Taxation Without Representation was based on a lie

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Daggdag, Nov 24, 2020.

  1. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    The entire basis of the revolution was based around the idea that the British levied unfair taxes on the colonies which were not paid by other British subjects, and that the colonies didn't have representation in Parlement.

    Both of these are lies.
    1; Most of the taxes that the British levied were ALREADY being paid by the vast majrity of British colonies around the world. The American colonies had been given a waiver from paying several of these taxes (such as the tax on tea) because of the high revenue stream they produced (the colonies provided collon, hemp, coal, gold, silver, and other highly valuable commodities which offset them not paying certain taxes)
    The reason this waiver was lifted was because of the high debt caused by the French & Indian War, and various other wars, as well as defending against Piates working for the rival nations. These things created a large debt which largely erased on surplus that the colonies had before. The British government began lifting the waives and levying these taxes in order to pay off the debt caused it's defense of the colonies.

    2; The colonies were NEVER without representation. The American Colonies, just like India, and other Colonies were represented in Parlement The issue was that the people they elected often didn't do their jobs. The representatives the colonists elected to the House of Commons would almost always live in England (because of the time required it was imppssible to regularly travel to and from the colonies for sessions of parlement) and so were often disconnected from the needs and wants of their colonies. This wasn't the doing of the British governnent, but the Colonies were quick to pass blame on the King and his government. rather than on their own elected officials.

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