First up for Stranger Than Truth but Is Dean-Charles Chapman, 17, and Nell Tiger Free, 15, are dating. You probably know them better by their characters' names on Game of Thrones: Tommen and Myrcella. Yes. Lannister siblings dating in real life. Isn't that worth a chuckle or three? Moi Assumption: Educated People Know Their History of Westeros. r > g View attachment 37365
Norwegian Red Dawn I would like to believe Red Dawn (the original with Patrick Swayze) was their inspiration. Norway TV show about Russian 'occupation' irks Moscow Moi r > g View attachment 37652
I grew up in the Hollywood Hills, up Barham Blvd from Beautiful Downtown Burbank. As a kid I noticed the Hollywood people die in crops. Usually 2 or 4. Today I read of the passing of Martin Milner and just now - Judy Carne. The stigma holds. BTW usually the caliber is matched, such as two "greats" or two "middle weights" Stranger Than Truth but Is. Moi r > g View attachment 37693
Historian Finds Oldest Use Of F-Word Got Your Attention? Paul Booth, a historian at Keele University in England, found three examples dating from 1310 and 1311 of a man known in legal documents as Roger (*)(*)(*)(*)ebythenavel. . . . . (*)(*)(*)(*)ebythenavel = Fockebythenavel Don't ya just luv academia Moi r > g View attachment 37844
Take my electricity, PLEASE - and I will pay YOU a Bonus! Witness: The impossible just happened in Texas And then a very strange thing happened: The so-called spot price of electricity in Texas fell toward zero, hit zero, and then went negative for several hours. As the Lone Star State slumbered, power producers were paying the states electricity system to take electricity off their hands. At one point, the negative price was $8.52 per megawatt hour. And I didn't get me no chance to buy some of that 'lectricity Oh remember Enron and how they cheated California. And I got me no Enron rebate neither Ai! Texas. What went wrong? Moi r > g View attachment 37984
Remember the old Star Trek? Around 1969. An episode titled The Way To Eden. About some futuristic Hippie types seek the lost planet, Eden only to discover it is toxic! It burns the feet and the fruit kills. Sevrin and the other survivors are then found in the shuttlecraft, all with severe acid burns on their feet. Kirk tries once again to convince them that this "paradise" is completely uninhabitable, but Sevrin refuses to listen and bites into one of the fruits. The poison kills him in a matter of seconds. The talk of perchlorate on Mars just brings this episode to mind. Mars is not Eden but, perchlorate will rot flesh and the materials that protect the flesh from its' presence. And the SciFi story seems so similar. Now planning for peoplekind on Mars will have to deal with the perchlorate problem. Maybe we should go for a Moon colony first as a shake down of technology for extraterrestrial survival. And then add the perchlorate shielding. Moi r > g View attachment 38266 Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
The Obama administration, not the NRA, sells guns to terrorists Tell me it ain't so! Moi r > g View attachment 39444
Another Reason to Support Trump! Poll: 65 Percent of Canadians Fearful of Trump Presidency Ask yourself: Why should they have an opinion about our elections? Do we get involved with theirs? Who care anyway, right. 65% of them know Trump understands their plan! Moi r > g View attachment 41104 Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us. AUGUSTA, Ga. -- Authorities say nine people have been charged with murder and another is being sought after a teenager was stabbed to death in a massive, chaotic brawl that involved baseball bats, pipes, knives and other weapons near Augusta. Killed It Must Be Concluded Since A Majority Of Violent Death On A Black person Is By A Black Person(s) / Mob Black Lives DO NOT Matter to Black Lives Matter As Long As It Is Black On Black Moi r > g View attachment 41972 + View attachment 41973 Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
Stranger Than Strange, But True Seems to come in herds. Now, Would YOU believe CIA armed militia are fighting American Military armed militia. Syrian militias armed by different parts of the U.S. war machine have begun to fight each other on the plains between the besieged city of Aleppo and the Turkish border, highlighting how little control U.S. intelligence officers and military planners have over the groups they have financed and trained in the bitter 5-year-old civil war. Well at least one side isn't using Russian or Chinese weapons. Does it get, stranger? Moi r > g View attachment 42027 View attachment 42028 Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us. Tesla's Bioweapon Defense Mode eliminates pollution in under two minutes Tesla placed a Model X inside a bubble filled with "extreme levels of pollution" at 1,000 µg/m3 of PM2.5, which the Environmental Protection Agency describes as the kind of pollution that "pose the greatest health risks." For comparison, PM2.5 levels in Beijing can hit 300 µg/m3. In less than two minutes, the HEPA filtration system was able to reduce the level of contamination from "extremely dangerous" to "undetectable." What about carbon monoxide? What about oxides of Nitrogen or Sulfur? Los Angeles style smog. Moi r > g View attachment 42834 Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
For them that don't know, some of us in California seek a vote on leaving the Federal union. The 2019 #Calexit Independence Referendum In the Spring of 2019, Californians will go to the polls in a historic vote to decide by referendum if California should exit the Union, a #Calexit vote. You will have this historic opportunity because the Yes California Independence Campaign will qualify a citizens initiative for the 2018 ballot that if passed would call for a special election for Californians to vote for or against the independence of California from the United States. Now we have our first foreign embassy! Calexit embassy? Did California just get its first diplomatic post? Over the weekend, Yes California, a grassroots organization advocating for the secession of California, established in Moscow what the campaign calls its first embassy. "We want to start laying the groundwork for a dialogue about an independent California joining the United Nations now, Mr. Marinelli said in an email, the Los Angeles Times reported. Moi Hurrah for the Greatest State of California r > g View attachment 47056 Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us. Rosie ODonnell Calls Donald Trump a Criminal, Mentally Unstable Rosie O'Donnell isn't pleased with Donald Trump. The 54-year-old actress, who has a long-running feud with Trump, took to Twitter on Sunday to slam the President-elect, calling him "mentally unstable" and a "criminal." . . . Well of course, when it comes to Mental Stability, doesn't Rosie O'Donnell come to mind. And her marvelous mothering skills too. 2017 just may be the paramount, Stranger Than Truth But Is, year. Megyn Kelly bringing journalistic integrity to NBC News too. And the year is just days old. Moi May as well watch the News for fair, impartial, journalistic integrity. r > g View attachment 47109 Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
Now if this don't beat all! OJ Simpson may be released from prison this year O.J. Simpson could be paroled as soon as October after serving just nine years of his 33-year sentence for kidnapping, robbery and assault and hell have millions of NFL pension dollars waiting for him. If he is let out of prison, the 69-year-old former running back for the Buffalo Bills and San Francisco 49ers can cash in on the $2.7 million that has accrued from his retirement benefits, according to a report from the Sunday Express. In order to walk free and enjoy his untouched millions, Simpson must convince four out of the seven parole-hearing commissioners that he has kept clean, and avoided gang membership and drug and alcohol abuse while incarcerated on the remaining seven charges, says the UK-based news site. Simpson has spent the last nine years at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Nevada, following a 2008 conviction on various charges for the robbery of sports-memorabilia dealers Alfred Beardsley and Bruce Fromong. ... Great. OJ is drug free, gang free, alcohol free, but what about inappropriate rage free? Life gets stranger and more strange. Moi r > g View attachment 47341 Support the 2 Wall Solution! Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
Are the Bidens subscribing to Mormon or ancient Jewish traditon where a brother adopts, weds, the wife of a dead brother? Is this Stranger than Strange or what? Remember, boys and girls, this is the Biden brother with the over paid job at Ukrainian Oil, Inc. How deep the corruption of mind, body, spirit? 6 Things to Know About Hunter Biden, Joe Bidens Younger married Son Who Is Now Dating His Brothers Widow Well if y'wanna know anything, let alone 6 things, check the link. The act is good enough. Who needs 6 things? One big happy family. Does Ole Joe get to partake too? Moi r > g View attachment 47361 Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
And now the Lame Stream Media response. In defense of course. Hey. It's It's natural. It's normal. So says the LSM. Coming soon. The LSM supports child wives. Who are we to judge? Moi r > g View attachment 47362 requires its' Alaska corridor. Plus 54'40" with interest Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
Thank You for your customer loyalty. Please fly with us again, says United New video apparently shows bloodied United passenger returning to plane after being forcibly removed An additional video of a United passenger forcibly removed from his flight emerged Monday, apparently showing the bloodied passenger returning to the plane. The man — who reportedly said he was a doctor and needed to get back to see patients in the morning — was forcibly removed after United overbooked a Sunday evening flight from Chicago to Louisville. According to passengers, United boarded the plane, and after no one accepted its offer to voluntarily give up their seats for four crew members, the airline said a computer would randomly select people. The man refused to leave, which led to security personnel dragging him from his seat. The man was able to get back on the plane after initially being taken off — his face was bloody and he seemed disoriented, Bridges said, and he ran to the back of the plane. Passengers asked to get off the plane as a medical crew came on to deal with the passenger, she said, and passengers were then told to go back to the gate so that officials could “tidy up” the plane before taking off. Tidy up = clean up the blood! “This is an upsetting event to all of us here at United,” said United CEO Oscar Munoz in a statement Monday afternoon. “I apologize for having to re-accommodate these customers. Our team is moving with a sense of urgency to work with the authorities and conduct our own detailed review of what happened. We are also reaching out to this passenger to talk directly with him to address and resolve this situation.” The Chicago Police Department issued a statement saying the man fell into the armrest and injured himself. According to an Associated Press report, the Chicago Department of Aviation says the officer involved in dragging the man off the United flight has been placed on leave. Trust the Chicago Police. If the man merely hit his face into an arm rest, why was the officer involved placed on leave? So United Airlines had 4 staff members they needed to shuttle down to Louisville and instead of managing a more private means, planned to disrupt four customers lives. Of course no one volunteered, even if paid. One spends how many hours engineering their schedule to board a plane and . . . . I do hope United Airlines faces some heavy lawsuits over this blatant injury to an otherwise peaceful customer. And if United Airlines has a document of rules or such claiming they have such rights to kick off passengers who are peaceful and meet United's dress code, this document should be passed out to every ticket holder so they understand their contract as a customer with United Airlines. I do not fly because it is not worth it too me. If this isn't "Stranger Than Truth, Yet Is", please share a better example. Moi r > g Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
Untied Airlines is going to refund the ticket money to all passengers on that flight. Stranger and Stranger.
Sharia Law Police patrol in MINNEAPOLIS – Muslim leaders in Minneapolis are wary of a man who has been patrolling a predominantly Somali neighborhood to enforce the Islamic civil code. The Star Tribune ( ) reports that Abdullah Rashid has been telling residents of the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood not to drink, use drugs or interact with the opposite sex, according to his interpretation of Sharia law. He's been telling Muslim women to wear a head-to-toe garment called a jilbab. . . . It has begun! Moi r > g Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
Toady Slime: the anti viral wonder is a natural product of nature and therefore cannot be patented. Who is gonna pay for the approval through the FDA for no profit. Newly Discovered Frog’s Slime Could End Flu Season For Good The goo contained four peptides, or short chains of amino acids, that seemed to fend off viruses. Three were toxic to human red blood cells, but the fourth wasn’t. They named the peptide urumin, which comes from the word “urumi,” an Indian whip-like blade. In the lab, the researchers tested urumin’s virus-killing abilities on mice. They first vaccinated mice with urumin and then injected them with a deadly amount of the H1 virus—also known as the swine flu. The mice survived, and after some more probing, the team discovered that the compound endowed protection by binding to hemagglutinin, a protein found on the surface of influenza viruses. Beth Mole, writing for Ars Technica, has more: Moreover, urumin had an interesting effect on the virus: it made them explode. Usually, antiviral peptides that latch onto an HA simply block HA and keep the virus from invading cells with it, but viruses treated with urumin were destroyed. The researchers aren’t sure why, but they hypothesize that after urumin binds HA, it exerts electrostatic forces on the surface of the particle that cause the whole shell to rupture. Don't hold your breath for this miracle of nature. Moi r > g Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
Is being eaten by a pig as bad as eating a pig to an Islamist? ISIS Fighters in Iraq Killed by Wild Boars Before They Can Ambush Locals Three militants loyal to the Islamic State group (ISIS) have been killed by wild boars as they planned to ambush Iraqi tribesmen opposed to the group, according to a local anti-ISIS leader. Praise Allah! Moi I couldn't make this up. r > g Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
My daughter quoted a story where Charles the 2nd laughed uproariously and it was reported that the king hath beshat his breeks! Yes, do love academia.