Wow, it's pretty bad when you are less popular than Atheists or Muslims:
I'm calling BS on this one. There are 60 House and 4 Senate members of the Tea Party Caucus. These people were obviously elected and represent a huge number of voters. Can you say the same for Atheists and Muslims? All I see is a ludicrous editorial you're citing. BS!!!
....and that's supposed to mean what?? Here is the one point this thread is dependent upon. "One of their more surprising findings, Campbell concedes, (and one drawing national attention) is that the tea party drew a lower approval rating than Muslims and atheists. That put the tea party below 23 other entries--including Barack Obama, Sarah Palin, Republicans and Democrats--that the professors included on their survey of "a representative sample of 3,000 Americans." What does 'approval rating' means pertaining to Muslims and atheists? Just what kind of question was really asked? Sarah Palin tries to associate herself with the tea party at every turn. Also, those in the Tea Party Caucus are Republicans. So what sense do these 'findings' make ?...none at all. That's the scary part. If these 3,000 people are a 'representative' sample of Americans, then we're in more trouble than I thought. Do they even know the Tea Party isn't a party at all? The New York Times is obviously engaging in 'news shaping' by running this ridiculous piece in the first place. Anyone that gives it credence only proves the point that most Americans are dumb, are devoid of any original thought and are waiting to be led around by the nose. No wonder this country is so messed up. BS..BS...BS !!!
NYT poll. I think CBS was involved too. Odd too since just before this was printed by NYT, U of Minn did a study and found that Tea Partiers are NOT the most hated. This is that old strategy that the leftist media indulges in. They think they can influence people by printing a lie and eventually people will believe it. That does work with liberals/progressives/socialists. But it doesn't work quite as well as it did in Goebbel's day.
I (*)(*)(*)(*)ing hate how atheists how used as a baseline case. I will take Barry Goldwater over your god(*)(*)(*)(*) stupid loving God freaks Conservatives anyday. (*)(*)(*)(*) you and stop using me and your base group.
Given that the worlds olderst and largest religion is Muslim, and t-bagger only made up 10 percent of the American population, and was established only in the past 4 years when republican dissasociated them selves from Boosh and other rightwingers who screwed up the economy, it comes as no supprise that t-baggers will rank low in any popularity contest.