Super Tuesday, March 5th, 2024 - Green Papers links

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Statistikhengst, Mar 5, 2024.

  1. Statistikhengst

    Statistikhengst Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    The Green Papers: Log

    I am absolutely flooded with work the next days, so I will barely have time to follow this, but the nice thing about the Green Papers is all of the links they supply, more often than not to the state elections results sites.

    There will be contests in the following states and territories today:

    American Samoa
    North Carolina

    In most all of these states the primaries on the presidential level are both for Team Red and Team Blue, excepting: Alaska (R only), American Samoa and Iowa (D only)

    On the senatorial level, California may be interesting to watch as CA has a jungle primary system, which means that it is anyone's guess right now as to whether or not the race for the senatorial seat will end up being D vs. R or D vs. D in November.

    Since the Supreme Court made its ruling on the 14th amendment "insurrection" clause, this means that Trump will be on the ballot for the R Primary in Colorado but I have no idea in the world how they are going to print so many ballots with his name on them at such short notice, unless of course they already did just to be on the safe side.

    The Lt. Gov. of NC is running for Gov. - he is a notorious firebrand who absolutely hates Jews, so I am expecting that this race in the primary will cause some fireworks and will have repercussions come the fall.

    The TX senatorial primaries may give us a clue as to how contentious this race may be in the Fall. Colin Allred is going to be a formidable candidate against Ted Cruz, but Cruz has the clout and the power of the incumbency behind him and surely is looking at a presidential run in 2028.

    In terms of primaries for the HOR, I will be keeping an eye on CA and VA, two of maybe 8 states where the Ds see a very clear path to not only retaking the House, but maybe with an even larger margin than they had after the 2018 midterms.

    And let's talk about enthusiasm: some primary years are just dead-duck years, but after seeing 158.5 million ballots cast in the 2020 presidential election and accounting for population growth over the last four years, also recognizing that likely at least 25 million Americans (if not more) reached the age of 18 over these four years, I am hoping for a bombastic turnout this year, which tends to favor the opposition side.

    In 2012, D voter turnout was not nearly as strong as R voter turnout, because Obama was the incumbent President who ran unopposed in the primaries and so his voters often did not appear at the ballot for the primaries, but they were certainly there in the fall. If you will recall, Obama won re-election and a lot of pollsters ended up with egg on their faces.

    In 2020, an open election year, turnout in the middle of Covid (the start of the pandemic) is really hard to gauge, but it was more intense on the Democratic side for the same reason: Trump was the incumbent, running unopposed (in fact, in some states there were no R primaries at all).

    This year, 2024, will probably not fit well into any mold because in essence we are seeing the incumbent President Joe Biden up against the former incumbent President Donald Trump, a match-up of this sort that we have not seen since the year 1892, when it was Grover Cleveland against Benjamin Harrison for the second go around. Only, back then, there were no primaries, so we really are in uncharted territory here.

    Enjoy the links, looking forward to an outstanding primary election day in a large swath of the USA.

  2. Richard Franks

    Richard Franks Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    There is one thing I want to know. What do the voters especially the Republican voters see in Trump the maybe no one else does? Nikki Haley seems to have her feet on the ground and seems to be more down to earth that that of Donald Trump. What could the answer be? Trump thinks he'll get back into the White House and ruin the democracy that the people are used to. The Democracy will be destroyed if Trump gets back in there again and there are people that don't want that and that is why Trump was voted out in 2020 and when that happened, the majority of the voters had spoken and that is the bottom line..

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