Tanzania: Conjugal Rights to Be Granted to Prisoners

Discussion in 'Africa' started by kazenatsu, Oct 26, 2018.

  1. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    The government has pledged to improve prison conditions and has vowed to grant conjugal rights to prisoners, what an official has described as a human right.

    The Ministry of Home Affairs has plans to grant conjugal rights to prisoners in bid to reduce sexual abuse said to have increased in prisons. The Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Mr Pereira Amme Silima said that the government is now working hard to improve prison environments and once that is completed, it would think of introducing conjugal visits.
    Mr Silima was responding to a supplementary question floated by Maryam Salum Msabaha who claimed that denying prisoners conjugal visits only meant that the inmates were denied their biological needs. Ms Maryam drew examples from other countries including China where inmates were allowed to meet with their partners.

    Tanzania Daily News

    Hmm, interesting.
    Why is this seen as a human right in such a poor developing country like Tanzania, but not in America?
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2018
  2. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    Tanzania: Conjugal Rights to Be Granted to Prisoners

    That'll give the imminent population explosion on the Continent a much-needed boost won't it! :roflol:

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