Taking the passion out of religion

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Wantok, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Wantok

    Wantok New Member

    Oct 20, 2012
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    Religious passion can be a problem. Throughout history so much bloodshed could have been avoided if people had managed to take emotion and passion out of religion. England has so much to teach America in this respect. The English offer an alternative to emotional religious belief in the Church of England. Yes it has taken years to develop. And in the early days the Church of England was responsible for much bloodshed. But slowly the Church of England has evolved into a church designed for people who though they do have a mild religious inclination, just cannot quite bring themselves to believe in God. Life is so much safer when you stop believing that your actions are sanctioned by a divine being. All this Fundamentalist hype, whether Christian or Muslim, just gets people excited. All religious people need to calm down, and just focus on enjoying a nice cup of tea with their co-worshipers while organizing bring and buy sales, and the flower roster.

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