August 2021 Advancing Taliban are going door-to-door and forcibly taking girls as young as TWELVE to be sex slave wives for their fighters as they sweep across Afghanistan Taliban has swept across Afghanistan, seizing vast swathes of territory along with nine provincial capitals Terrified locals say jihadist fighters have been beheading people and forcing women to marry their fighters Girls as young as 12 have been put on 'marriage lists' that village elders have been forced to compile Taliban are now threatening the city of Maza-i-Sharif, the largest in Afghanistan's north, as President Ghani flew there on Wednesday to rally the troops and sacked his top general in hopes of reversing Islamist advance Taliban are going door-to-door forcibly 'marrying' girls as young as TWELVE | Daily Mail Online related older thread about radical ISIL muslims taking sex slaves in Northern Iraq in 2014: Syrian and Iraqi girls shipped naked after being sold at ISIL slave bazaars Mount Sinjar, Yazidi, and Noah
They're almost progressive compared to their prophet who married Aisha when she was 6 (to consume the marriage at 9). But obviously, some progressive westerners would pretend that taliban didn't understood the "true" islam.
We can't "save" the entire world, AND....surprise, SURPRISE, the better part of the world ain't interested in BEING saved.
Because of the cessation of economic aid to Afghanistan, a large part of the population is in poverty. The situation causes parents to sell their daughters for money. Allah Allah ... help your believers
So America turns a blind eye toward this and spouts off about more important things like "Climate Change"! Sheesh!
America tried to change Muslim "way of life" in Afganistan and Iraq .. they failed. Violence rules all over 22 Muslim Arab countries and ONLY their citizens can change that
And now those people are going to come here. But I'm sure we'll have better luck changing these people's habits and culture once they're in another country.
And Trump of course, who set up this timeline and released all those prisoners just before the handover.
The Taliban and Jeff Epstein have plenty in common.... The way Biden and w love the Taliban, it suggests another "Zionist people fraud" at the top of the Taliban, which explains why Col Tim osman trusted the Taliban and why w wanted Taliban over northern alliance in the afghan civil war. The Zionist 911 crowd absolutely LOVE the Taliban. Simon Elliot aka al Baghdadi is laughing somewhere on the West Bank....