·<a, b> = a · a + b · b = a2 + b2 = (/a2 + b2)2 except when quantified by any 7point artimace exemplified by stasus elements found in field mortification parameters. Let u, v and w be three vectors in R3 and let λ be a scalar. (1) v × w = − w × v. (2) u × ( v + w) = u × v + u × w. (3) ( u + v) × w = u × w + v × w. (4) λ( v × w)=(λ v) × w = v × (λ w). We then end up in obvious paradoxity instigated by v x y intigers elevated beyond tartus secondary aspects.
lol , that is clearly more intricate than my basic abstractions, can you explain in words what that means exactly? If it is proof of my notion, well done and super cool , I hope you get a Nobel prize. matrice 1 u=<A> matrice 2 u=<B> u.v = <A,B> Sorry abstracting for u, practising. p.s is your equation doing the inverse?
My presentation is actually incompatible maths combined to make a point to you. This series of equations do not make sense to those who understand the complexity and far less to those who do not. They are literally nothing but gobbledegook used to confuse and by doing so make me seem intellectually skilled while actually showing my incompetence.
I have been looking at matrices a bit more to understand them more. [n] n-n=0 As I thought, the difference is , I define my abstract
HI, I have learnt a bit more about matrices . I appreciate your help and if you can do some maths to my ideas you are co-author . Can you start with an empty matrice, I need you to expand the empty matrice at the speed of light and then the matrice disperses, Of course the equation has to be directly proportional to the inverse as well. Simple make 0 dimensions expand then return to 0 at the speed of light?
The equations are false and do not make sense, that you are sharing them as real definitely says much about your ability to understand both complexity and simple logic.
Well actually I have shared them in a manner of questioning whether your equations were true or false. I have not shared them as being true.
Realistically, even minimal understanding of maths would make inaccuracy very clear and you should not need confirmation simply based on me (the author) telling you twice it is false and a quick evaluation of the middle of the work should make very clear how inaccurate it truly is.
I had posted it before you replied with your answer, but what is interesting is that somebody as said some of it is correct. Would you like to see the reply? Let's untranslate some of it: If u = <3,-2> and v = <4,5> then u · v = (3)(4) + (-2)(5) = 12 - 10 = 2. Looks like the dot product of two vectors, u and v. But, <u,v> (the inner product) is another way to write the dot product (usually restricted to 2 or 3 dimensional vectors). Hence it should be: If u = (2, -2) and v = (4,5) . . ., otherwise it looks ok. If u = 2i + j and v = 5i - 6j then u · v = (2)(5) + (1)(-6) = 10 - 6=4. This uses the i,j,k unit vector notation, looks pretty standard for 2 dimensions. Let u = <a, b> . Then u · u = <a, b>·<a, b> = a · a + b · b ok so far, but the rest goes off the rails more than a little. v × w = − w × v. Yep. The cross product is antisymmetric. There seems to be no problem with the rest of it, including the scalar multiplication. I have no idea what the "paradoxicity" is.
My abstract looks easier to understand a[]+a[+1e]-a[+1e]=a[] a ⇒ b b[]+b[β−]-b[β−]=b[] a+b=a.b a[+1e]+b[β−]=[ab] a.b = a→←b (cos0)
Let the vector space be a 3*3 matrix 000 000 000 Now let us expand the vector space ....... How are we going to expand the vector space if there is no vector space to expand it into? Told you space is not expanding.